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Irans best ally ?

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Poll Question: which country in the world is the best allied of Iran’s dictatorship
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Dampier View Drop Down

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  Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Irans best ally ?
    Posted: 19-May-2006 at 14:59
Originally posted by machine

The British empire was great, dont knock it.
Nah, like all Empires it deserves some knocking. I just didnt feel like Iranian4life (now banned so I imagine this debate has ended) that it was the most bloody, awful empire in the world or that he should knock Britian today just because of the bad aspects of the Empire.
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19-May-2006 at 07:03
The British empire was great, dont knock it.
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Dampier View Drop Down

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  Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09-May-2006 at 12:30

Right..sorry, been neglecting this recently as have been very busy.

Also my browser is refusing to let me quote large chunks so you'll have to do this passage by passage, sorry.


Crusades were European but Islamic invasion of Spain? Both sides have had their problems in that sphere. Sassanid invasions into Roman territory? The Parthians? And Romans? Middle East has always had a degree of pressure from East and West leading to wars, as indeed have most areas. Crusader atrocities were in general larger as they were not in 'home' territory so there were fewer Christians, generally such slaughters were military in nature anyway. Saladin killed less civilians, Crusaders killed less POW's (Hospitallers, Templars). That said this isnt a Crusade thread (in fact i cant remember how we got onto Crusades, imperialism i think).

Admitted, Britain failed to keep its promise. However Jews have always lived in Palestine, particually Jerusalem. Its their holy city, they have a right to it therefore due to religous reasons. At the very least they are allowed to live there even if they dont rule. I can go live in most countries even though i was born in Britain, the idea that i am refused from a country  because my ancestors havent ruled it recently enough in history makes little sense. Quick question, where do you live (dont answer if this is too personal or otherwise) because if you have emigrated from Iran (from your Forum Name I'm assuming thst your birth country) then surely according to your logic you shouldnt be allowed to live there. Its a Jewish homeland because its the one place in the world they have ruled, it is also where the Jewish faith was born. In much the same way as the Middle East and Mecca and the 'homelands' of  Muslims, that Japan is the 'homeland' of Shinotists. Actually i recently read that Britain did not move several thousand Jews to Palestine before WW2 because they realised the local bigotries would not accept it.

Not sure Britain ever ruled 70% of Africa, and as mentioned many times before that is a failure of governance. Palestine was similarly admitted (although local problems have plagued the place, even Pompey declined conquering Judea on the grounds it was too much trouble). Jordan seemed to be doing fairly well last i looked. Afghanistan similarly has always had frictitious tribes. Britain never actually conquered the place (aside from one stupid and aborted attempt), all British troubles were in order to stop Afghans raiding the North West Frontier. China? Britain has only held Hong Kong (doing well thank you) aside from the Boxer rebellion (and that was temporary in the extreme- amidst a coalition of other nations.). India doing well and the country was unified (apart from the Kashmir problem) compared the warring princely staes beforehand. Egypt? We built the Suez canal, found some nifty artifacts. Sure we caused trouble (amidst some help) but i wouldnt call it a ruin or such like Iraq.

No, they dont teach many atrocities, several but not all. Why do they teach Iranians their atrocities? (what with the beautiful Holocaust denail) All countries gloss over various atrocities and screw ups while highlighting otherwise. Similarly i have never taken a course on Britains help to the world (no cheap cracks please).

If you mean monetary please say so! Otherwise i will get confused. After all when someone starts shouting 'So and so will pay!' you dont think monetary. I try to keep my inner crusader in check thank you, he's never been the same since Hattin. That said you accuse me of necessarily being a 'civilised white man', what makes you think I'm white; looks like my Crusader wont be alone in getting a check up. I'm sorry, i assumed, i shouldnt have. But make sure you dont too mate!

I never said we didnt take things from Africa, I was just saying we havent drained her resources. We took stuff, sure, what Empire doesnt. I wouldnt call it rape though, Belgium in the Congo was rape. There are not many rich stable African countries- Ghana, S. Africa are pretty good for Africa. But how many rich stable S. America countries are there...There is a developing world and it is developing. Africa is crippled not so much by old colonial rape but by modern day AIDS and corrupt government (some of which shamefully had British support). But look at Zimbabwe (its a good example), left British rule as one of the richest agricultural nations in the world, stable and developing. Now thanks to bad government its a wreck. Not a case of imperial rape as self rape. Rape is too strong a word. And surely Britan is investing in developing countries now, one of the most charitable nations and all that. Hooray for that! Aside from that Britian was the first major power to make slavery illegal, one of the first nations to have done so too, Britains navy made slavery impossible more than any other factor- never before was so much slavery wiped out, surely a bonus for all those Africans we were enslaving?

Britain chose a policy, any others who copy- well thats up to them, read your Kant. Portugal and Frances fault not Britains. To take your argument to silly extremes all ecological damage coems to the man who invented fire surely as that allowed humanity to tske over the worlda and inflict out current damage. Every man, and nation thinks for himself. Could i have documented examples please as I'm not sure how widespread the examples you give were. Why weaken them, our army was powerful enough to take any tribe, and surely we wouldnt want to kill tribesmen when we could be using them as slaves? (so you claim). I have no doubt such practices have happened- but was it really the worst, nastiest example of this? Because thats what the original argument was about- the Britian was the worst.

Good to know you dont support the Saudis, just an example of why Britain currently is not exactly the nastiest nation Iran could ally with.

British policy in S. Africa, really. As far as my knowledge goes most S. African whites were German or Dutch (the Boers). They had a supremacist attitude all of their own, Britian never  supported that (Boer war?).

OK, fine, that said I'm not necessarily trying to justify my nations crime (considering the amount I've admitted were horribly, horribly wrong I'd have thought that impossible). I was originally trying to say that Britian was not the worst nation on the earth and that there are many, many worse.

Never said white man brought civilisation (technically Arab man). I said European powers did, no racism involved- if I wanted to help people in Rwanda that isnt the white man shovelling his pity on black people, its charity. European powers had governments, Africans didnt (beyond the tribal stage). Thats all i was saying. And no it did not far.

OK, that is a degree. Certain groups (nobility, minorities, whatever) always form as helpers. You show those who follow you wealth and power so that others want to be like them (look at Roman imperial foreign policy). Do you really think there werent poor in Britian at that time (there were, to incredible amounts), you make them work for money. Thats how it goes, if they are all poor than obviously they arent all working are they? Britain instituted poorhouses. Africa had farmers or any of thousands of  other jobs, someone had to be doing them and that gives them money. As for being too poor to need to bribe, well why would you bribe a poor person? You are poor you want money, I am not rich, I would like more money but that doesnt mean i will be accepting bribes! I fyou want money you work (as many Africans do) harder to earn more, get promoted etc. Its capitalism...slightly confused here..

