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Democracy,compatible with huge population

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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Democracy,compatible with huge population
    Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 20:08
And here is another one, that is funny!

"Subject: I reckon it's comin'

Three strangers strike up a conversation in the passenger lounge in the Bozeman , Montana airport, while waiting for their respective flights..

One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer, another is a Cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show, and the third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student, newly arrived at Montana State University from the Middle East ....

Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls into an uneasy lull.

The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table, tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face, and lights a cigarette.

Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and softly he speaks, 'At one time here... my people were many... but sadly, now we are few.'

The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward,
'Once my people were few,' he sneers, 'and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?'

The cowboy removes his cigarette from his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a smooth drawl .. . .

'I reckon that's 'cause we ain't played Cowboys and Muslims yet,
But I do believe it's a-comin'.'"

Sad, but funny! Cause I do believe it is also coming! Unless the radical Muslims get stopped by the non-radical Muslims!

But, I really don't see much chance of that happening!
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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 20:02
Here is an interesting post, and one I agree with!

"The USA needs to do some serious "house cleaning" (and clean up the Senate, too!) on November 2!!!


It will soon be payback time for these traitors - forward this list to everyone you know......
Don’t forget. November 2 is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America:

Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wyden (D-OR)

Now, the following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits.   They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting representative.

Alaska : Stevens (R)
Arizona :     McCain (R)
Arkansas :   Lincoln (D)     Pryor (D)
California :   Boxer (D) Feinstein (D)
Colorado :   Salazar (D)
Connecticut :   Dodd (D)    Lieberman (D)
Delaware :   Biden (D)   Carper (D)
Florida :       Martinez (R)
Hawaii :    Akaka (D)   Inouye (D)
Illinois :   Durbin (D)   Obama (D)
Indiana:    Bayh (D) Lugar (R)
Iowa:    Harkin (D)
Kansas:    Brownback (R)
Louisiana:   Landrieu (D)
Maryland:     Mikulski (D)   Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts:    Kennedy (D) Kerry (D)
Montana:    Baucus (D)
Nebraska:   Hagel (R)
Nevada:     Reid (D)
New Jersey:    Lautenberg (D)   Menendez (D)
New Mexico:   Bingaman (D)
New York:   Clinton (D)    Schumer (D)
North Dakota : Dorgan (D)
Ohio : DeWine (R)      Voinovich(R)
Oregon : Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania :   Specter (D)
Rhode Island :   Chafee (R)     Reed (D)
South Carolina :     Graham (R)
South Dakota :    Johnson (D)
Vermont :    Jeffords (I)    Leahy (D)
Washington :   Cantwell (D)   Murray (D)
West Virginia :   Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin :   Feingold (D)   Kohl (D)


When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. T. Jefferson"

Vote them all out!
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 19:46
DW, so hatefully wrote;

"TGS, wouldnt it be easier just to ignore Opusola and his rantings?"

And, I might well, with just as much venom write; "DW, wouldn't it be easier just to ignore TGS and his rantings?"

As one might say in parts of Canada, EH?

TGS, whose name no one here knows, wrote the following above;

"Opuslola is a delusional fanatic. Wow, I'm astonished how similar Hitlers movement is to Becks. Its amazing how history repeats itself."

Yes it is certainly "amazing how history repeats itself!" I have been signing all of my postings since becoming a member here, but you both tend to refer to me by my on-line signature which is a combination of the name Opus (the penguin) and his girlfriend "Lola Granola", from the newspaper cartoon called "Bloom County", which is one of my all time favorite sites!

Perhaps both of you might well become familar with it?

But, my name is and will until my death be "Ron", which is short for "Ronald", and, since I use it every post, it might well be somewhat polite for you guys to use it also?

I would call each of you by your given names if, indeed, I or anyone else here knew them!

If you wish to insult me, use my name, do not insult the wonderful love affair that existed between Opus and Lola!


