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Topic ClosedLions vs. Tigers

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Poll Question: If lions and tigers were to have a deathmatch, who would win?
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Lions vs. Tigers
    Posted: 12-Apr-2016 at 19:29
Catlion, this is AE, not that sleezeball wordpress site. Keep it civil, keep it friendly, or you can just keep it, period.

This thread is approaching the category "more trouble than it's worth".

If I lock it, it will stay locked, and I'm very close.

"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12-Apr-2016 at 23:08
Majing, nothing you state can be quantified, atleast on your perspective stance, you have no experience handling these animals, quote people that do, because you have no authority to judge which is more aggressive in general let alone against each others species...thats for people who have seen years worth of them fighting, you havent even seen a complete hour of them fighting in your entire life other then the poor staged fights on youtube, even all your buddies on wild fact combined hasent even seen an entire days worth of them in conflicts against the others species. 

So please drop the Peter/act as if you guys are some sort of experts, you guys highlight mere hunting records and biology aspects on habitation on wildfact...nothing more, you can gain absolutely no knowledge by looking at hundreds of pictures of them...In our case we quote the experts people with first hand experience, and it is not right in this stage an on to do other than that...quote the one cares about your opinion or anyone else does on the subject...sorry catlion and Jaws, but gona have to agree with Red clay here, no need to chastize the animal or debaters especially if you arent willing to contribute with data, the facts will lay in the proof, but I do appreciate you pointing out some inconsistency which of course is always a big help, at the same time, red clay....this is a forum is about empires, and wars...blood shed and cant expect for a forum with such the titled topic to be talking like we are discussing the the care bears here. Which is why you and centrix needs to give a little more room for criticizing as long as it is backed up with facts.

Again, Majing, I've seen your rants to Counter strike on other places...first of all...Counter strike has put in more genuine research then the entire wild fact jokes combined,. he has even talked to many person...then peter, guate, pckts or any other clown you can name there...did you not know that peter is actually the one who started the debate amongs others in yuku years ago? He pumps out this BS persona just to hide his bias, he was the one to bring in accounts, bring in experts opinions, make accusations against any data thats pro-lion or that condems any questioning his poor, unreliable, least credible hear say records that supports the tiger...Our team...Me, bold, leofwin, and counter strike...merely illuminated the original records, root documents and reliable please spare me this run around the donkeys ass as you have with counter strike on his profile, hes actually right, you dont favor the lion on basis of you thinking they need the help, ummmmm almost a hundred accounts of 1 on 1s had the lion dominate the tiger, with records of single lions killing by count more larger things than tigers do in the wild...the absolutely only reason why Peter banned Counter strike is because the facts out weighs his opinions, have you seen his premiere league not just on wild fact but on yuku? Its more opinions than records, entire pages about simple contradiction is given by him. 

He chastised Beatty without even knowing anything about him, only because Clyde beatty is the ultimate proof that lions dominated tigers, dont give me this Bullshit, I seen ths stuff on yuku before you even came to this topic and seen peter even say not a single male tiger was killed under beattys watch, its probably still has 40 years worth observation....worked with 2,000+ lions and tigers...seen first hand fights and killings...worked with both captive and wild specimens,  and had 56 tigers killed by lions with less than 4 lions killed by tigers on record...this is the only reason why he disliked beatty because it went against his bias views...not even knowing beatty once favored the tiger, but if you were a trainer and you kept seeing tigers being killed by lions, wouldnt your opinion change? You do know peter was once on carnivora toting out how tigers would lay waste to lions, pumped out pages of how a tiger would beat a lion on dont tell me hes some sort of white knight... Give me a break, beatty wanst the only mix animal trainer that lost tigers to lions to up hold peters claims, over 25 trainers have statements of losing more than several tigers to stop the charade, instead of peter saying hes has talked to soooooo much trainers and experts, how about he starts naming them and giving out their contact info, since Counter strike has the people in his video recorded talked too and has their emails too.