We have given up all overseas colonies bar those who want to stay with us, the Falklands, Gibralter and thats basicly it. Thats self determination, thats morally right. Otherwise you are saying 'You want us and we dont mind having you but we must get rid of you'. It makes no sense...

If i was the leader of Britain i wouldnt be offering aid! And we arent! Britian is firmly with the US over the Iran question.

Europe abandoned a democraticly elected terrorist government. Europe does not deal with terrorists.When Hamas stop blowing up Israelis, denying the Holocaust and trying to kill and entire religous group we will accept them. Whats so wrong with that? As for abandoning which area sends the most (nearly all) aid to Palestine- Europe! And the area sending some of the least is- the Middle East! Compare European aid and Middle Eastern aid and see who sends the most (and Middle Eastern governments are not exactly poor are they!). Nice abandoning.

Well some nice sugar coated dream i have when I'm admitting my country screwed up somewhere like Iraq...


I wouldnt be surprised at covert Syrian aid, its a distinct likelihood, that said i wouldnt be surprised if UK/US starts some covert raiding of its own (as it has been doing into Iran to stop the weapons/soldiers shipment).


I went back so far in time because its a period i know and because its correct. Most problems today come from the past. I was showing that the Middle East (like all places) has never been fully stable and that even back then there were troubles. If it makes you feel better i threw a caveman into this post! I know the two state thing, I didnt argue it wasnt less stable, just that it was serious imperialism and that commenting on the stablity provided  by imperialism then bashing it made little sense!

Never said multi ethnic states cant fail (Iraq!). Nationalism is European- so is Descartes, Champagne, Bacon butties etc, and? Nationalism has existed in varying states (back to the Roamns i know you love- Judea and the Samaritans Vs. the Jews or Alexandria and the Jews Vs. Greeks) for a while now...

Colonialism always happens, imperialism is a natural state for a nation. Just about every existing power today has had some kind of nationalism from their national area. Thats history for you.

Why dont you need to answer my last comment, if you are agreeing then thank you, if not then you are you trying the tired 'Jew not Arab fault' thing (Colonialism surely for Arabs to be in what was a Jewish state?).

St Antonin;

Russia will be a covert (already is to a degree) ally. They want the oil and dont need any more annoyances in their Chechnan muddle. (speaking of which, if you really want racism etc then find a Russian board on Chechnya, never have i heard so many 'dirty theiving Moslem' threads, shocking)

Turkey should be fine, hopefully she has the sense to stay out.


Yes not all went the right way in India but the North West Frontier was safer and India did become far more unified. There were many, many cock ups.


As mentioned unfortunately sanctions wont help. As far as i can see the US will hit Iran no matter what.

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Anujkhamar View Drop Down
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  Quote Anujkhamar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-May-2006 at 16:23
Originally posted by TeldeInduz

Originally posted by Dampier

India is a world power so obviouslty we didnt do that much damage then did we?

Some of what you say is fair enough. But that is not true. Colonialism doesnt work, it's a thing of the past, but it wasnt in Pakistan's and India's interests in the slightest and did do a lot of damage that held back development (despite what some butt licking subcontinental folk sometimes say). Pakistan had no educational institutions and was just a raw materials producer. Only since then (1947) has Pakistan been "unleashed" and has come a long way.

What you say is true. It was only after the British invaded that we lost our share of the world's economy. In 1700 our economies contributed to 24.4% of the world economy. By the time the British left it was only 4.2%

apologies for getting side tracted, going back to topic.....
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Zagros View Drop Down


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  Quote Zagros Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-May-2006 at 15:49
Sanctions are stupid and only hit the people in their pockets.   Saddam was unaffected in power and wealth after 13 years of them.
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shayan View Drop Down

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  Quote shayan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07-May-2006 at 15:30
Iran is extreemly alone at this moment (which is a good thing)  hopefully sanctions will hit the elite in there pocket  and make them stand up against the regime.
Iran parast
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  Quote Aydin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04-May-2006 at 00:23
None of the mentioned countries are really ally but some of them are economic partner.
Up to AN election, the European postponed the sanction. The Chinese and Russian agreed with the European vision.
Then EU became pro sanction with the hardening iranian position but against war as their interest also could be put into question. currently, GB and US have antagonist vision with regards to the increasing of tension with Iran.
China and Russia need more US than Iran and will change their position when the tension will increase but will announce officially that they are against sanction or war.
Iran has no ally except two or three small countries such as Syria and North Korea ...
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  Quote St.Antoin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-May-2006 at 20:55
Not really an ally but...
Technically I think Russia. Because Russia wants to take over the Caspian Sea oil reserves through not facing much difficulty. So it is high likely that she would settle for a trade off with Iran. Plus we saw how Russia offered Iran to enrich uranium in her territory. Also we should consider that Russia is the closest "powerful" state to Iran and she would do everything necessary to protect the status quo because:

1.Regional trade is vital for Russia
2.Any further Islamic insurgence may influence the Chechens
3.Further US intervention in the region would diminish Russia's role considering the fact that she is trying to become an energy superpower.

As far as Turkey doesn't ally with either USA or Iran, I guess I won't worry either
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Super Goat (^_^) View Drop Down

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  Quote Super Goat (^_^) Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 18:08
Back to the topic of this thread.  My dad tells me Syria might be a serious Ally of Iran.  Maybe if Iran was attacked Syria would kidnap people in Iraq or attack American bases in Iraq.

Possibly, since syria was one of the few (if not only) arab nation that did not back Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war.

For Middle East/Africa troubles study the reigns of kings in Parthia (roughly the Middle East) and its a mass of assassinations, civil wars, killings etc. Even under Romes supposedly worse Emperors their death tolls where much less, at times there were four or more factions and the like. I'm not an expert on Middle Eastern history but Judea has been forever rebelling, Armenia similarly, North Afirica had huge banditry problems. Then again very few places in hstory ahve remained stable. Africa is more difficult as before colonialism there are few records (that i'm aware of) but constant attacks even on the borders of colonial powers dont paint a stable picture.

Are you serious? Why going back so far in timeConfused. You forgot the mention the caveman up there.

As Iranian4life said, only 2 powers controlled the region prior to european imperialism, and the situation was alot peaceful. Europe was the "hotbed" for violence at that time, with emerging powers fighting among each other. Prussia, scandanavian countries, france, russia, napolean, WWI, WWII. I wonder who was more "unstable" up till the modern world.

As for multi-ethnic states, I agree they can work in some instances, not in most however, especially with the spread of nationalism---another european trait.
The real crime of colonialism was being pulled out so fast that the top echelons of buerocracy were left in dissaray.

The real crime colonialism is that it happend.