Edited by opuslola - 02-Sep-2010 at 19:54
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DreamWeaver View Drop Down


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  Quote DreamWeaver Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 19:09
TGS, wouldnt it be easier just to ignore Opusola and his rantings?
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 17:35
Well, my dear Carolus! I hope you read the response from the good Liberal, and Progressive TGS above?

What a wonderful and lovable guy or gal? I use both sexes since TGS has never revealed anything about him or her self!

Competing on this site of ideas and revolutions, is like talking to a statue!

Thus, many, if not all the time, I resort to English retorts that I would expect to see whenever the head of England goes before Parliment!

Smart ass it is! And, unfortunately, I am also somewhat of a "smart ass!", and it is by ridicule, and taking the words of TGS, and turning them upon his/her self that makes my posts fun!

Yes, I love the reparte'! But, I have noticed over my 64 years, that most women do not!

But, it seems, in general you are mostly a minority of one! Liralou, or how ever she spells her name is the only other female respondent on this site, as far as I know, but perhaps TGS is also a female?

You see, I just cannot stop making jabs at TGS! It is way too much fun!

I promote nothing by ancient American values! Please note that keeping Slaves or others under the fear of Law, like indentured servants, is not in that list!

But, keeping people whose entire life is devoted to destroying the America that made America great, protected from "hateful" speech, is only found in the eye of the reader!
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TheGreatSimba View Drop Down

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  Quote TheGreatSimba Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 13:53
Opuslola is a delusional fanatic. Wow, I'm astonished how similar Hitlers movement is to Becks. Its amazing how history repeats itself.
I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 02:29
Opuslola, I think people in general we all are getting paranoid.  Beck has said things that offend people, but he is not the only one.  I am finding the post in general are confusing with subjects get all mixed up with personal attacks.   I am like an old school teacher when it comes to good manners and these 3 rules
1 We respect everyone because we are respectful people.
2 We act with dignity and protect the dignity of others.
3.  We act with integrity. 
I think with these 3 rules, Democracy is compatible with a huge population, but it is not compatile without those rules.   I know for sure when someone attacks me, or disrespects me, it brings out the worst in me.
So much is about the spirit, or our state of mind, when we approach something.  Can we work on our manners, and state of mind, and our morale, that high spirited feeling that comes out of believing we are doing the right thing.  We need to avoid hatefulness, racism and imagianed fears. 
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02-Sep-2010 at 00:55
Originally posted by opuslola

Mosquito wrote;

" (its against Polish law to spread nazi and communist ideology)."

But, Mosquito, it is anti-communist and Nazi! What a shame you cannot see it!

Look just try to search for George Bernard Shaw,and his speeches, etc.? In the video, he merely suggests that Non-producing people should be exterminated!   

But G. Bernad Shaw is also a hero of modern "Progressives!", W. Wilson and other modern progressives loved him and the Fabian Society!

By the way he also promoted the development of a humane gas to exterminate the un-useful!


Sorry your society is so "supressive!" It will be the same here soon if people like TGS are allowed to control everything! A whole lot of American freedom of speech is already discounted and rejected as being "not politically correct!"

See, soon we might well have the same restrictions as does your state!


Let Freedom Ring!
In India it is commonly known that when we speak of one thing, we speak of its opposite. 
About our freedom of speech.  It is not the freedom to say anything we want, whenever we want, because that would be immoral and no society can tolerate immorality for long.  Something is immoral when it is harmful.  Spreading racism, resulted in the genocide of natiive Americans and enslavement of Blacks, and both are immoral.   We are being very liberal when we tolerate such irresponsible and immoral talk.  Considering Germany's history, it is undertandable why some do not believe this immoral talk should be tolerated.   In this case history means everything.   Given our own history, racist talk is reasonablely prohibited by law, because it did lead to the abuse of human beings.
The trick is understanding what culture has to do with our thoughs and actions, and how culture is created, spread and maintained.   People can have liberty when their culture prepares them for good moral judgment.  That was the goal of public education before the 1958 National Defense Education Act, began preparing products for industry with education for technology, and left moral training to the church.  This is devastating to our democracy and liberty!  Only highly moral people can have liberty and we stopped educating for good moral judgment.  Paradoxically, we have made social progress in extending human rights to minorities and women, but this comes with problems too.  Such as having a Black president which activates the racist who fear what blacks will do with power.   A fear, I must clarify, that is in the imagiation of the racist, it is a projection of how they would use power if nothing prevented from them doing so.   We need to address that fear, but do not need to spread rumors that come from that imagination.      This is a moral issue.  Only those who understand this is a moral issue can have liberty.  
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 22:19
Well damn it Carol, you are almost as old as I! I had some problem determining wether you were referring to TGS or my humble self in your post above?