This is just from Clyde beatty, a guy who worked with using wild bred animals:

1928 Lion named Prince killed a tigress trudy saving beattys life
1929 Lion named Nero Killed a tiger named Pasha saving his life
1930 A gang fight erupted in the result of 3 tigers killed by lions
1931 A Lion named duke and a lioness killed a tigress Snip and a tiger
1932 A lion named sammy killed a lioness
1933 A lion named Sultan killed a tiger name Tommy
1933 A lion named Caesar killed a tiger named Bobby
1933 A fight staged for the film big cage, a lion killed a tiger
1933 Two more tigers were killed in gang fights
1934 Accidental fights in performances were used for the lost jungle, a tigress nelly was killed by a lion
1934 The same lion Caesar killed two tigers and was taken out of the act
1935 Lion named detroit kills 3 tigresses, Alice, empress and slilka
1936 Beatty mentions in his long career he has 25 tigers killed by lions accidentally
1936 A lion named Boss tweeds fought and killed 3 bengal tigers at once
1936 Clyde mentions a lion killed a tiger named Poona
1937 Clydes wife Harriet witnesses a lion kill a tiger in his act.
1938 A lion named Memphis kills a tigress named Sehka
1947 Two lions Tarzan and Henry kills a tiger named Toona
1951 Another lion named prince, killed 3 tigresses and two tigers, Rosie, slieka 2, and sheba
1951 Clyde states 50 tigers were killed by lions in his 40 year career so far
1953 Two lions kill a bengal tiger in beattys act
1954 A lion named France killed two tigers
1957 His third lion named Caesar kills 2 tigers

Beatty was a showman, not a roman arena style underground fight arranger, Terrell, Nelson, Hoover, bostocks, hagenbecks and many more have identical incidents happening so no need to accuse beatty of anything other than what he was, since for one he states over 100 times his love, care and bonding with his tigers and gives them due credit to their fighting attributes as he saw it, it wasnt his fault tigers flop as the verdict against lions when in the same arena, beatty even don'd his own name in all of his films, and personified who he was as a human:

So cut the bullshit, you and wild fact members only character assassinate...only...because he goes against your retarded views that the bigger animal 100% of the time always wins, which newer info shows there are many anatomical differences, and the tiger is sure as hell aint the taller at the shoulder and head nor is consistent with its weight. 

Show me, show me all captive records in history of a tiger killing a lion beating Clyde beattys past life history? Bet you cant, no need for this tip toe around the truth that these are captivity when all wild fact members like peter has ever used a wild lion killed by a tiger to move an inch to proving your cases.

Stop portending to be an expert, when none of you guys are, peter is a joke who hides behind his agenda. Hence you see accounts from pckts the low life fabricator posting tigers killing lions on wild fact,  guate posting the gwailor accounts, yet no lion killing tiger account is ever allowed there and already has been posted by counter strike, yet its speedily erased and character assassinated...hmmm. Dont go putting words in others mouths or extending fabrications from wild fact...Hobi, final 16??? Where did Jeong sangjop or yiyoung phil...ever say the tigers dominated any of the lions? We have their testimonials and links, wheres yours? Let me guess... blogs, wild fact members and out of thin air yet again? There is a combined over 30 fabricated, photo shop and made out of thin air accounts made exclusively and only by the tiger me a single account counter strike, bold, leof, or my self to have faked an account? Thats right, everything is genuine, even the artifacts, we faked not one of them, if you wanna say they arent real, then hey dont believe them, stay in your simplistic minds of thinking by providing bullshit records of lengths and weights, that you can prove the tiger is the more dominant cat.

You can get every weight documentation on the planet, you still wont move an inch closer in proving the tiger is superior overall. Yet theres video that trumps all text weights in all of existence which can be edited, and already showed a lion being weighed heavier than a tiger...why would I care less for pieces of paper from anyone, hunter, scientist ect when anyone can just email zoos, circuses or animal reserves to get live video weighed? What we see with our own two eyes is the highest credibility that trumps everything.

