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Topic ClosedWhich is the strongest muslim country at

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omergun View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Which is the strongest muslim country at
    Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 09:48

2nd The landing in Cyprus failed the operation was successful because there was not real Greek responce

3nd In Korean war there were many countries not only Turkey .


2. Operation was succesful because there was not real greek responce? Are you really being honoust? Pls read my post about what happened in Cyprus.

3. Is it a reason,that there were more countries, for not seeing the power of The Trkish Army?

Look at what this guy says in this article:

by Don Miller
The summer of 1996 found me for the first time in Turkey. My destination was Edirne, a city near the Bulgarian border which served as the capital of the Ottoman Empire until Christian Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.Edirne is the site of the oldest continuing athletic event in the world. Almost annually since 1640 hordes of Turkey's finest athletes have gathered there for the Kirkpinar, the world series of Turkish oil wrestling. Hardly any tourists attend the tournament, and almost no Americans. Why did I go? Because of a book I read in 1957.

My status as a college student, from 1950 to 1954, kept me deferred from the draft thruout the Korean War, and I have always felt some shame that I was spared when so many young men my age died in Korea. In 1957 I completed graduate school, the year that Eugene Kinkead published his deeply disturbing account of the mortality rate of American prisoners-of-war who were incarcerated by the North Koreans. The Russians, having developed the science of brain-washing, had taught it to the Chinese, who passed it on to the North Koreans, who found that American prisoners were ideal targets for psychological manipulation. Never before - or since - were American soldiers shown to be so widely susceptible to demoralization.

A study conducted by the U.S. Army Medical Corps after the war found that one-third of American POWs were guilty to some degree of collaboration with the enemy. In the three years of warfare, not a single one escaped from captivity. Most alarming of all, out of 7,190 captives, the death rate was 38%, or 2,730. One out of three never came home. These statistics far exceeded the rate for any other American war. Nine enlisted men and three officers were later convicted by courts martial. The most notorious was a Sgt. James Gallagher, who murdered three barracks-mates, helpless with dysentery, by kicking them out into the snow to freeze in the dead of winter.

The study revealed that neither physical torture nor lack of food or medical care had caused the general collapse in morale. Once captured, many of our men lost all sense of allegiance to their country or to one another. They refused to obey their own officers, cursing and even striking them, buying into their captors propaganda that capitalistic rank no longer existed. On forced marches from one prison camp to another, able-bodied men would refuse to lift the stretchers of the wounded. The strong regularly took food from the weak, and the sick were ignored . . . or worse. Many prisoners simply withdrew into a state of isolation and inactivity.

Our commissioned officers had been segregated out by the North Koreans, but each compound still had senior non-coms who, had they established order, would have prevented the tragedy. Instead, the men - chiefly the young - were left free to become easy prey to their captors. Death came most often from what Army psychiatrists simply termed "give-up-itis." First the sufferer became despondent, later he lay down and covered his head with a blanket, then he wanted ice water with his food, next only ice water, and if noone managed to break thru, he was dead in three weeks.

The greatest number of North Korea's prisoners was, of course, American. Of the twelve nations represented, however, the third most numerous were the Turks, with 229. The U.S. Army study found them to have been just as exemplary in prison as they were in battle. The Turks' secret weapons were discipline, great pride in their brigade, and an unbroken chain of command. The final official report contains this Turkish officer's account of his prison experience:

"I told the Chinese commander of the camp that I was in charge of my group. If he wanted anything done, he was to come to me, and I would see that it was done. If he removed me, the responsibility would fall not on him but on the man next below me, and after that on the man below him. And so on, down thru the ranks, until there were only two privates left. Then the senior private would be in charge. They could kill us, I told him, but they couldn't make us do what we didn't want to do. Discipline was our salvation, and we all knew it. If a Turk had questioned an order from his superior to share his food or lift a [stretcher], the way I understand some of your men did, he would literally have had his teeth knocked in. Not by his superior, either, but by the Turk nearest to him. The Communists made attempts to indoctrinate [us]. . .but they failed completely, and eventually gave up."