Palestine/Israel- no I dont 'know' why Britain is directly at fault here, Jews needed a country of their own for protection, Britain was getting rid of much of its Empire so why not install them in their homeland? Its the fault of Arabs for not accepting them. or should we have abandoned the Jews?

LOLLOLLOL I dont think i need to reply to this.

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kingofmazanderan View Drop Down

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  Quote kingofmazanderan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 17:43
And when i say kidnap or attack i mean doing this with insurgents not uniformed Syrian troops.
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kingofmazanderan View Drop Down

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  Quote kingofmazanderan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 17:42

Back to the topic of this thread.  My dad tells me Syria might be a serious Ally of Iran.  Maybe if Iran was attacked Syria would kidnap people in Iraq or attack American bases in Iraq.

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  Quote Iranian41ife Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 16:48
Originally posted by Dampier

Well at least now we're one of the worst not the worst.

The Middle East was a great place before imperialism? Then explain the Crusades (and if thats imperialistic then surely Islamic attacks into Spain and France are exactly the same?). Saladin killed/enslaved all who didnt convert to Islam, does that sound like happy religion to you? The Middle East has always been a religious hotbed (Islam, Christianity and Judaism amongst the older examples). And imperialism did not suddenly create the differences between the faiths, thats absurd. Religions have always fought each other, always will. You also say that because only two powers ruled the region there was peace...thats an endorsement of Imperialism, that technically means that a single world Empire might abolish war or make it incredibly uncommon.

LOL, the crusades was a european thing, not a middle eastern thing. it was the europeans that started the war, and it was the europeans caused all the suffereing.

saladin did kill civillians, but not as much as the crusading christians. when teh christians were killing all the jews and muslims of jerusalem, saladin was forgiving and sparing the christian civillians.

when the crusaders were massacring muslims all over the place during peace time, saladin did not fight back, keeping his promise of peace.

christian atrocities during the crusades make muslim atrocities look like nothing.

and yes, the muslim empires expansionist policy also made it an imperialist nation.

Originally posted by Dampier

Palestine/Israel- no I dont 'know' why Britain is directly at fault here, Jews needed a country of their own for protection, Britain was getting rid of much of its Empire so why not install them in their homeland? Its the fault of Arabs for not accepting them. or should we have abandoned the Jews?

britain promised the arabs palestine if they helped defeat the ottomans. the arabs kept their promise but the british didnt. they occupied the middle east (except turkey, iran, syria, and lebanon) for the next 30 years. then after WWII they turned around and gave the land to the jews.

and who says that it is the jews "homeland"?

is iraq my homeland because the sassanids ruled there 1000 years ago? no.

that land is not jewish land, it was given to the jews at the expense of others.

Originally posted by Dampier

Iraq as I have admitted many times before was a cock up and horribly wrong, an example of a bad legacy of imperialism.

along with 70% of africa, palestine, jordan, egypt, afghanistan, china, india, etc..

Originally posted by Dampier

I'm afraid I know little of Britains involvement in Iran so i'll concede to you there.

do they not teach you about british atrocities in other countries?

Originally posted by Dampier

Perhaps 'Britian' will pay. But i feel Britain won't, we made mistakes, we admitted them and we've tried to help our ex-colonies, you cant abuse an ex-con trying to make right. Well you can but its bad form. And surely such revenge laden rants dont help anyone. In fact they are counter productive. I dont whinge over Rome or the Norman Invasion so get over it, someone came in cocked some stuff up, tried to amke good and is now trying to help others. Otherwise you start soundoing like a corny Islamic Terrorist- 'Death to the infidel, God will smite them, rise up my brothers...'. You cant call Britain a bloodthirsty monster than turn around and demand vengance. This is a discussion, not a tirade.

when i say britain will pay, i mean that they will pay monetarily. nothing physical or anything like that.

and i am not a muslim so keep your inner crusader aggression to yourself please.

Originally posted by Dampier

So we drained Africa of her resources did we? Which explains, say, Nigerias oil wealth? Or Zimbabwe having such good harvests(before Mugabe killed all the farmers...). Africa was exploited by merchant companies, and darn me but isnt that what is happening in say Saudi Arabia, the Royal Family and Oil firms take the profits and the Saudis suffer...Africa is still one of the most resource rich continents left and current economists say that the world will draw more and more from Africa soon. We are in an age of Financial Imperialism, perhaps thats a better target, after all those big companies dont have to care how awful the palce is provided they get their resources...a step up surely from teh British who had to bother with all that government buisness...

please tell me how many rich, stable african countries there are today.

africa was raped by the british, and brutaly too. ivory, wood, humans, minerals, gold, etc...

all taken back to britain, nothing was done for the development of those regions in which all of this was taken.


exactly, hooray for british imperialism!

Originally posted by Dampier

Infighting, yes I can imagine Britain used it but 'introduced'? I am certain others will have tried it before, Julius Caesers 'divide and conquer' was more than a few centuries before that....And i somehow doubt African tribes were fighting free before, I am sure we made the situation worse but it isnt as if Britain turned up and suddenly Africa had turned into a bunch of corrupt, vicious nutters. The French used a tactic they saw worked, so should an engineer not copy a good method for drilling which will give him more for less? It made financial sense and surely someone would have come up with it anyway....More than that there must have been some 'entry' for British colonials trying  to start this infighting, if the Africans were really so saintly surely they wouldnt have understood ethnic fighting or refused it? As for the Civil Wars- all the fault of Britain- because people copied from a British imperial model? I think not. That is like saying that pollution is all the fault of the first man to build a car...which was inspired by a carriage which was inspired by a cart which was...etc. This gets nowhere. I am certain you will find African wars before Britain got anywhere near it....

yes, the british introduced the concept of making tribes fight each other in africa.

ofcourse they fought each other before, but the difference is that here, the british would kill a group of people from one tribe, and then blame it on other, and in that way the caused war.

the british would lie to one tribe telling them that they want all the power, so that tribe would attack the other.

the british even supplied the different sides with weapons just to keep the wars going.

that is the difference brought by british imperialist policy. soon the portugese and the french adopted that policy too.

DIRECT RESULT OF BRITISH POLICY and unfortunately, all that hate instilled in the african people by the british exist to this day. the rwandan genocide was a direct result of the british policy used by the portugese decades early, which seperated the once united hutu's and tutis.

Originally posted by Dampier

I know S. Africa is horrible, all I'm saying is that its an example of a thriving state (OK so the vast majority of the population is poor but thats how most countries start out...and there are vast problems like AIDS that dont help, eventually S. Africa will be as stable and satisfied as Europe, you cant flick your fingers to get instant results). I know they were racist and had apartheid, so did America (in fact despite British soceity in the Empire looking down on other races no form of actual institutionalised racism was created). Now compare to a current racist state- Saudi Arabia (sorry for the constant references to it, I've been studying it recently) where rape of immigrants is not punished. Any Arab man can rape an immigrant and get away with it, in fact its was in the news recently, in fact, from;

  • Saudi Arabia and Racism Reader marcropetroni sends an article today concerning Saudi protests about the racist discrimination their students face in America.

