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All Battles Quiz

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  Quote rider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: All Battles Quiz
    Posted: 20-Mar-2007 at 05:25
Ask someone asked for answers that were wrong or partially correct, I'll post these:

Question 5:
This battle was fought by two empires, a growing one and a dying one. The old empire timidly won the battle, but eventually lost the war. A stuffed toy was named after one of the participants for a future event.
Correct Answer: The Battle of Las Guasimas
Other Answers: Battle of El Caney; Battle of Ardabil; Battle of Manimani; Battle of Fajardo; Battle of Normandy; Trojan War; Battle of Tayacoba

Question 6:
This battle was fought by two Christian nations, although it has been thought later on that it was a Christians versus Muslims battle. Some time after the battle took place, an unknown person wrote an epic story of the battle, and the story became the beginning of a genre. In that battle, a knight was supposed to die a heroic death. What battle is this?
Correct Answer: The Battle of Roncesvaux Pass
Other Answers: Battle of Grunwald; Battle of Kosovo; Battle of Finnsburg; Battle of Cullera and the death of El Cid; Battle of Constantinople; Conquest of Valencia

Question 7:
What are one of the most famous words, put into another man's mouth that speak of hostilities and animals? Where were the words mentioned and by whom?
Correct Answer: 'Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war!', spoken in the play 'Julius Caesar', what was written by William Shakespeare and about Julius Caesar.
Other Answers:
"The guerrilla fights the war of the flea, and his military enemy suffers the dog's disadvantages: too much to defend; too small, ubiquitous, and agile an enemy to come to grips with"
Charlemagne "Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky." - from the La Chanson de Roland
"Lions led by donkeys" The phrase was mentioned in the work of British historian Alan Clark - The Donkeys. Clark probably based on the memoirs of General Erich von Falkenhayn where is described the conversation between German generals Erich von Ludendorff and Max Hoffmann.
"I would not fear a pack of lions led by a sheep, but I would always fear a flock of sheep led by a lion." This sentence is attributed to Alexander the Great during the conquest of Persian Empire, however very similar sentences are attributed also to the Napoleon Bonaparte and Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand.
".. You may as well say thats a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.", Words of Duke Of Orleans (description of English army position) before the battle of Agincourt. Part of William Shakespeare's "The Life of King Henry the Fifth " (Act III. Scene VII.)
"Thou hadst been better have been born a dog; Than answer my waked wrath!" Othello 3.3.402-3, Othello to Iago
"My kingdom for a horse." Bosworth Field, Shakespeare

Question 8:
In this battle, a naval force of few ships, not more than 10 strong (without nonmilitary vessels) defeated a much larger force. The larger force lost half of the vessels with the smaller one losing none. The battle took place at night and due to the result of this battle, the winning side could capture a large area. Name the commanders of both sides.
Correct Answer: Winning: Vice-Admiral Kondo; Losing: Admiral Doormann.
Other Answers:
Dutch: Karel Doorman, Japanese: Takeo Takagi
Phormio and Timocrates the Lacedaemonian
Hendrick Lonck and Piet Hein
Cornelis Jansz Dircksz and Maximilian de Henin Count of Bossu
Karel Doorman and Kyuji Kubo (Battle of Badung Straight)
Commodore Dubordieu and Captain William Hoste
Pavel Nakhimov; Osman Pasha
Lumley Lyster and Inigo Campioni
Apraksin and Wattrang at the battle of Battle of Gangut
Battle of Myeongnyang Yi Sunsin - Korea; Todo Takatora - Japan
Charles Napier, Don Miguel
Admiral Dmitry Nikolayevich Senyavin ( Seniavin) Kapudan Pasha Seyit-Ali Battle of Lemnos 1807 (Battle of Athos)
William Brown and Pereira

Question 10:
This battle was fought in a war that was held over a long period. It happened so that on a field, one commander crushed the other and later on, as it was thought very important, the commander went to meet a herold of the opposing side to decide a name for the battle. The battle was named after a nearby castle. What battle is this?
Correct Answer: Battle of Agincourt
Other Answers: Battle of Swiecino

Question 11:
This important battle, one of the greatest in the region, occurred during a civil war. The two main sides counted with the financial and military support of many foreign powers. The outcome of the battle is still disputed, with both sides claiming victory. Two of the foreign powers involved faced economic embargos at the times of the war.
Correct Answer: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Other Answers: Battle of the Ebro during the Spanish Civil War; Battle of Brunete, in the Spanish Civil War; Battle of Talavera de la Reina; Battle of Agincourt; Korean War; Second Congo War