The crowning consequence of this discipline was that, although half of the 229 were wounded when captured, not one died in prison. When a Turk got sick, the rest nursed him to health. If he was ordered to the hospital, two well Turks went along to minister to him hand and foot and to carry him back to the compound when he was discharged. At mealtime two Turks were dispatched to carry the food back, and it was divided equally down to the last morsel. There was no hogging, no rule of dog eat dog, not ever. Death by "give-up-itis" was impossible. While an American might curl up alone at night and die in the bitter cold, the Turks all piled together in one corner of their cell, and every hour the two on the outside would rotate to the center of the pile. The Chinese guards actually grew to fear their Turkish prisoners, as they watched the interminable wrestling matches which kept them so tough - and, paradoxically, so loyal to one another. As a consequence of this study President Eisenhower issued the now-famous Uniform Code of Military Conduct, and the Korean experience, thank God, has not repeated itself.

That was how, forty years ago, a book on the Korean War "hooked" me on Turkey. My admiration was not then easy to admit, for I was a newly-minted Anglican priest and these Turks were all misguided Moslems. I had emerged from seminary equipped with my own fix on all the non-Christian religions, and Moslems were fanatics who just wanted to kill everybody else. Here I was, faced with evidence of Moslems who really lived the Golden Rule, and of Christians whose self-absorption had produced despair and death. I kept chewing on that paradox - and those stereotypes - until finally a chance came to do some observation for myself.

Four times now I have visited Turkey, to see what kind of wrestlers the Turks are and, more importantly, what kind of people they are. So impressed was I by the Kirkpinar Festival, and the hundreds of athletes, officials and dignitaries with whom I had my halting conversations, that I kept coming back. These are guileless, friendly, physically awesome men who come from every province of a big country just to wrestle, forty at a time, in a great grassy field, barefoot and barechested, covered with olive oil, in 92-degree summer heat. These fighters range in age from twelve to forty, and each contest may last from a few minutes to an hour. I find it hard to imagine many of our own wrestlers matching their stamina, or to be competing in such a gruelling sport at the age of forty. The Turkish style with its dearth of rules could not easily be introduced into our country, because the brotherly trust which exists between the combatants is unknown in rule-rich American sports. There are referees, but their involvement is minimal. Turks oiled bodies are so difficult to grasp that, in seeking to secure leverage for a throw, a wrestler is permitted to thrust his hand or his entire forearm down into his opponent's leather trousers, something which would freak out any Western athlete. Intentional fouls are almost non-existent. There is no such thing as a draw, the match continuing until one wins and the other loses.

A most impressive aspect of the tournament is the participants almost universal comradeliness. Opponents will kibitz and joke with one another while waiting for their line to be sent onto the field. Before tying up for this fight to the finish each pair engages in elaborate Islamic rituals of respect for one another. If during the match one wrestler should get something in his eye the struggle simply pauses, his opponent usually fetches cloth and water to wash it away, then they face off, and the fight is resumed. Once the match is decided they rise to embrace, touch foreheads together and leave the field. A foreign observer must ask how much these deeply-ingrained wrestling traditions contribute to the fact that Turks historically stick together in tough situations, while we Americans seem often inclined to "look out for Number One.

When the three-day tournament draws to a close, and the champions have been cheered by a packed stadium, the President of Turkey crowns the Bash Pehlivan of all Turkey, a national hero frequently honored by his home town with a statue. The current Turkish champion, whom I am privileged to consider a friend, is also a champion Sumo wrestler in Japan. Almost forty, but in extraordinary shape, he confesses to a longing to take up American football.

Fellow Americans, we have a lot to learn from the Turks and the way their wrestlers treat one another even when they are fighting. We must go on struggling to love and care for one another despite the immense racial, ethnic and religious differences which characterize American culture. If we fail, then the individualism of which we proudly boast will be our undoing at the hand of some other power whose people have learned to stick together for the common good. Jesus, as always, hit the mark when he said, "Greater love hath no man, than that he lay down his life for his friends." It is simply not enough that we be cajoled to celebrate our diversity, which is no more than a glib piece of contemporary sloganeering. Americans will either become genuine brothers, bound together by a compassion which transcends mere tolerance, or this first great world experiment in democracy is destined to fade and crumble.


Edited by omergun - 06-Oct-2006 at 10:01
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omergun View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 09:53
Originally posted by Antioxos

Originally posted by omergun

Northern part of Cyprus is called illegal occupied....? Are you making jokes, or are you just a Trk hater? The Northern part of Cyprus is called:


Guys you are convinced for everything. In Cyprus in 1974 happen an  ethnic cleansing do i have to remind you who else did ethnic cleansing .