  • Lets not mince words about Saudi Arabia. This is a country that will jail you for possessing a Bible. We do not want to hear Saudi Arabia talking about discrimination because no this is one country that has no right to accuse anyone of discrimination.

  • Not a Christian or just not religious so the Bible thing and the total lack of freedom to practice your religion openly doesn't bother you? Then consider this - from another story reader marcopetroni sends.

  • A 16-year old Pakistani maid servant was raped by her employer. So this is a country where the strictest of religious law applies, right? So they took the man and beheaded him in the stadium in front of 20,000 people, right?

  • Wrong. They jailed the girl for 6-months, where she - and other women - were kept in chains except for going to the bathroom. Then they expelled her, and her sister for good measure.  Because, you see, raping a non-Saudi girl is OK. Because, you see, if you happen to be South Asian, you are maybe two orders of magnitude less important than a donkey: you harm a Saudi peasant's donkey or camel, and brother, you will pay.

  • Doubtless some who are not familiar with how Saudi treats its immigrant labor will think the above is some freak case. They would be absolutely wrong. The mistreatment of immigrant labor is so widespread that Saudi should be reported to the UN. The plight of women is even worse.

    • If those mistreated should complain to their governments - Indian or Bangladeshi or Pakistani or Sri Lankan - their governments show less interest than they would in a rat's behind. But does that make it okay for the United States, leader of the free world, upholder of democracy, firm pursuer of human rights and all that to be in bed with the Saudis?

    i dont support them either.

    Originally posted by Dampier

  • More so Britain  has never encouraged S. Africa for its apartheid but condemned it, we put an embargo on their goods until apartheid finished.
  • i never said britain support the regime in S.A, but it was british policy during colonial times that left that white supremacist attitude in the whites there.  direct result of british policy.

    Originally posted by Dampier

  • No I cannot justify the blood spilt by my nation, but heres a question, can you justify yours? Or rather while I cant justify it, I have never tried to or at least i hope i havent given that impression, i have tried to convey that the blood spilt and damage caused was much inferior to what you claim.

  • no, i cannot, and i am not trying to. you are the one trying to justify your nations crimes.

  • Originally posted by Dampier

    Right- what governments, Africa did not really ahve government before we came. Next the peple were poor and not all became poor because of us, most just didnt move, there was no organised campaign to grind them in the dust, empire wise that doesnt work. And draining resources, that still happens (see one of my earlier points).

  • o ok, so the civilised white man has to come and bring their great civilisation to the rest of the uncivilised barbaric world.


  • Originally posted by Dampier

    As far as i know Britain never created a culture of corruption, surely that would leave us worse off as we try to 'drain their resources and smash them to the ground'. Corruption formed later when usually educated persons saw a chance. And the Africans were originally working class poor...although thats not right as they werent exactly factory workers. they worked on farmy, hunted and carried. Basicly their previous lives but on a more organised scale. Lacking in freedom yes but with guaranteed food/shelter. We didnt kill people to gain a stronger prescence (the one example i can think of that is similar was the destruction of the Zulu). Generally wars were carried out against other colonial powers or to safeguard existing territory. As for good leaders- how do you know they were good, nationalistic and idealistic mayhaps but idealism rarely makes good government...(Che Guevra?)


  • Originally posted by Dampier

    And holding onto territories is imperialistic, then Britian is still imperialistic for holding onto just Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, N. Ireland, Gibralter....and just about any current country is also guilty. The US should lack Texas, The South should be seperate, Russia would lose Chechneya, Turkey loses its Kurds....Where would it end? We held on adn slowly let go almost all our ex-colonies, try naming just the colonies we still hold and then consider how many want to be British, the world is decided today(well it should be) by self determination....


  • Originally posted by Dampier

    OK so we wont help....and then people will complain, just take the amount of aid Britain gives out every year and watch countries suffer! You do of course realise that somewhere like Palestine is almost entirely funded by Europe....Arab countries give a minimum. Then we'll refuse to go to, oh, the Sudan or elsewhere. The British Army is currently in over 50 countries for peacekeeping, aid or similar help. Surely we should help our neighbours? If say America detonated a Nuke in Iran (actually detonating one in the desert is a currently considered plan) wouldnt you want help, or Tsunami aid, or help for the Earthquakes in Pakistan?





    Originally posted by Dampier

    When i said Iraq and Iran i meant the Mesopotamian region. If you can blame the United Kingdom of Britain for the British Empire (notice, Queen of Britain, not Empress) i dont see why i cant blame Iraq and Iran for Mesopotamia...its just an attempt to take this to extremes and prove how silly such arguments are.[/quote[

    what about mesopotamia? blame them for what?

    Originally posted by Dampier

    Iran hasnt been a major power in 250 years, Britain has. Britain didnt start the war with Rome, with the Picts, with the Normans....but it wasnt a  major power.

    you dont have to be a major power to start wars. iran simply hasnt started any wars.


    I have come to terms, my terms, with my nations past. As i have explicetly said Britain has doen many wrong things, but i do not see it as one of the worst Empires ever in that it was not concerned with genocide (Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao just in the 20th Century) or such. It was a financial empire that, as with all empires, had side effects. Bloody side effects but they were side effects, not purposes. It feels to me that you have to come to your terms with my Nation not me.

    no you havent. you have come to terms with the sweet coated history of your nation.

    "If they attack Iran, of course I will fight. But I will be fighting to defend Iran... my land. I will not be fighting for the government and the nuclear cause." ~ Hamid, veteran of the Iran Iraq War
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      Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 15:40
    Originally posted by kingofmazanderan

    Iranian41ife very well put.

    i think this thread is just about finished.

    Really? Because I still remain unconvinced....that said it doesnt really seem to be getting anywhere and considering Iranian41ifes threats of vengance upon Britain I'm not sure i really want to continue it- it seems to have degenerated from the pure discussion I intended it to be.

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      Quote kingofmazanderan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 15:17

    Iranian41ife very well put.

    i think this thread is just about finished.


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      Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 15:16

    Sorry Telde, missed you again!

    Britain was not that far removed from other superpowers, all empires share many similarities. And no I dont think Britain was very benefical to Pakistan at all, but as no expert on Pakistan I will forgo comment.

    Kashmir i feel is a problem that will live on for a while, its not an easily solved problem and while it would be nice if we had solved it it would be nice if we'd solved Iraq and Palestine too etc.