So, just whom do think is paranoid? And, if it is me, then just what part of my reply to TGS needs to be reconsidered?

I just what to get your point clear and simple, please?

And, your remarks concerning FEMA and Camps, etc., just what kind of thing are you speaking about? I certainly saw some garbage concerning the possibility that these places might be used for nefarious things, but I never considered that they were placed in position for such things, but might be used if things go from bad to worse, as I really expect!

And, if I was not now retired, then I would be a part of Home Land Security! You don't think that a paranoid could hold such a position do you?

Fearing the extreem of either right or left, is not being paranoid! Such fear is based upon reality, as we have seen for the last 100 or so years!

So, I patiently and without paranoia, await your considered response! As, I am sure, does TGS!
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 21:11
Originally posted by opuslola

TGS wrote;

"On the other hand, however, BECK AND NEOCONS HAVE MADE SUCH CLAIMS. The new Hitler and the new NAZI'S are forming right in front of our eyes, Opuslola will let it happen and gladly join, so its up to us to prevent the future massacres and genocides from happening."

So, TGS are you personally going to eliminate me and others like me? Or will you depend upon the Facists in the Democrat Party to do it for you? Of course if you and those Facists like you actually do "prevent us from doing some future act", then you will likely not use the words "massacre" or "genocide" when these deeds occur, I would bet you would be more Fabian in your explanations, stating that "re-education" could not be obtained with these people, and euthanasia was administered to the poor beings for the good of society as well as their own!

Yeah, that will make it all seem much cleaner and refreshing to the other little Facists who will follow you!
Not even in kidding should you be using the words you are using, and if you are not kidding, seriously, have you considered seeing a professional to check your world view?   These are tense times, but I have not felt threatened until reading your post, and I pray you do not have a lot of argument, because your talk is the kind of talk that sets off human tragedy.   However, I am beginning to believe in some parts of the country there might be agreement with the fears you have expressed.  And I have to comment on the serious lack of information that goes with what you are saying.  Some would call this paranoia, and I think it does result from adodting German education and bureaucracy.    An author writing of German in the WWII period said Germany was paranoid and he defined paranoid as excessive need to be superior and in control.  I most certainly do see this developing in our country, and I feared it could be manifest as racism.  This is appears very threatening to me, and I hope you reconsider what you are saying.   I really don't think anyone wants to eliminate you, but do you realize your expressed fears do rise alarm about you?  
You should have used  the word "FEMA" in your story and you know FEMA camps were created long before Obama.  You seriously need to have more accurate information.   Don't you get the hysteria problem?  The threat is when people know just a little bit about something, such as the FEMA camps, but  not enough to be rational, and become delusional in their thinking, mixing all their fears into the story, and because they feel the fear, believing their distorted story is true.  
I was born in September 1946.  Why would you assume I am young?  I don't know any young people who agree with what I say.   
 Also for your let "freedom ring" everyone needs to know with freedom is reasponsibility and duty, and your talk, spreading racism and fear and political divide based on emotionalism, not reason, is not being responsible.  If you want to be responsible, you need to research FEMA camps and get your story striaght, and stop projecting   your fears into other people.  What you have doen is like screaming fire in a packed theater and that is not okay. 