You baptized it peace operation but a peace operation is protecting the human right of all the nations.If somebody  don t agree with you become a Turk hater. 

remind me anything you want. What did we baptized? Peace operation? Come on mate, you can do better than this. Go one or two pages earlier and you will find my post of what happened in Cyprus, i dont want to repeat things.
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Antioxos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 10:10
Originally posted by omergun

2nd The landing in Cyprus failed the operation was successful because there was not real Greek responce

3nd In Korean war there were many countries not only Turkey .

4th That the Turkish Airforce is among the best in the world is your own conclusion because Turkish Air force never prove it that is among the best in the world.


2. Operation was succesful because there was not real greek responce? Are you really being honoust? Pls read my post about what happened in Cyprus.

3. Is it a reason for not seeing,that there were more countries, for not seeing the power of The Trkish Army?

If you want to learn what really happen in Cyprus i suggest to read

Mehmet Ali Birand and his book    30 sicak gun If you want we can also describe all the facts step by step  to see when start the first greek response to see what exactly happen in the landing but we cannot because Cyprus issue is black list .We must ask license to do it.                        

The power of an army you can see it if he is alone in the battlefield not under the umbrella of Us army.

Pls dont copy paste propaganda articles nobody read these.


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Antioxos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 10:21
Originally posted by omergun

Originally posted by Antioxos

Originally posted by omergun

Northern part of Cyprus is called illegal occupied....? Are you making jokes, or are you just a Trk hater? The Northern part of Cyprus is called:


Guys you are convinced for everything. In Cyprus in 1974 happen an  ethnic cleansing do i have to remind you who else did ethnic cleansing .

You baptized it peace operation but a peace operation is protecting the human right of all the nations.If somebody  don t agree with you become a Turk hater. 

remind me anything you want. What did we baptized? Peace operation? Come on mate, you can do better than this. Go one or two pages earlier and you will find my post of what happened in Cyprus, i dont want to repeat things.
Only the Turkish state call it peace operation i would also call it if it would be protected the human rights of G/C.Instead of protection we had an ethnic cleansing .Probably you want to have a new definition for the word peace.
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omergun View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 10:39
Originally posted by Antioxos

Originally posted by omergun

2nd The landing in Cyprus failed the operation was successful because there was not real Greek responce

3nd In Korean war there were many countries not only Turkey .

4th That the Turkish Airforce is among the best in the world is your own conclusion because Turkish Air force never prove it that is among the best in the world.


2. Operation was succesful because there was not real greek responce? Are you really being honoust? Pls read my post about what happened in Cyprus.

3. Is it a reason for not seeing,that there were more countries, for not seeing the power of The Trkish Army?

If you want to learn what really happen in Cyprus i suggest to read

Mehmet Ali Birand and his book    30 sicak gun If you want we can also describe all the facts step by step  to see when start the first greek response to see what exactly happen in the landing but we cannot because Cyprus issue is black list .We must ask license to do it.                        

The power of an army you can see it if he is alone in the battlefield not under the umbrella of Us army.

Pls dont copy paste propaganda articles nobody read these.


Look, you sayed something wrong about korean war, and i only gave you an example of the trued. I didnt say that only this shows the strongness of Trkish Army. There are many examples after ww2 which shows it.  Exactly what you are doing is propaganda. Cyprus showed especially a very good example of the strongness of Trkish Army. You trying to deny this, and also trying to deny the fact of the massacre greek army and terrors made before Trkish Army interfere, and saying that the conquering of Trkish Army in Northern Cyprus is not a peaceful operation is also propaganda. Pls be more honoust.

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EGETRK View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 11:31
and also ,our operation stopped agressions between greek fascists and Makarios's partizan's.That is way,that was a real peace operation for both side...
The lands of the of the West may be armored with walls of steel,
But I have borders guarded by the mighty chest of a believer...
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perikles View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 11:33
Thank you!Clap!!!!!
The Greek nation is feeiling very gratefull to the turkish government. You made my day.
Lets stay logic. Shall we?
Sorry for the spam

Edited by perikles - 06-Oct-2006 at 11:34
Samos national guard.