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      Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 15:11
    Originally posted by Iranian41ife

    Originally posted by Dampier

    The Middle East and Africa have always had problems- to pin those on Britain is a little unfair.

    i cannot believe you just said this. the middle east before imperialism was a great place. muslims, jews, and christians lived side by side.

    only two powers controlled the region, which kept wars limited.

    everything that is happening the middle east today is the direct fault of britian:

    iraq- the situation the british left in iraq after they left was not only unstable, but unpracticle. eventualy saddam got to power because of british policies towards iraq, which caused many of the iraqi's to hate the puppet regimes before saddam.

    palestine/israel: direct fault of britian, do i need to say more? i think you know why britian is at fault here. and this one situation has thrown the middle east into war many times, all of those are a direct result to british policy.

    iran: overthrow of democratic mossadegh and placement of the puppet shah, which eventually lead to the islamic revolution.


    Originally posted by Dampier

     As for troubles in Africa- look how succesful S. Africa is campared to the rest- whats different there, strong government. Many African states have more resources- it is government after imperialism, not imperialism itself that has caused trouble. Imperialism has caused trouble but i have no doubt Africa would be worse rather than better without Imperialism.

    british imperialism not only drained africa of its resources, it also created ethnic divisions which didnt exist before.

    the british were the first to introduce infighting in order to strengthen their power. they made tribes that used to be friends fight eachother. the weaker the people, the easier it is for britian to take control.

    eventually, the french also took up on this british policy, and that is also the direct fault of britain.

    all the civil wars today and in the past 50 years are the direct result of british policy in the region!

    south africa was horrible! it killed its own people, was racist, had apartheid till the 1990's, etc.. and you are using them as justification for british imperialism?

    south africa is a poor nation, the majority of its black population is poor as dirt, and only the minority white are mostly middle class and upper class.

    you cannot justify your countries brutal, cruel, blood stained past no matter what you do.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    I'm also not certain you can say million were killed during the Empire in Africa and the Middle East. In particular Britain lacks involvement with the Middle East- Iraq, Palestine and the Suez Canal are about all.

    millions died then, and millions are still dying because of britain and its policies.

    and no, the suez canal, palestine, and iraq are not the only ones in the middle east, as i have mentioned before.

    Originally posted by Dampier

     And you cannot trace millions as a direct result, it was their governments and leaderships which have let them down. Tank for example Zimbabwe (its a good one). All its troubles come from itself not from Britain- its Mugabe bulldozing cities and shooting dead farmers. In the Middle East well- we can perhaps be blamed for Iraq (though again strong government would solve problems) in that we made what should be 3 states into 1. You could also i suppose blame Israel vs. Palestine on Britain but again- that Arab hostility not anything Britain had to do with it. blaming problems on imperialism is something common in Europe- first we were told imperialism was awful and we had to pull out and now everything that happens is our fault too. By that reasoning should i blame Rome and Parthia for the current state of Armenia? Or even should i start calling out about how Britain was ruined by Roman imperialism. Its nonsense, more than that its just blame culture, find someone big and blame them. We made mistakes and I'll admit to that but not to the level you're talking, moreover imperialism brought benefits.

    britian spent over a hundred years weaking governments, making people poor, draining nations of their resources, and killing their people so that they could have a stronger presence in the regions.

    that is why today iraq is messed up, zimbabwe is messed up, etc... its a direct result of imperialism. that is what imperialism does, it creates generations of uneducated poor people and puppet loose governments.

    how do you expect nations to get on their feet when a country like britian has spent over 100 years destabalising the region, creating an uneducated poor working class, instilling a culture of corruption, and then overthrowing all the good leaders that tried to do something good for their nations?

    Originally posted by Dampier

    Scottish atrocities in ireland- the Scots are descended from raiding Irish! Moreover i didnt say atrocities didnt happen, I'm just saying that was common. Such things have happened in every country, everywhere until recent years. Assyria used to cut off peoples head and stack them  in piles but I dont see many whinging about it now...As mentioned Britain has not had a great track record (perhaps i should mention Irish Dark Age atrocities in England?) but its better than many.

    your argument is breaking down completely now. when you have to use examples from 3000 years ago to justify something that happened 100 to 200 years ago, then you know there is a problem.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    The Falklands lacks Imperialism, theres nothing there to exploit bar geography. The people are richer, happier and better off than  most. And self determination means its their choice. Many smaller places instinctively look to join bigger places. After all why else does a country come into being- because one village needs another, and they get another after its seen how succesful this resource pooling is...I would hardly say the people of the Falklands have been "brainwashed" or "manipulated". And surely they had a type of government before, a way of life, for far longer than the tiny amount of time Britain has held it- so why did they get rid of it? According to your logic they should still be with it.

    then i wonder why britian took control of the island in the first place....

    if it had no value like you said.....

    Originally posted by Dampier

    After WW2 very little Imperialism took place, attempts were made mostly to secure or hold onto territory, no real attempts were made to gain new possessions. Suez Canal is a prime example of an attempt to hold onto something while the defense of Indo China by the French was an attempt to a) hold on  and b) keep the communists out. Britain has had few major wars since- Korea (defending another country) and the Falklands War(defending our own country).

    holding on to territories that want indpendence and that arent yours is imperialistic. you dont have to necessarily be trying to acquire new terroritories. LOL

    Originally posted by Dampier

    As for helping people you havent answered my question- is it right. You call it a "justification", how about when it was to help people? Its an unanswerable question, as mentioned- you take the bad (your negative somments about "justification") with the good (helping people). Not all 'imperialism' is  about exploiting others. More than that people in the past lived by different rules to today- if the American captured Fallujah and killed, enslaved or ransomed  everyone who wouldnt convert to Christiantity what would you think- but Saladin did so after Hattin.

    i believe that the less "help" britain gives the world the better the world will be.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    For the Native Americans can you give me an example of British organised genocide and exploitation? I have no doubt there is at least one case- but thats like saying Rome should be blamed for killing everyone in the rebel Boudicca's army in Britain or that Nazi Germany was inspired by Nero's anti-semitism? It was Americas choice.

    ok, how about britain, from the 1600's to 1775 encouraging, supplying, and helping the colonists not only to expand, but to exterminate the people or move them, from the areas of expansion.

    the british ahd countless wars with the native americans, countless massacres, countless false treaties and lies. and guess what, the americans later used those same exact policies to take control of the whole continent.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    Conclusively I'd like to point out that with all your arguments I can claim tha actually Iran and Iraq have killed the most- modern man was born there so everything he has done can be blamed on them and their country.

    please, i would like to see you try to. iraq is a new nation, it had nothing to do with mesopotamia.

    sescondly, iran with its 2500 years of existent cannot even come close tot he amount of suffering, pain, and blood the 300 year old british empire has.

    iran hasnt even started a war in over 250 years. go ahead, i want to see you try.


    Well at least now we're one of the worst not the worst.