Question 12:
What is a quote about the battle of Verdun, 1916? The quote is somewhat a token to the price of glory that was gained by French in the battle.
Correct Answer: "It was the indecisive battle in an indecisive war, the unnecessary battle in an unnecessary war, the battle that had no victors in a war that had no victors."
Other Answers:
"Their expressions," he wrote, "seemed frozen by a vision of terror; their gait and their postures betrayed a total dejection; they sagged beneath the weight of horrifying memories
"Courage on les aura." - Gen. Petain
The age demanded that we sing And cut away our tongue. The age demanded that we flow And hammered in the bung. The age demanded that we dance And jammed us into iron pants. And in the end the age was handed The sort of sh*t that it demanded. Ernest Hemingway
The annals of history record no battle approaching in duration, artillery fire, and awful sacrifice than the battle that enveloped Verdun for six months, beginning February 21, 1916. - Kelly Miller
"It was not until after the war that French teams exploring the battlefield provided a clue as to the fate of 3 Company. The trench it had occupied was discovered completely filled in, but from a part of it at regular intervals protruded rifles, with bayonets still fixed to their twisted and rusty muzzles, On excavation, a corpse was found beneath each rifle. From that plus the testimony of survivors from nearby units, it was deduced that 3 Company had placed its rifles on the parapet ready to repel any attack and rather than abandon their trench had been buried alive to a man there by the German bombardment. When the story of the Tranche des Baionnettes was told it caught the world's imagination."
Attack at all costs
(It was) a high price to pay for anything; (it was) an intolerable price to pay for nothing.
Bleed (them) white
"The battlefield with the highest density of dead per square yard that has probably ever been known"
"They know that they are saving France, but also that they are going to die on the spot" Quote from a French censor in 1916, Quoted from Hew Strachan's "The First World War"
Mincing Machine of Verdun (Meuse Mill)
"In an instant it had become clear that not all the courage in the world could withstand this fire."
"This was a love battle." F.Scott Fitzgerald
"..third-of-a-million casualties was a acquisition of the piece of raddled land little larger in area than the combined Royal Parks of London." Alistair Horne "The Price of Glory, Verdun 1916", page 331
General Philippe Ptain: "When they came out of the battle, what a pitiful sight they were. Their expressions seemed frozen by a wisdom of terror; they sagged beneath the weight of horrifying memories."
Debout les morts! Stand up you dead!
It is easier to make war than make peace.
Ils ne passeront pas" trans. "They shall not pass"
A land little larger than the combined Royal Parks of London

Question 13:

Between these two events were half a dozen of years. They both symbolized a clash of sides, and as usual, blood was spilled, of nobility and fraternity. These two events determined the way of life for the next hundreds of years. One decided to shape the fate of an organization, that was dissolved and the remnants incorporated to another similar organization; the other marked the boundaries of powers for hundreds of years to come. On both events the masters were killed and a great lot of subordinates as well. Once in a wet grave, the other time under the hot sun.
Correct Answer: 1. The Battle of Sauga, 1236, where the Latgals and Semgals defeated the Livonian Brethern of the Sword; 2. The Battle on the Ice, 1242, where the Livonian Order was defeated, and many men fell into the icy waters of Lake Peipsi.
Other Answers:
Destruction of the Knights Templar
1857 Constitution and Battle of Camaron (1863)
American Revolutionary War and French Revolution
Battle of Agincourt
8th Crusade, 1270-72 - King Louis IX of France died - Knights Templar fate had been decided...
Battle of Durnkrut and Jedenspeigen, 1978 - King Ottokar II of Bohemia died - The battle decided the boundaries of power in Central Europe for centuries to come

Question 14:

A religious man started a war for independence, got the masses to support him, and marched towards the capital, winning victory after victory. His forces fought near the capital, won, yet the leader turned around. After this, everything went downhill for him. Where did this battle happen and what was the leader's name?
Correct Answer: Monte de las Cruces, Mexico, in 1910, during the first phase of the Mexican independence war. The leader was priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
Other Answers: Battle of Khartoum; Battle took place in Kutahya, leader's name is Mehmed Ali Pasha of Egypt; William Wallace,

Question 15:

It was an important battle, but often neglected. A new nation invaded an older one in its West. It marked the last offensive into the West from this new nation, and the absolute control over this territory by its enemy.
Correct Answer: Battle at Perryville or Battle of Chaplin Hills
Other Answers: The Siege of Tenochtitlan.
Battle of Monterrey
Battle of Lechfeld
Battle of Otlukbeli - Uzun Hasan, Shah of the newly founded Turkic Akkoyunlu (White Sheep) Empire, attempted to invade the Ottoman Empire, though defeated, in 1473.Battle of Stones River
Second Battle of Fort Fisher
Battle of Chattanooga
Battle of Stones River (Battle of Murfreesboro) December 31, 1862 January 2, 1863
There are plenty answers which meet the criteria, for example: Battle of Herat 588 (Goturks vs Sasanids) Battle of Constantinople 626 ( Sasanids vs Byzantines) Battle of Constantinople 718 (Arabs vs Byzantines) Battle of Lechfeld 995 (Hungarians vs Germans) Battle of Homs 1281 (Ilkanids vs Mamelukes) Battle of Vienna 1683 (Ottomans vs Austrians&Germans &Poles).. and many many more...
Battle of Akroinon
Siege of Constantinople (718)

Question 16:
The names of two different wars, in which two different future super powers fought, are drawn from the year in which this battle was fought. The battle took place at a village outside a capital city, and was particularly bloody. No clear result was obtained from the battle, although one side withdrew at nightfall. The side that withdrew ended up winning the war largely as a result of this battle. Which battle was it? What war was it in?
Correct Answer: The Battle of Borodino. The War of 1812.
Other Answers:
If Verdun is taken what a disaster, If it is saved how can we ever forget the price.
The Battle of Lundy's Lane
First War of Indian Independence
Mezieres, Italian war of 1521 (4 years war)
Battle of San Stefano, Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78
Crimean war

Question 17:
The strong military ally of a country refused to openly defend it. Instead, it attacked the country's aggressor, and declared war against another neighbour. The country joins with the other two, forming an alliance that defeats and ruins the ally for decades. What is the name of this war?
Correct Answer: The War of the Triple Alliance - between Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay vs. Paraguay, in the 19th century.
Other Answers:
The Battle of Perryville. This is the third time I have submitted it...I quote Wikipedia: "the end of their last offensive campaign in the West, and their retreat left the border state of Kentucky under the control of the Union Army for the rest of the war."
Napoleonic Wars
The First World War
Thirty years war
War of the Spanish Succession
Falklands War

Question 18:
I was a great man during troubled times for my country. I was born into nobility on a land far away from my original homeland. I made war against four different states, but I should mention that I was not always in command - after all, I started as a pretty low man in the army. I was wounded in a battle, and I gained a higher rank due to the wound. A daring assault, led by me, which would remind some of the feats of the Noldoli took me even higher up in command. I controlled later on, in a catastrophic war, and army and I won great glory by devising a tactic new to the generals of our lands. I was most glorious in war but often misunderstood by my contemporaries. I died a few years after the long and exhausting war, being a count. I had no heirs of my line. I will award you with half a point more if you tell me which of my actions resembles a feat of the Noldoli.
Correct Answer: Barclay de Tolly, Field-Marshal of the Imperial Russian Army. Feat of the Noldoli was the crossing of the Bay of Bothnia.
Other Answers:
Gustaf Emil Mannerheim - Belaya Smert
Johann Tserclaes, Count von Tilly
Octavio Piccolomini; Feat of Noldoli - seven cavalry charges of Piccolomini during battle of Lutzen.
Michel Ney. He was the last man to cross the bridge at Kovno in retreat from Russia.
Count Mountbrun Louis Pierre
Raimondo Montecuccoli siege of Phillipsburg
Belisarius Crossing his fleet over to Africa from Constantinople without being engaged by the Vandal fleet.
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov; feat: leading a fighting retreat over the Alps

Question 19:
In these two battles, a large trading empire fought bravely. In one of these, the empire outnumbered the enemies around two to one and although it lost a large number of troops to the enemy, it still managed to withstand the assault and drive the enemies away. By this encounter, the empire maintained a large and quite important territory. Around two hundred years later, the second battle took place. Now the sides had switched and the culture that had been defeated before, repaid the old debt. According to a legend, the troops of the empire that outnumbered the enemies around five times, deserted and fled the field, however one contingent withstood the assault and were annihilated to the last man. What were the two battles?
Correct Answer: The Battles of Alalia and Crimissus
Other Answers:
First Battle: Battle of Artemesium; Second Battle: Battle of Guagemala
Battle of Assaye and Battle of Pratapgah
Battle of Lalakaon 863 battle of Manzikert 1071
Battle of Thermopylae in 191bc and 480 bc
Ionian Revolt(499bc-493bc) Battle of Gaugamela(331 BC)
The Battle of the Lipari Islands Third Punic War
Battle of Tondibi