You can even tell Guate I said to wake up and stop with the BS...everything he spews out about the indian lion is 100% false, even to his self proclaimed experts like Valmik thapar, Thapar is not a biologist nor a historian, hes a anthropologist who fancys the tiger, yeah he trys to save tigers, big does millions of conservationist in india do...yet instead of being truthful, he has to belittle the lions presence and history and mock the lion just because he thinks a bigger tiger would destroy a lion...ha ha ha, some science hes got there...nothing he states holds a candle in the light of the facts:

lol just like all tiger fans who try to retort the lions presence, lying out their ass...Thapar said Jahangir hunted not a single lion, yet there are records of that single person wiping out over 86 of them, with more than 1,000 lions killed by just 5 sources, let alone an entire century, let alone an entire 2,000 years, let alone all the libraries in india he has never checked. His entire book exotic aliens is a joke. He fits the peter/pckts view of erasing things thats pro lion in order to make the inferior the superior.


These dont look like no cubs tigers. They stretch up all the way to the ceiling and floor.

a giant lion that attacked the tigers and put them to flight."

attacked the tigers and made them turn tail.

Japanese artifact

Hmmm sounds quite similar to this:


It took me a year and a half to get a permit to explore the entire Gir Forest—and no time at all to see why these lions became symbols of royalty and greatness. A tiger will slink through the forest unseen, but a lion stands its ground, curious and unafraid—lionhearted.

90% of all of wiki is twisted and fabricated, the so call opinion is based off of young lions, so is the black pool:

Most dont include the age:

But if you look through the same account, some do:

This is repeated on almost every tiger winning source, first numerous later articles dub the tiger the king, states the tiger always won in every instance, cites it, but then the originals dont say or show anything grand of a sort, a young lion is nothing compared to a fully maned one. So far almost every account Ive seen of a tiger winning was against a young lion or lioness via by its original source, nothing on wiki like sites are from their original or root source, just others covering it and twisting it.

Much like the wiki glasgow one, the person says a tiger would win 100/100 yet when we look at the account again, the lion involved was maneless via either young or female:

This is the kinda crap wildfact members pump out: 

And heres the real source that said they were mating and produced one of the rare hybrid off springs: 

Counter strike even presented both sides of the coin on his site, almost no records of tigers killing male lions of first hand accounts exist, just alledged ones, can you guys show a single photo of the winner or loser of any record a tiger has beaten a lion?




Nero america:

Nero the lion had killed the feline tiger Pasha, in saving Beatty's life. The fight lasted twenty-five ...

Caesar one 1933:

"Clyde Beatty. among other famous trainers, has recorded some of them. He tells of one huge lion, named Caesar, who, from his position at the top of a pyramid formed in the act by the caged cats, twice sprang upon tigers, killing each one almost instantly. The audience loved it, but tigers are expensive so Caesar had to be taken out of the show."

Caesar 2 1957:

Clyde Beatty, world's greatest wild animal trainer, seems to be having trouble with "Caesar," the tiger killing lion. Beatty is insistent but Caesar continues to refuse with lts magnificent display of dental equipment. The Beatty wild animal display is' one of the many thrillers to be seen with the Clyde Beatty Circus, coming to Lebanon on Tuesday 

~Lebanon Daily News 12 March 1957 › Page 15

Nero australia:

Tarzan and henry

Two sulking Nubian lions brought a graudge up to date when they waylaid and killed a bcngal tiger in an ear-splitting fight that turned Clyde Beatty's animal cage into a bloody arena at the Shrine circus here tonight. Poona, a 13-year-old tiger, fought-'back valiantly but went down under the savage attack of Tarzan and Henry


Then Ramsey, the Bengal tiger, crouched and leaped. Wallace reared up to meet him. He caught the tiger full in the throat, held him almost in midair for an instant, dashed him back against the pedestals. There was a crash of falling wood; the tiger sprang up against the bars, circled the cage, roaring and lashing, crouched again again as if to spring. But he did not spring. Nor did Chita. For Wallace, he whose ancestors had been undisputed emperors of jungles and marsh lands, Wallace — the sullen old lion — stood mighty guard over the man who loved him, who had cared for him in sickness and health. His mane was distended into a great flare of defiance They knew him for what he was -- the king. And so they snarled and crouched until prodded back into the traveling cages. Then we tried to prod Wallace away from the still body of the little trainer he had striven to save. But he would not move. engal+tiger%2C+crouched+and+leap ed.+Wallace+reared+up+to+meet+hi m.+He+caught+the+tiger+full+in+t he+throat%22&hl=en&tbm=bks&oq=%2 2Then+Ramsey%2C+the+Bengal+tiger %2C+crouched+and+leaped.+Wallace +reared+up+to+meet+him.+He+caugh t+the+tiger+full+in+the+throat%2 2&gs_l=heirloom-serp.3...58899.67442.0.67681.3.3 . c.1.34.heirloom-serp..