    The Middle East was a great place before imperialism? Then explain the Crusades (and if thats imperialistic then surely Islamic attacks into Spain and France are exactly the same?). Saladin killed/enslaved all who didnt convert to Islam, does that sound like happy religion to you? The Middle East has always been a religious hotbed (Islam, Christianity and Judaism amongst the older examples). And imperialism did not suddenly create the differences between the faiths, thats absurd. Religions have always fought each other, always will. You also say that because only two powers ruled the region there was peace...thats an endorsement of Imperialism, that technically means that a single world Empire might abolish war or make it incredibly uncommon.

    Palestine/Israel- no I dont 'know' why Britain is directly at fault here, Jews needed a country of their own for protection, Britain was getting rid of much of its Empire so why not install them in their homeland? Its the fault of Arabs for not accepting them. or should we have abandoned the Jews?

    Iraq as I have admitted many times before was a cock up and horribly wrong, an example of a bad legacy of imperialism.

    I'm afraid I know little of Britains involvement in Iran so i'll concede to you there.

    Perhaps 'Britian' will pay. But i feel Britain won't, we made mistakes, we admitted them and we've tried to help our ex-colonies, you cant abuse an ex-con trying to make right. Well you can but its bad form. And surely such revenge laden rants dont help anyone. In fact they are counter productive. I dont whinge over Rome or the Norman Invasion so get over it, someone came in cocked some stuff up, tried to amke good and is now trying to help others. Otherwise you start soundoing like a corny Islamic Terrorist- 'Death to the infidel, God will smite them, rise up my brothers...'. You cant call Britain a bloodthirsty monster than turn around and demand vengance. This is a discussion, not a tirade.

    So we drained Africa of her resources did we? Which explains, say, Nigerias oil wealth? Or Zimbabwe having such good harvests(before Mugabe killed all the farmers...). Africa was exploited by merchant companies, and darn me but isnt that what is happening in say Saudi Arabia, the Royal Family and Oil firms take the profits and the Saudis suffer...Africa is still one of the most resource rich continents left and current economists say that the world will draw more and more from Africa soon. We are in an age of Financial Imperialism, perhaps thats a better target, after all those big companies dont have to care how awful the palce is provided they get their resources...a step up surely from teh British who had to bother with all that government buisness...

    Infighting, yes I can imagine Britain used it but 'introduced'? I am certain others will have tried it before, Julius Caesers 'divide and conquer' was more than a few centuries before that....And i somehow doubt African tribes were fighting free before, I am sure we made the situation worse but it isnt as if Britain turned up and suddenly Africa had turned into a bunch of corrupt, vicious nutters. The French used a tactic they saw worked, so should an engineer not copy a good method for drilling which will give him more for less? It made financial sense and surely someone would have come up with it anyway....More than that there must have been some 'entry' for British colonials trying  to start this infighting, if the Africans were really so saintly surely they wouldnt have understood ethnic fighting or refused it? As for the Civil Wars- all the fault of Britain- because people copied from a British imperial model? I think not. That is like saying that pollution is all the fault of the first man to build a car...which was inspired by a carriage which was inspired by a cart which was...etc. This gets nowhere. I am certain you will find African wars before Britain got anywhere near it....

    I know S. Africa is horrible, all I'm saying is that its an example of a thriving state (OK so the vast majority of the population is poor but thats how most countries start out...and there are vast problems like AIDS that dont help, eventually S. Africa will be as stable and satisfied as Europe, you cant flick your fingers to get instant results). I know they were racist and had apartheid, so did America (in fact despite British soceity in the Empire looking down on other races no form of actual institutionalised racism was created). Now compare to a current racist state- Saudi Arabia (sorry for the constant references to it, I've been studying it recently) where rape of immigrants is not punished. Any Arab man can rape an immigrant and get away with it, in fact its was in the news recently, in fact, from;

  • Saudi Arabia and Racism Reader marcropetroni sends an article today concerning Saudi protests about the racist discrimination their students face in America.

  • Lets not mince words about Saudi Arabia. This is a country that will jail you for possessing a Bible. We do not want to hear Saudi Arabia talking about discrimination because no this is one country that has no right to accuse anyone of discrimination.

  • Not a Christian or just not religious so the Bible thing and the total lack of freedom to practice your religion openly doesn't bother you? Then consider this - from another story reader marcopetroni sends.

  • A 16-year old Pakistani maid servant was raped by her employer. So this is a country where the strictest of religious law applies, right? So they took the man and beheaded him in the stadium in front of 20,000 people, right?

  • Wrong. They jailed the girl for 6-months, where she - and other women - were kept in chains except for going to the bathroom. Then they expelled her, and her sister for good measure.  Because, you see, raping a non-Saudi girl is OK. Because, you see, if you happen to be South Asian, you are maybe two orders of magnitude less important than a donkey: you harm a Saudi peasant's donkey or camel, and brother, you will pay.

  • Doubtless some who are not familiar with how Saudi treats its immigrant labor will think the above is some freak case. They would be absolutely wrong. The mistreatment of immigrant labor is so widespread that Saudi should be reported to the UN. The plight of women is even worse.

  • If those mistreated should complain to their governments - Indian or Bangladeshi or Pakistani or Sri Lankan - their governments show less interest than they would in a rat's behind. But does that make it okay for the United States, leader of the free world, upholder of democracy, firm pursuer of human rights and all that to be in bed with the Saudis?

  • More so Britain  has never encouraged S. Africa for its apartheid but condemned it, we put an embargo on their goods until apartheid finished.

    No I cannot justify the blood spilt by my nation, but heres a question, can you justify yours? Or rather while I cant justify it, I have never tried to or at least i hope i havent given that impression, i have tried to convey that the blood spilt and damage caused was much inferior to what you claim.

    Suez Canal, Palestine and Iraq are not the only ones (do you have a complete list as I'd be interested to see, thank you) but are the only ones high profile enough for me, I'll discuss the others if you'll  be so good as to inform me of their dentities.

    Right- what governments, Africa did not really ahve government before we came. Next the peple were poor and not all became poor because of us, most just didnt move, there was no organised campaign to grind them in the dust, empire wise that doesnt work. And draining resources, that still happens (see one of my earlier points).

    As far as i know Britain never created a culture of corruption, surely that would leave us worse off as we try to 'drain their resources and smash them to the ground'. Corruption formed later when usually educated persons saw a chance. And the Africans were originally working class poor...although thats not right as they werent exactly factory workers. they worked on farmy, hunted and carried. Basicly their previous lives but on a more organised scale. Lacking in freedom yes but with guaranteed food/shelter. We didnt kill people to gain a stronger prescence (the one example i can think of that is similar was the destruction of the Zulu). Generally wars were carried out against other colonial powers or to safeguard existing territory. As for good leaders- how do you know they were good, nationalistic and idealistic mayhaps but idealism rarely makes good government...(Che Guevra?)