Question 20 and 21:
This event began with a few hundred riders and a larger number of foot soldiers storming through the city. The man commanding this force was a noble, who previously had served at high offices during times of war and peace. Now, he wanted to repay a debt - his enemy had imprisoned his sons and nephew on false charges as he wanted the man to submit to his rule. The sons were released, but the nephew was kept in captivity. His enemy lived near him, and so he was informed of the gathering forces and he managed to slip away unharmed. The assault group was divided into three; one of these groups found an enemy detachment and leading them a traitor. The two contingencies began fighting and for a long time neither side had any success. One man, loyal supporter of the attacker, was a fabled warrior. He killed the nephew of his lords' enemy, and two other well known warriors. Still, the assault group started an orderly retreat. They remained actively in combat throughout the night. As they were tired, the enemy pinned them down with archers. When most men had lost hope, a large force came to support the assault. They didn't however use the moment of surprise and waited; enemy fortified himself on the streets. The enemy leaders also created a document which stated that the attackers were part of a rebellion. On these news, a large part of the attackers' force deserted. The rebels still managed to assault and advance, but suddenly the whole army turned to rout and flight due to an interesting event in which one of the rebels' leaders was killed. During the flight, the leader of the rebellion and his sons were killed in combat. However, the fabled warrior who had been successful from the start, gathered as many men as he could and escaped over water. What is this event known as? What was the event that brought the army into rout? Who was the leader of the rebels? Who was the fabled soldier (who first killed three men, including a nephew of their enemy's lord and two others and then retreated with a large force over water)?
Correct Answer: 1) It is known as the Wada rebellion; it took place in Kamakura, on the 2nd and 3rd of May, 1213. 2) The rout of the army was caused by an arrow that struck down a leader of the rebels. The arrow seemed to come from a temple and therefore it was thought to be a divine sign. Seeing this, the army ran. 3) Wada Yoshimori; 4) Asaina (Asahina) Yoshihide
Other Answers:
BEST ANSWER: Event: Wada Rebellion, 1213 Event that brought the army into rout: One of Yoshimoris key allies, Tsuchiya Yoshikiyo, was struck down by an arrow. The arrows had come from the north and the sun shone from that direction at that time, men yelled that as there was the shrine, the arrow came from the gods and that it had been a divine one. [Source: All Empires :D]
Heizen Gate Incident; kamikaze, a massive typhoon
Hogen Rebellion
Event: Ming Civil War --- Rebellion of Zhu Di against Jianwen; Event is Heiji Rebellion.
iege of Sanjo Palace
Event: Heiji Rebellion (Siege of Sanjo) Event brought army into rout: Minamoto killed while bathing in a hot spring.
Event that brought army into rout: Blizzard/Snowstorm Event: Battle of Kawasaki
Battle of Mikata ga Hara
Event:Siege of Shimabara
Cause of Rout: The death of Yoshisada at Kuromaru. An arrow wounded his horse, making it unable to jump over a ditch. It fell and trapped Yoshisada's left leg. An arrow in the flurry struck him between the brows, and he drew his sword and slit his throat.
First Battle of Uji 1180
The Genpei War 1180-1185
Taira Yoritsuna Sadatoki
Takeda Shingen is the leader. Takeda Katsuyori is the warrior.
Leader of Rebels: Zhu Di
Fabled Warrior:Saito Musashibo Benkei; Rebel Leader: Minamoto Yosh*tsune
Warrior: Minamoto Yoshiie; Rebel Leader: Abe Sadato


Post editing finished. Reading allowed. Big%20smile

Edited by rider - 20-Mar-2007 at 06:18
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  Quote rider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Mar-2007 at 14:22
Well, usually Shakespeare is more well known in English speaking countries than the Song of Roland. At least I think so, wouldn't you agree? I actually got a quote from Othello too (as promised, I'll try to include these answers later on here).
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  Quote Decebal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Mar-2007 at 13:13

Congratulations to all the people at the top (you know who you are)Clap. I didn't have the time and energy this time around to play as much as usual. But kudos to all involved: it looked very challenging.

I also kind of got frustrated with a couple of questions, where I knew my answer to be correct, but it wasn't the one which Rider was looking for. For example, question 14 could also be answered by the Battle of Khartoum, where the Mahdi started a war of independence, won the battle next to the capital, but everything went downhill afterwards... Or question 7, where Charlemagne's words: "Let my armies be the beasts and the rocks and the birds in the sky", uttered in La Chanson de Roland, fit just as well as the answer given...