260 days left.
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Tipu Sultan View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 12:16
Originally posted by Zagros

Iran's military capability is, for the most part, unknown.  But I would take Hezbollah's performance against the IDF as a vague benchmark, since they use Iranian weapons (including anti-tank) as well as the fact that they go to Iran for training.

this is a fact.the iranians and hizbulloah and the hamas of palestine are die hard fighters.remember before the war israel said we are going to get back our soldoers but nothing happened.the willingness to fight with these troops is very high whereas turkey will not even think of angering ameica or israel.
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Antioxos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 12:43



Look, you sayed something wrong about korean war, and i only gave you an example of the trued. I didnt say that only this shows the strongness of Tόrkish Army. There are many examples after ww2 which shows it.  Exactly what you are doing is propaganda. Cyprus showed especially a very good example of the strongness of Tόrkish Army. You trying to deny this, and also trying to deny the fact of the massacre greek army and terrors made before Tόrkish Army interfere, and saying that the conquering of Tόrkish Army in Northern Cyprus is not a peaceful operation is also propaganda. Pls be more honoust.

Mate i can sure you that i m honest i m just saying that this terminology
about "peace operation" exist only in Turkey (the other world is using different terms about Cyprus if you dint realize it is your problem) .I m also say some facts about the military operation operation in Cyprus and i mention also a Turkish author Mehmet Ali Birand  to read exactly what did happen in Cyprus and you are telling that i m doing propaganda The conclusion from what i m telling is that the Turkish army is not experience and is good in papers not in real battlefield

Edited by Antioxos - 06-Oct-2006 at 12:45
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omergun View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 13:00
Originally posted by Antioxos



Look, you sayed something wrong about korean war, and i only gave you an example of the trued. I didnt say that only this shows the strongness of Tόrkish Army. There are many examples after ww2 which shows it.  Exactly what you are doing is propaganda. Cyprus showed especially a very good example of the strongness of Tόrkish Army. You trying to deny this, and also trying to deny the fact of the massacre greek army and terrors made before Tόrkish Army interfere, and saying that the conquering of Tόrkish Army in Northern Cyprus is not a peaceful operation is also propaganda. Pls be more honoust.

Mate i can sure you that i m honest i m just saying that this terminology
about "peace operation" exist only in Turkey (the other world is using different terms about Cyprus if you dint realize it is your problem) .I m also say some facts about the military operation operation in Cyprus and i mention also a Turkish author Mehmet Ali Birand  to read exactly what did happen in Cyprus and you are telling that i m doing propaganda The conclusion from what i m telling is that the Turkish army is not experience and is good in papers not in real battlefield

Your other world is also the one who occured the WTC incident itself to get a false motive on iraq, your other world  says it is against terrorism, except when it comes to pkk, european countries, example holland, supported this terrororganization, your other world would have killed all the armenians in a war when the armenians are working with the enemy, choosing their side and are making incidents which caused for thousands of Trkish innocent people, while the The Osmanlı Empire only drove them out of the land, your other world would have protested and meltdown the greeks for what they did in Cyprus before The Cyprus War, your other world is giving a fake-self-prepared english airport incident so much attention, but your other world doesnt care about the innocent people died in Lebanon, and your other world waited until israel won the war, which didnt happen and yet after this peaceful actions(leading actor: Trkiye) were made.
Did i made myself clear, about how your other world does work?
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perikles View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 13:02
So Turkey is right saying "peacefull operation" and the UN is wrong. This is a blacklist topic and we should not discussing that. After all we are offtopic. As i said whatever happened in Korea is 50 years ago. Nothing to be compared with today. Is this a fact that muslins counries are not the most powerfull of the world. But among them Egypt, Turkey and countriesl ike Indonesia and Iran (For which we don't have data) should not be considered minor powers.
The most powerful muslin country is not supposed to be a super power. The most powerfull muslin country is weakest than many mediocre Europeans countries. I mean Dutch, Spain, Italy, Sweden which are not considered super powers are more strong than all the muslin countries (separatevely of course).
Samos national guard.

260 days left.
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TeldeInduz View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 14:03
Originally posted by perikles

The most powerful muslin country is not supposed to be a super power. The most powerfull muslin country is weakest than many mediocre Europeans countries. I mean Dutch, Spain, Italy, Sweden which are not considered super powers are more strong than all the muslin countries (separatevely of course).
This is again, totally wrong. None of those countries you've mentioned (except perhaps Sweden and to a lesser extent Italy) or Greece are particularly strong. Sweden is perhaps the strongest of the ones you mention. Muslim countries are stronger equipment wise than some of the countries on your list (if you exclude them from NATO).