    Dark Age atrocities are 1000 years ago not 3000. And i used them because its a good series of examples, because it had its influence, is using things that happened 100 or 200 years ago any reference to today, no but you still used it!. Ireland has in fact raided England for many years when not roiled in their own. And that wasn the gist of my argument. My argument was that the atrocities were in fact relatively restrained for their time.

    Britain took control of the Falklands for Naval control, I said that. I was (probably badly) saying that it was not a conquest based on opressing natives and draining resources.

    And holding onto territories is imperialistic, then Britian is still imperialistic for holding onto just Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, N. Ireland, Gibralter....and just about any current country is also guilty. The US should lack Texas, The South should be seperate, Russia would lose Chechneya, Turkey loses its Kurds....Where would it end? We held on adn slowly let go almost all our ex-colonies, try naming just the colonies we still hold and then consider how many want to be British, the world is decided today(well it should be) by self determination....

    OK so we wont help....and then people will complain, just take the amount of aid Britain gives out every year and watch countries suffer! You do of course realise that somewhere like Palestine is almost entirely funded by Europe....Arab countries give a minimum. Then we'll refuse to go to, oh, the Sudan or elsewhere. The British Army is currently in over 50 countries for peacekeeping, aid or similar help. Surely we should help our neighbours? If say America detonated a Nuke in Iran (actually detonating one in the desert is a currently considered plan) wouldnt you want help, or Tsunami aid, or help for the Earthquakes in Pakistan?

    American use of British policies is not the fault of Britain, it was a choice of America! Otherwise if i say i will borrow Julius Caesers Divide and Conquer are those hurt or killed the fault of Julius? O course not. And i know Britin wasnt all that nice in America, I admitted that, I just said we werent responsible for the total exterminations of later. Exactly what encouragemen did Britain give America between 1600-1775, i havent heard of any such (bar the obvious financial groups, who are not a represenatative of Britain nationally). Thank you.

    When i said Iraq and Iran i meant the Mesopotamian region. If you can blame the United Kingdom of Britain for the British Empire (notice, Queen of Britain, not Empress) i dont see why i cant blame Iraq and Iran for Mesopotamia...its just an attempt to take this to extremes and prove how silly such arguments are.

    Iran hasnt been a major power in 250 years, Britain has. Britain didnt start the war with Rome, with the Picts, with the Normans....but it wasnt a  major power.

    I have come to terms, my terms, with my nations past. As i have explicetly said Britain has doen many wrong things, but i do not see it as one of the worst Empires ever in that it was not concerned with genocide (Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao just in the 20th Century) or such. It was a financial empire that, as with all empires, had side effects. Bloody side effects but they were side effects, not purposes. It feels to me that you have to come to your terms with my Nation not me.

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      Quote TeldeInduz Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 13:44
    Originally posted by Dampier

    @TeleInduz (sorry, didnt see your post before)

    Yes colonialism is old fashioned, it no longer works. I totally agree with that. But to many degrees it has worked and their are huge time differences between Britain holding Pakistan and 1947. All I really want to say is that contrary to some board members opinions Britain is not some huge, whiney power, lusting after old colonialism who has left the world drenched in blood.

    Alright Dampier. How was colonialism beneficial for the people of Pakistan?

    And I think Britain wasnt much different to other superpowers that have come and gone, though it could have sorted the Kashmir issue before leaving the subcontinent. 

    Quoo-ray sha quadou sarre.................
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      Quote Iranian41ife Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 11:55
    Originally posted by Dampier

    The Middle East and Africa have always had problems- to pin those on Britain is a little unfair.

    i cannot believe you just said this. the middle east before imperialism was a great place. muslims, jews, and christians lived side by side.

    only two powers controlled the region, which kept wars limited.

    everything that is happening the middle east today is the direct fault of britian:

    iraq- the situation the british left in iraq after they left was not only unstable, but unpracticle. eventualy saddam got to power because of british policies towards iraq, which caused many of the iraqi's to hate the puppet regimes before saddam.

    palestine/israel: direct fault of britian, do i need to say more? i think you know why britian is at fault here. and this one situation has thrown the middle east into war many times, all of those are a direct result to british policy.

    iran: overthrow of democratic mossadegh and placement of the puppet shah, which eventually lead to the islamic revolution.


    Originally posted by Dampier

     As for troubles in Africa- look how succesful S. Africa is campared to the rest- whats different there, strong government. Many African states have more resources- it is government after imperialism, not imperialism itself that has caused trouble. Imperialism has caused trouble but i have no doubt Africa would be worse rather than better without Imperialism.

    british imperialism not only drained africa of its resources, it also created ethnic divisions which didnt exist before.

    the british were the first to introduce infighting in order to strengthen their power. they made tribes that used to be friends fight eachother. the weaker the people, the easier it is for britian to take control.

    eventually, the french also took up on this british policy, and that is also the direct fault of britain.

    all the civil wars today and in the past 50 years are the direct result of british policy in the region!

    south africa was horrible! it killed its own people, was racist, had apartheid till the 1990's, etc.. and you are using them as justification for british imperialism?

    south africa is a poor nation, the majority of its black population is poor as dirt, and only the minority white are mostly middle class and upper class.

    you cannot justify your countries brutal, cruel, blood stained past no matter what you do.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    I'm also not certain you can say million were killed during the Empire in Africa and the Middle East. In particular Britain lacks involvement with the Middle East- Iraq, Palestine and the Suez Canal are about all.

    millions died then, and millions are still dying because of britain and its policies.

    and no, the suez canal, palestine, and iraq are not the only ones in the middle east, as i have mentioned before.

    Originally posted by Dampier

     And you cannot trace millions as a direct result, it was their governments and leaderships which have let them down. Tank for example Zimbabwe (its a good one). All its troubles come from itself not from Britain- its Mugabe bulldozing cities and shooting dead farmers. In the Middle East well- we can perhaps be blamed for Iraq (though again strong government would solve problems) in that we made what should be 3 states into 1. You could also i suppose blame Israel vs. Palestine on Britain but again- that Arab hostility not anything Britain had to do with it. blaming problems on imperialism is something common in Europe- first we were told imperialism was awful and we had to pull out and now everything that happens is our fault too. By that reasoning should i blame Rome and Parthia for the current state of Armenia? Or even should i start calling out about how Britain was ruined by Roman imperialism. Its nonsense, more than that its just blame culture, find someone big and blame them. We made mistakes and I'll admit to that but not to the level you're talking, moreover imperialism brought benefits.

    britian spent over a hundred years weaking governments, making people poor, draining nations of their resources, and killing their people so that they could have a stronger presence in the regions.

    that is why today iraq is messed up, zimbabwe is messed up, etc... its a direct result of imperialism. that is what imperialism does, it creates generations of uneducated poor people and puppet loose governments.

    how do you expect nations to get on their feet when a country like britian has spent over 100 years destabalising the region, creating an uneducated poor working class, instilling a culture of corruption, and then overthrowing all the good leaders that tried to do something good for their nations?