Edited by Carol - 01-Sep-2010 at 21:47
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Mosquito View Drop Down

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  Quote Mosquito Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 16:24
Originally posted by opuslola

Mosquito wrote;

" (its against Polish law to spread nazi and communist ideology)."

But, Mosquito, it is anti-communist and Nazi! What a shame you cannot see it!

Look just try to search for George Bernard Shaw,and his speeches, etc.? In the video, he merely suggests that Non-producing people should be exterminated!   

But G. Bernad Shaw is also a hero of modern "Progressives!", W. Wilson and other modern progressives loved him and the Fabian Society!

By the way he also promoted the development of a humane gas to exterminate the un-useful!


Sorry your society is so "supressive!" It will be the same here soon if people like TGS are allowed to control everything! A whole lot of American freedom of speech is already discounted and rejected as being "not politically correct!"

See, soon we might well have the same restrictions as does your state!


Let Freedom Ring!
Actually its that has written that this material is not avaible for ppl in my country due to law restrictions. I guess someone on youtube missinterpretated it if you say that its anti communist and anti nazist. So far i know there was no law suit against youtube in my country.
And my society is not really surpressive. I think that there are the same or even worse restrictions in Germany. We just had added that communist ideology is as bad as nazi. But in fact it is hard to buy Hitlers "Mein Kampf" or works of Marx or Lenin. Personally im against such restrictions but well, both communism and nazism exploit democracy and freedom of speech to destroy it and introduce totalitarism. So one can say that democracy must defend itself against such movements.
"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 16:00
Sorry Cryptic, I missed you post whilst typing as fast as I could!

Was your post directed towards me, or Carolus or TGS?

I don't feel it was directed towards me, however?
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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 15:47
Actually Carolus, I never used the letters FEMA anwhere or any time on this entire web site, until now!

I just happen to believe that it is the ultimate desire of so called Democrats (Progressives) to "better the world" by reducing its population, and any means are allowed for this to happen! I also believe that racism and racial wars, are also a part of this belief! Progressives deeply believe that they are a sort of "chosen" people, who are at once smarter, cleaner, kinder, protective, good, more loving of the environment than all others!

Failure to comply with their desires and beliefs, can only lead to extermination programs of one type or another!

I believe Pol Pot was a spokesperson for them at one time?

It is not me, or others like me, that you have to fear!

As Winston Churchill said; "The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself!"    But, he left out "Progressives!"

I feel sure that amongst the intelligensia of the "progressive" movement there is a feeling about the absolute population the entire world can successfully support! And, I am pretty certain that the figure is not in the "billions!" I would guess that they would consider a worldwide population somewhere in the millions?

They better find a good source of "gentlemanly / painless gas" soon!

I mean, just where do you really think this new "environmental movement" is headed, when they see "Mankind" as the greatest polluter on the planet????

But, with their mass executions they would be faced with another pollution problem, just what do we do with the bodies?

But, don't worry, the answer has already been found it is called "Soylent Green!"

Since I would guess that you and TGS, as well as most others on this site are young, then I will show you what I meant by my last sentence;

Edited by opuslola - 01-Sep-2010 at 15:54
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  Quote Cryptic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 15:30
Originally posted by Carol

Democracy leads to the highest morality, because it is understood if we do wrong, bad things will happen, and that is why we should choose for what is right.  
Your version of democracy seems pretty authoritarian as well.  For example,  an elite cadre of paternalistic scholars guides society towards the "right" choices based on a "scientific" reason analysis of cause and effect. Then factor in the possibility of the exclusion of contrary views (To be part of the scholar elite, one's reason must always yield pre-conceived results). 
Sure, conservative Christianity tends to be authoratarian, but then so are many secular progressives (freedom to make the "right" choices only).
Originally posted by Carol