Edited by TeldeInduz - 06-Oct-2006 at 14:07
Quoo-ray sha quadou sarre.................
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Bulldog View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 14:30


2nd The landing in Cyprus failed the operation was successful because there was not real Greek responce

The Turkish Liberation and Peace-keeping operation in Cyprus was one of the most succesfull millitary monouvers of the last quater of a century.
If was successfull because the Greeks totally underestimated the Turks, the Turks were very organised, their intellegence and logistics were very good and the Greek forces were neutrallised before they could start a long war.
Turkey bought Peace to the island, it was very obvious that Greeks had no intentions of living together with Turks in a United Cyprus, one only has to look into EOKA, the Enosis Plan, the Akritas Plan, Black Christmas, Greek Junta invasions and so on. Turkey separated the two waring communities and ever since there has been no fighting, so it was a successfull mission.

Guys you are convinced for everything. In Cyprus in 1974 happen an  ethnic cleansing

Oh here we go again, that classic syndrome of certain Greeks on the matter ofv
Cyprus, before 1974? You do realise that the History of Cyprus doesn't begin in 
1974. Why don't we go into what happened before and what led up to 1974? EOKA, the Enosis Plan, the Akritas Plan, Black Christmas, Greek Junta invasions and massacres again Turkish Cypriot villagers etc
This attitude that Turks just woke up one day and said hey Mehmet lets go into Cyprus is ridiculous and far, far from the truth.
do i have to remind you who else did ethnic cleansing .
Greeks in Cyprus did from the 1960's to 1974 so how can you complain.
      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
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Mortaza View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 14:33
Maybe he is complaning because after 1974 It is turkey who made ethnic cleansing.
Greeks tried and failed. Turks tried and did. 

Edited by Mortaza - 06-Oct-2006 at 14:34
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Antioxos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 14:39
Originally posted by omergun

Originally posted by Antioxos



Look, you sayed something wrong about korean war, and i only gave you an example of the trued. I didnt say that only this shows the strongness of Tόrkish Army. There are many examples after ww2 which shows it.  Exactly what you are doing is propaganda. Cyprus showed especially a very good example of the strongness of Tόrkish Army. You trying to deny this, and also trying to deny the fact of the massacre greek army and terrors made before Tόrkish Army interfere, and saying that the conquering of Tόrkish Army in Northern Cyprus is not a peaceful operation is also propaganda. Pls be more honoust.

Mate i can sure you that i m honest i m just saying that this terminology
about "peace operation" exist only in Turkey (the other world is using different terms about Cyprus if you dint realize it is your problem) .I m also say some facts about the military operation operation in Cyprus and i mention also a Turkish author Mehmet Ali Birand  to read exactly what did happen in Cyprus and you are telling that i m doing propaganda The conclusion from what i m telling is that the Turkish army is not experience and is good in papers not in real battlefield

Your other world is also the one who occured the WTC incident itself to get a false motive on iraq, your other world  says it is against terrorism, except when it comes to pkk, european countries, example holland, supported this terrororganization, your other world would have killed all the armenians in a war when the armenians are working with the enemy, choosing their side and are making incidents which caused for thousands of Tόrkish innocent people, while the The Osmanlı Empire only drove them out of the land, your other world would have protested and meltdown the greeks for what they did in Cyprus before The Cyprus War, your other world is giving a fake-self-prepared english airport incident so much attention, but your other world doesnt care about the innocent people died in Lebanon, and your other world waited until israel won the war, which didnt happen and yet after this peaceful actions(leading actor: Tόrkiye) were made.
Did i made myself clear, about how your other world does work?
Mate my the other world gave the right (especially Us)  to Turkey to intervent to Cyprus.Exactly the same world  gave the right o Israel killed innocent people in Lebanon.Anyway all the above is out off topic.
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omergun View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 15:03
Originally posted by Antioxos

Originally posted by omergun

Originally posted by Antioxos



Look, you sayed something wrong about korean war, and i only gave you an example of the trued. I didnt say that only this shows the strongness of Tόrkish Army. There are many examples after ww2 which shows it.  Exactly what you are doing is propaganda. Cyprus showed especially a very good example of the strongness of Tόrkish Army. You trying to deny this, and also trying to deny the fact of the massacre greek army and terrors made before Tόrkish Army interfere, and saying that the conquering of Tόrkish Army in Northern Cyprus is not a peaceful operation is also propaganda. Pls be more honoust.