What is history but a fable agreed upon?
Napoleon Bonaparte

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.- Mohandas Gandhi

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  Quote TJK Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Mar-2007 at 08:46
Originally posted by Kapikulu

You are the champion of hearts, TJKWink...All the community hopes to see you much more frequently on the forum.
Originally posted by Dawn

TJK again really good to see you playing again. Hug 
Well, I'm glad to see my old friends Smile.
The time I can spent on forums is actualy  very limited as my 1,5 year son is very time-consumig person., however I hope to visit AE a little more frequently then in last 2 years.
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Gargoyle View Drop Down

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  Quote Gargoyle Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 14-Mar-2007 at 03:34

Gargoyle must Congratulate QuizChamp Knights on his Remarkable Achiement...

Well Done Knights!

Your Country is so Proud of you!

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  Quote Dawn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 22:03
yup that is where I found it too. (the quote) but I could have read the darn thing in the time alotted and had it over and done.
you had me mighty scared at the end there! Smile
at the end there wasn't enough points availible for me to catch you Wink it was in the middle that should of scared you but i'm sure you where too busy to even notice. Anyways well done very good win on your part.

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  Quote Knights Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 21:28
Originally posted by Dawn

Congrats Knights and Preator very well done. Clap
TJK again really good to see you playing again. Hug 
Rider and Northman thanks for all the effort. Star
It was quite differant than any other quiz which was nice for a change.The extra long time has it's advantages.
Question 12 which gave us so much trouble: I have to relate a very ironic thing that has just developed.
back in round one I sent a message to rider saying that the quote was from a book "the price of glory" and I didn't have it so I was not going to guess anymore( frustration speaking) Now many of you may know I own a  used book store (among other things) I had gone and looked in the store and didn't fine the book in the appropriate spot and i know it wasn't in my own books hence I didn't have access to it.  Today I was rearranging books in the store,got a bunch of new shelving and was putting it to use. I picked up a stack of books and there it was "The Price of Glory" by Alistair Horne. Ouch   Cry Dead ( if there was a smiley of hitting ones head against a wall I would use it several times) Now I may have to read the *&%&*($# thing just because.

Oh my goodness ShockedShockedShockedShockedShocked That must really, really suck. I feel your pain...and frustration! garh! The quote turned out being in a comment by a random person, on the amazon bookstore site for price of glory, how obscure. Good job anyway Dawn - you had me mighty scared at the end there! Smile
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  Quote Dawn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 21:21
Congrats Knights and Preator very well done. Clap
TJK again really good to see you playing again. Hug 
Rider and Northman thanks for all the effort. Star
It was quite differant than any other quiz which was nice for a change.The extra long time has it's advantages.
Question 12 which gave us so much trouble: I have to relate a very ironic thing that has just developed.
back in round one I sent a message to rider saying that the quote was from a book "the price of glory" and I didn't have it so I was not going to guess anymore( frustration speaking) Now many of you may know I own a  used book store (among other things) I had gone and looked in the store and didn't fine the book in the appropriate spot and i know it wasn't in my own books hence I didn't have access to it.  Today I was rearranging books in the store,got a bunch of new shelving and was putting it to use. I picked up a stack of books and there it was "The Price of Glory" by Alistair Horne. Ouch   Cry Dead ( if there was a smiley of hitting ones head against a wall I would use it several times) Now I may have to read the *&%&*($# thing just because.
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  Quote rider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 15:45
That was the point. For you guys to use the main site... that however became my goal later on... Anyways, expect to see such questions in upcoming quizzes too.
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  Quote Knights Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 15:42
Originally posted by rider

Actually, the hint in 13th contained the word 'fountains'. If you searched for that on the Main Site search engine, you'd had found two answers containing the word - one of them the article

"wet grave" worked well enough for me. In fact, the questions 13 and 20/21 were worded the exact same way as the article, which made things a whole lot easierSmile.
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  Quote rider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 15:30
Thanks everyone. It seems you enjoyed it.

Indeed, both, questions 13 and 20/21 were answerable by the main site (articles 'Battle on the Ice' and 'Wada Rebellion'). Actually, the hint in 13th contained the word 'fountains'. If you searched for that on the Main Site search engine, you'd had found two answers containing the word - one of them the article.

If you want to hear/see that partially correct answers, then you must wait until tomorrow.