However, we did model our industry after England's autocracy and Christianity supports autocracy, so without education for democracy, the US can not possibly manifest democracy.  
Your thought process seems to be....  
- "Democracy" under a particular definition is a worthy goal that leads to morality and harmony with nature. 
-Christianity inhibits man's march towards the goal
-Christianity must be supressed to realize this goal, even if a large number of the population freely chooses it.  They have made the "wrong" choice so their choice is not valid and does not represent "democracy".  
Originally posted by Carol

Hum where do I stand?  I belief democracy is to be understood as rule by reason.  It is based on the belief that humans can learn and reason, and that the universe is the result of cause and effect, which we can understand by studying nature.  
We may or may not be able to learn good government by studying nature as nature is morally neuteral.  It may be advantegous for a pack of animals to abandon those who are elderly, young,  handicapped or low IQ as they inhibit the efficiency of the pack. Should we do likewise?     

Edited by Cryptic - 01-Sep-2010 at 21:03
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 15:27
Mosquito wrote;

" (its against Polish law to spread nazi and communist ideology)."

But, Mosquito, it is anti-communist and Nazi! What a shame you cannot see it!

Look just try to search for George Bernard Shaw,and his speeches, etc.? In the video, he merely suggests that Non-producing people should be exterminated!   

But G. Bernad Shaw is also a hero of modern "Progressives!", W. Wilson and other modern progressives loved him and the Fabian Society!

By the way he also promoted the development of a humane gas to exterminate the un-useful!


Sorry your society is so "supressive!" It will be the same here soon if people like TGS are allowed to control everything! A whole lot of American freedom of speech is already discounted and rejected as being "not politically correct!"

See, soon we might well have the same restrictions as does your state!


Let Freedom Ring!
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opuslola View Drop Down

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  Quote opuslola Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 15:17
TGS wrote;

"On the other hand, however, BECK AND NEOCONS HAVE MADE SUCH CLAIMS. The new Hitler and the new NAZI'S are forming right in front of our eyes, Opuslola will let it happen and gladly join, so its up to us to prevent the future massacres and genocides from happening."

So, TGS are you personally going to eliminate me and others like me? Or will you depend upon the Facists in the Democrat Party to do it for you? Of course if you and those Facists like you actually do "prevent us from doing some future act", then you will likely not use the words "massacre" or "genocide" when these deeds occur, I would bet you would be more Fabian in your explanations, stating that "re-education" could not be obtained with these people, and euthanasia was administered to the poor beings for the good of society as well as their own!

Yeah, that will make it all seem much cleaner and refreshing to the other little Facists who will follow you!
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TheGreatSimba View Drop Down

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  Quote TheGreatSimba Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 14:54
Originally posted by opuslola

Obama, or his minions and advisors, are claiming that White Christians are planning on setting up death camps, re-education camps, (like the one Opuslola mentioned), secret armies, taking money away from Government programs to give to faith based groups, killing non-producing babies, etc... etc...

Never has Obama made such claims. You are delusional, seriously, your must not be sane if you believe any of Beck's racist neo-Nazi ideology.

Originally posted by opuslola

Remember when Woodrow Wilson also blamed minorities for America's problems and decay, and how Wilson scared the masses into following him into WW I, and over looking mass murder and genocide? Is this where Obama's advisors are headed? I think so.

Again, never happened.

On the other hand, however, BECK AND NEOCONS HAVE MADE SUCH CLAIMS. The new Hitler and the new NAZI'S are forming right in front of our eyes, Opuslola will let it happen and gladly join, so its up to us to prevent the future massacres and genocides from happening.
I use CAPS for emphasis, not yelling. Just don't want to have to click the bold button every time.
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Mosquito View Drop Down

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  Quote Mosquito Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 14:40
Originally posted by opuslola

Considering the very title of this thread, "Democracy, compatible with huge population", it might be somewhat enlightening to see and listen to this video?

I call it Marx, Engels, Stalin, Hitler, progressives, Fabians and G. Bernard Shaw!

Perhaps it might explain my constant reference to death camps, or re-education camps, as a tenent of Progressivism?