Mate i can sure you that i m honest i m just saying that this terminology
about "peace operation" exist only in Turkey (the other world is using different terms about Cyprus if you dint realize it is your problem) .I m also say some facts about the military operation operation in Cyprus and i mention also a Turkish author Mehmet Ali Birand  to read exactly what did happen in Cyprus and you are telling that i m doing propaganda The conclusion from what i m telling is that the Turkish army is not experience and is good in papers not in real battlefield

Your other world is also the one who occured the WTC incident itself to get a false motive on iraq, your other world  says it is against terrorism, except when it comes to pkk, european countries, example holland, supported this terrororganization, your other world would have killed all the armenians in a war when the armenians are working with the enemy, choosing their side and are making incidents which caused for thousands of Tόrkish innocent people, while the The Osmanlı Empire only drove them out of the land, your other world would have protested and meltdown the greeks for what they did in Cyprus before The Cyprus War, your other world is giving a fake-self-prepared english airport incident so much attention, but your other world doesnt care about the innocent people died in Lebanon, and your other world waited until israel won the war, which didnt happen and yet after this peaceful actions(leading actor: Tόrkiye) were made.
Did i made myself clear, about how your other world does work?
Mate my the other world gave the right (especially Us)  to Turkey to intervent to Cyprus.Exactly the same world  gave the right o Israel killed innocent people in Lebanon.Anyway all the above is out off topic.
Mate, its clear you dont know anything about this subject. Everyone(england,usa,etc..) were on the side of greece on the Cyprus subject. They were all willing to give whole Cyprus to greeks, they never wanted Trkiye to interfere, but Trkiye did and was right to it and had all the rights to do it, and got straight result. But after this, usa, england and all western turned their back on Trkiye, no country did any business with Trkiye for a while, thats one of the reasons our economy went down. But this is all they could do, closing relationships. They couldnt attack Trkiye and that shows the power of Trkiye
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Bulldog View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 15:05
Have you read his material, or watched his documentary?
      What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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Mortaza View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 15:06
Mate, its clear you dont know anything about this subject. Everyone(england,usa,etc..) were on the side of greece on the Cyprus subject. They were all willing to give whole Cyprus to greeks, they never wanted Trkiye to interfere, but Trkiye did and was right
Infact It is you who have no idea about subject. At first world is supporting Turkey. After the fall of greek junta, and second attack of Turkish army this changed. Sorry but that turkey vs world and greece is utterly ridiculus.
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Antioxos View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 15:08
Originally posted by Bulldog


2nd The landing in Cyprus failed the operation was successful because there was not real Greek responce

The Turkish Liberation and Peace-keeping operation in Cyprus was one of te most succesfull millitary monouvers of the last quater of a century.
If was successfull because the Greeks totally underestimated the Turks, the Turks were very organised, their intellegence and logistics were very good and the Greek forces were neutrallised before they could start a long war.
Turkey bought Peace to the island, it was very obvious that Greeks had no intentions of living together with Turks in a United Cyprus, one only has to look into EOKA, the Enosis Plan, the Akritas Plan, Black Christmas, Greek Junta invasions and so on. Turkey separated the two waring communities and ever since there has been no fighting, so it was a successfull mission.

Guys you are convinced for everything. In Cyprus in 1974 happen an  ethnic cleansing

Oh here we go again, that classic syndrome of certain Greeks on the matter ofv
Cyprus, before 1974? You do realize that the History of Cyprus doesn't begin in 
1974. Why don't we go into what happened before and what led up to 1974? EOKA, the Enosis Plan, the Akritas Plan, Black Christmas, Greek Junta invasions and massacres again Turkish Cypriot villagers etc
This attitude that Turks just woke up one day and said hey Mehmet lets go into Cyprus is ridiculous and far, far from the truth.
do i have to remind you who else did ethnic cleansing .
Greeks in Cyprus did from the 1960's to 1974 so how can you complain.
Well i don t think that you really know what did happen in Cyprus in 1974.If you want i can remind you my source is     Mehmet Ali Birand    
If you calling the most succesfull military maneuvers of the last quarter of a century    that they are shooting each other without enemy you have strange      evaluation of facts.  
About the good organization in the landing they lost all the communications  the units lost conduct between them and all these without enemy.
Turkey bought isolation to the two communities in the island and is the only  iron curtain that still exist in the Europe of freedom where the people cannot move freely.
I think you have to find a new definition for the word peace does not match with this situation.
About the ethnic cleansing i always tell that the Greek state isn't so capable in cruelty compare it with the Turkish state The Turkish regime is an expert.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06-Oct-2006 at 15:10
About the ethnic cleansing i always tell that the Greek state isn't so capable in cruelty compare it with the Turkish state The Turkish regime is an expert.
Infact she is. creete is a good example for both turkish cypriots and greek cypriots.
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