    Originally posted by Dampier

    Scottish atrocities in ireland- the Scots are descended from raiding Irish! Moreover i didnt say atrocities didnt happen, I'm just saying that was common. Such things have happened in every country, everywhere until recent years. Assyria used to cut off peoples head and stack them  in piles but I dont see many whinging about it now...As mentioned Britain has not had a great track record (perhaps i should mention Irish Dark Age atrocities in England?) but its better than many.

    your argument is breaking down completely now. when you have to use examples from 3000 years ago to justify something that happened 100 to 200 years ago, then you know there is a problem.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    The Falklands lacks Imperialism, theres nothing there to exploit bar geography. The people are richer, happier and better off than  most. And self determination means its their choice. Many smaller places instinctively look to join bigger places. After all why else does a country come into being- because one village needs another, and they get another after its seen how succesful this resource pooling is...I would hardly say the people of the Falklands have been "brainwashed" or "manipulated". And surely they had a type of government before, a way of life, for far longer than the tiny amount of time Britain has held it- so why did they get rid of it? According to your logic they should still be with it.

    then i wonder why britian took control of the island in the first place....

    if it had no value like you said.....

    Originally posted by Dampier

    After WW2 very little Imperialism took place, attempts were made mostly to secure or hold onto territory, no real attempts were made to gain new possessions. Suez Canal is a prime example of an attempt to hold onto something while the defense of Indo China by the French was an attempt to a) hold on  and b) keep the communists out. Britain has had few major wars since- Korea (defending another country) and the Falklands War(defending our own country).

    holding on to territories that want indpendence and that arent yours is imperialistic. you dont have to necessarily be trying to acquire new terroritories. LOL

    Originally posted by Dampier

    As for helping people you havent answered my question- is it right. You call it a "justification", how about when it was to help people? Its an unanswerable question, as mentioned- you take the bad (your negative somments about "justification") with the good (helping people). Not all 'imperialism' is  about exploiting others. More than that people in the past lived by different rules to today- if the American captured Fallujah and killed, enslaved or ransomed  everyone who wouldnt convert to Christiantity what would you think- but Saladin did so after Hattin.

    i believe that the less "help" britain gives the world the better the world will be.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    For the Native Americans can you give me an example of British organised genocide and exploitation? I have no doubt there is at least one case- but thats like saying Rome should be blamed for killing everyone in the rebel Boudicca's army in Britain or that Nazi Germany was inspired by Nero's anti-semitism? It was Americas choice.

    ok, how about britain, from the 1600's to 1775 encouraging, supplying, and helping the colonists not only to expand, but to exterminate the people or move them, from the areas of expansion.

    the british ahd countless wars with the native americans, countless massacres, countless false treaties and lies. and guess what, the americans later used those same exact policies to take control of the whole continent.

    Originally posted by Dampier

    Conclusively I'd like to point out that with all your arguments I can claim tha actually Iran and Iraq have killed the most- modern man was born there so everything he has done can be blamed on them and their country.

    please, i would like to see you try to. iraq is a new nation, it had nothing to do with mesopotamia.

    sescondly, iran with its 2500 years of existent cannot even come close tot he amount of suffering, pain, and blood the 300 year old british empire has.

    iran hasnt even started a war in over 250 years. go ahead, i want to see you try.


    "If they attack Iran, of course I will fight. But I will be fighting to defend Iran... my land. I will not be fighting for the government and the nuclear cause." ~ Hamid, veteran of the Iran Iraq War
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      Quote Gharanai Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 11:27

    Originally posted by TeldeInduz

    Russia wouldnt supply Pakistan, trust me on that  Saudi? What high tech equipment can they/will they give Pakistan?

    Dear Russia would had helped Pakistan for their own sake as the imployment of American forces in Afghanistan made it worse for Russia.

    As far as Saudi is concerned I agree that they don't have tech but Don't they have enought money to buy the tech which could had been required ?

    China is the only true ally of Pakistan (and as it turns out a great one to have). But China I dont think is so much allied with Afghanistan right now (a traditional ally of the Soviets).

    Dear once again the case is the same China too as the Russians would had helped Afghans for their own safety and prosperity.

    China is catching up USA very fast in technology, but I would say that so far perhaps only their aerospace industry is nearly on par with the Americans. I think their tech is better than the Russians in this industry and soon will match up to the Americans - but not yet for sure.

    There is no doubt that China is catching up with USA, and that's why USA is felling China's presence, but tell me one think if ever China was drawn to a war with USA do you think that China would beat USA ???

    If you ask me I would say certainly never, as the logistic of USA is the best in the world, you can see that China is now surrounded by the USA forces, and that's why they would had assisted Afghans IF Pakistan would had agreed.

    Come on, this cant be pinned so much on Pakistan. Russia were surely supporting the aggression since they supported the Northern Alliance did they not?

    Dear I would like to remind you that before Americans attacked Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Masood (who once fought against Russians for Americans and then switched sides) was killed by Al-Qayeda with support of some of his loyal personnels (Marshal Faheem, Dr. Abdullah, Abdur Rahman etc).
    He was the person whom Russians supported and that's why Al-Qayeda (whom I belief as puppets of USA) killed him so that there wouldn't be any resistance in North.

    I can bet you that if A.S Masood was not killed America's dream wouldn't had came true this easy.

    Now back to your comment, you mentioned that Northern Alliance was supported by Russian. I say you are right but only until A.S Masood was alife, after his death his loyals switched sides and never again they were supported by the Russians but the Americans and that's why today they hold certain key Posts in government (I am sure that USA would like to see the Russian backed block in those key posts).

    So I wish now this puzzle is cleared ! It's all about the game, some play it with loyality and some cheats.

    For sure, which is what Pakistan does. Daoud Khan was acting in the interests of Aghanistan to the detriment of Pakistan, Musharraf acts in the interests of Pakistan, and in the case described to the detriment of Afghanistan. 

    Dear I always say that Mr. Musharaf is the best ruler Pakistan ever had, he always works for the interest of Pakistan (this comment could be controversial but still). But I am talking as an Afghan and for sure he is the worst neighbor ruler Afghans ever had far worse than Butto and Zia.

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      Quote Dampier Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29-Apr-2006 at 09:00

    @TeleInduz (sorry, didnt see your post before)

    Yes colonialism is old fashioned, it no longer works. I totally agree with that. But to many degrees it has worked and their are huge time differences between Britain holding Pakistan and 1947. All I really want to say is that contrary to some board members opinions Britain is not some huge, whiney power, lusting after old colonialism who has left the world drenched in blood.

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