I would like to see it but this video is not avaible for ppl watching you tube in my country. Is it possible to watch it not on you tube? (its against Polish law to spread nazi and communist ideology).
"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood" - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Guests View Drop Down
  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 13:27
Originally posted by Mosquito

Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by Mosquito

Hitler's party NSDAP had 36,8 % of votes in 1932 elections, so not majority. Hitler also lost presidential elections with Paul von Hindenburg.
That was in 1933. By 1939, The Germany people, for the most part, supported Hitler.
Yeah, but all those who didnt support Hitler were by 1939 dead, in concentration camps or abroad. That helped to increase people's support. But still there was hidden opposition which was looking for cooperation with the British and trying to kill or remove Hitler from power - eg. admiral Canaris and his men.
Originally posted by TheGreatSimba

Originally posted by Mosquito

 As for the bolsheviks they didnt have majority in all the Russia, they just had the support of soldiers and navy in St. Petersburg what gave them power in the way of armed rebellion.

Again, this is wishful thinking. The Bolsheviks had the support of the majority of the Russian people, which included the military and navy. In fact, the Bolsheviks had so much legitimacy amongst the people that a coalition of Western powers aiding the White Army could not defeat them.
Yeah, and because of that great support of the people the Bolsheviks had to create Vecheka and introduce the great terror. I would rather say that all the leftist parties had together the majority so Bolsheviks had first to murder all other socialists. And dont forget that Poland could have finished the Bolsheviks. Polish leader marshal Pilsudski has stopped his armies after victory because he considered that time white Russia as worse enemy of Poland than the Bolsheviks. He just refused all French and British proposals.
War is insanity and  the BS Opuslola is spreading is how such wars happen.  Another forum put my post about the Military Industrial Complex in the conspiracy forum and than banned me for protesting this, on the grounds it was disrespectful and discredited what I was saying.  Eisenhower was public and clear about the reality of the Military Industrial Comlex.  The changes in government power are something we should discuss.  However, we need to be rational about this, and we need to be well informed with facts.  We need to trust whatever changes are made, they are made with good intensions, and then wiegh the benefits against possible problems.  We need to be aware that these changes come about over a period of time, due to world changes or consciousness changes that can not be avoided.  They are like Pandora and the box of miseries that can not be stuffed back into the box once they escape.  We need to be well informed, just as much as the people of Iraq and Afghanistan who caught up in a changing world they do not understand.  Failure to be well informed and spreading BS like  Opuslola has done, can lead to mass hysteria, especially when an economy is detriotating and stress is building.   Under these conditions people cling to what matters most to them, be this a religious belief or a racist belief or economic/social justice belief, and hysteria can spread like wild fire. 

Edited by Carol - 01-Sep-2010 at 13:30
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  Quote Guests Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01-Sep-2010 at 13:07
 Opuslola, now you are taking ignorance way too far.  FEMA camps have been a reality long before Obama took office.  If you want to discuss them along with Home Land Security and parallels with NAZI Germany, I am open to such discussion.  Before the second world war, people in the US did not think in these terms, however, the war got our attention, and we recruited as many Germans who could help us imitate Germany as we could.  The CIA and FEMA and our space program and weapons technology are some of the results.  This includes changes in public education, and changes in governments relationships with the media and research. 
But to twist all this into Obama's death camps, is gross ignorance, and for what purpose?  I wonder why someone has started rumors like this?  I have dial up and U tube takes too long to down load.  Perhaps you can tell me who twisting the truth of FEMA camps, into "Obama's death camps" and all that racist BS?    I am reminded of the books that warned of the dangers of government's new powers.  Such books were the result of government changes brought about during the Roosevelt administration, with the help of Hoover.  May be that is where we should start this discussion?  Apprepriate infromation is surely needed.  FEMA camps could become the horror of the NAZI Germany, but they are not Obama's creation.  Nor is there any  rational reason to fear Obama would use them for racist purposes.  What we should fear is the mass ignorance that leads to believing the BS some people are spreading around.   
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