And by the word 'Dutch' I hoped to make you all believe it was a battle amongst the European Dutch lands and England or France... didn't work out so (although I got a lot of answers with English and French names too).
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  Quote Kapikulu Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 07:40
Originally posted by TJK

Congratulation for mods and participants of this interesting quiz ! Clap

Kudos to Knights whose performance was just outstanding.ClapClapClap


As for me I would say looking for answers of Q20/Q21 make me completely exhausted I checked nearly 500 samurai names and missing the raiders hint given on forum..Confused


For the Q8 Im afraid Kapikulu is right . It seems Montgomerys work is not accurate and the Wikipedia article is based on the best work on this subject (van Oosten, F. C. The Battle of the Java Sea). Monty probably mixed up overall Dutch East Indies campaign with battles of  Badung Strait and Java Sea.

You are the champion of hearts, TJKWink...All the community hopes to see you much more frequently on the forum.
We gave up your happiness
Your hope would be enough;
we couldn't find neither;
we made up sorrows for ourselves;
we couldn't be consoled;

A Strange Orhan Veli
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  Quote Knights Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 06:06
Yes, what is the deal with question 8 exactly? I could not find any direct reasoning/evidence for the engagement...but then again, I did not look at every single book and website...
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  Quote TJK Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 06:04

Congratulation for mods and participants of this interesting quiz ! Clap

Kudos to Knights whose performance was just outstanding.ClapClapClap


As for me I would say looking for answers of Q20/Q21 make me completely exhausted I checked nearly 500 samurai names and missing the raiders hint given on forum..Confused


For the Q8 Im afraid Kapikulu is right . It seems Montgomerys work is not accurate and the Wikipedia article is based on the best work on this subject (van Oosten, F. C. The Battle of the Java Sea). Monty probably mixed up overall Dutch East Indies campaign with battles of  Badung Strait and Java Sea.

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  Quote Praetor Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 01:07
well done everyoneThumbs%20Up especially AE's first All Battles Champion Knights and of course Dawn who always gives me and Knights a run for our money.
Neoptolemos performed excellently and seemed to come out of nowwhere I must say I was impressed.
TJK for a while you looked unbeatable and if you had kept it up you could easily have been the champion.

I would also like to salute the moderators Rider and Northman for thier creativity and dedicationClap

As for me I was unable to dedicate that much time to the quiz as unlike in the last two quizes I have been extremely busy. So until next time.....Evil%20Smile

Edited by Praetor - 13-Mar-2007 at 01:09
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Knights View Drop Down

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  Quote Knights Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Mar-2007 at 00:55
Firstly, I would like to say thank you to everyone in general. Smile

Thank you Rider for the well-run quiz, and hard work put into it. Ditto for your partner in crime Northman. Clap Very dedicated.

Praetor, excellent work coming second, I know it was very much a marathon of a quiz. StarStar

Dawn, ever so close and consistent as usual. My congratulations go out to you StarStar

Neoptolemos. Fantastic effort this quiz, best I've seen yet of you and I'm sure you will be big competition as of now - great come from behind too. StarStar

TJK - What a struggle for first place throughout most of the quiz. You were the one who motivated me to keep striving for more answers. StarStar

Hugo and Omar, some great questions in there, Rider too. Pity about Borodino...Omar!...I would have to say that Q18 was my favourite. Thumbs%20Up

So congratulations all, looking forward to future competition. Cool

On a final note, many of you may know that Praetor and I work as a team for total quiz, but were not allowed to this quiz. Still, the competition between us was fun, and despite me having a lot more time on my hands, he still managed to get second - Bravo.

Peace - Knights Approve

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  Quote Dawn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Mar-2007 at 21:09

bonde - very difficult question unless you look on the AE main site where there is an article written by rider

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  Quote Kapikulu Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Mar-2007 at 20:57
Rider's in-forum tips were extremely helpfulWink

He said "What's the main site for?", there was an article about Wada rebellion in the main site.

And the word "Dutch" regarding Admiral Doorman was of a big help as well.

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  Quote Bonde Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Mar-2007 at 19:35
It was a good Quiz with challenging questions and with very easy ones in the beginning. After only a quick look at the answers I now wonder if anyone please can tell me more about the Wada Rebellion. I think that I have never heard or then I have completely forgotten about the Wada rebellion. According to Wikipedia it was against the Hojo family in 1213. I can't even find an article about it on Wikipedia. A very difficult question in my opinion.
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  Quote Kapikulu Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Mar-2007 at 18:35
And, it would be interesting to know the answers of people who got those 0.4 points out of questions, if possible.
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