Big Leo



Rover: ne+day+the+tiger+confronted+a+li on+and+a+terrible+duel+followed+ at+the+end+of+which+the+tiger+la y+dead.+WANTON+KlLLlNG%22

King Edward:

kills Dan the bengal tiger~The American magazine n+the+bengal+zora+&tbm=bks&tbo=1 &gws_rd=ssl


Lesson of the Lion TamersA large male lion named Regal had a dominating presence in the center ring, but that did not stop a puma in the same act from showing his resentment. At the end of every performance, as the big cats returned to their cages, the puma passed Regal’s pedestal and reached up, quickly clipping Regal on the leg. This continued for many weeks. As the lion tamer described: "I knew that real trouble was building, but I couldn’t think of any way to stop it. The animals are trained to leave the arena in a certain order; I couldn’t send Regal out first and so get him out of the puma’s way. I was afraid to interfere directly between the two animals; if I should chase Regal down from his seat, there almost certainly would have been a fight."Ultimately, "Regal decided to end the annoyance." "This time, when I cued the puma to go back to his cage, Regal was ready. Just as the puma was passing but before he had time to reach up and clip the lion, Regal leaned down and swung with such a haymaker as I have neverBefore seen. He caught the puma on the side of the neck, striking with such force that he severed the head from the body as cleanly as though it had been cut off by a headsman’s ax. The puma’s body fell limp at the foot of Regal’s pedestal, and the head flew across the arena, struck the bars on the far side and rebounded, to drop on the ground like a spent ball… "Regal was still on his seat. I cued him to go to his cage, and he got down, stepped across the blood that was flowing from the puma’s body, and returned to his cage. His attitude was that of one who has performed a necessary, though perhaps unpleasant duty. He had removed an annoyance, and there was nomore to be said on the subject. When he returned to the arena for the next performance,he never even glanced at the place where the puma had been.

Boss tweeds:


Boss Tweed," Clyde said, "was one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen, in addition to his noble looks. He did some of his cleverest fighting in the Rochester Massacre. That was this spring. When Iwo score of lions and tigers were in the arena for a dress rehearsal. One, on a high seat, reached down to take a cuff at the cat below. They frequently do that without much happening. But in this case the caton the- high scat fell off and landed on the one below. The one below, thinking he was attacked, started to fight. In a second it was a free-for-all. In such a fight the lions have two distinct advantages. Their first is their thick mane which prevents the tigers from getting to their throats. Their second is their clannish way of ganging up on a tiger. A tiger will justwatch another tiger being attacked. The lions join each other. An animal attendant excitedly raised a gate into the shoot so the beasts could return to their cages. Into the shoot ran three Bengal tigers with Boss Tweed in pursuit. "For twenty minutes they battled. Boss Tweed killed the three tigers, but himself was almost torn to ribbons. He recovered but somehow he never seemed to be the same. His spirit or his fighting nerve was gone. The other morning I opened his cage door and he was dead, for seven years I trained him, the longest of any of my cats. I was greatly attached to him.

Lets see it then majing, show us the faces of all these alleged accounts of tigers killing lions, either dont have all that much because it almost never happens against a large maned lion, only a few exist, compared to vice versa...stop denying things.

What the indian lion looked like when they were more wide spread, had natural selection, and as healthy as their barbary ancestors

Another Indian sportsman tells us, that the lion, though not so swift as the tiger, is generally stronger and more courageous.

The Parbati flows due north for 80 miles, and falls into the Chambal in the extreme north-eastern corner of the territory. It forms the eastern boundary of the State for a considerable portion of its length, separating it from Tonk on the south and from Gwalior on the north. The rivers contain trout and mahsir, besides other fish; crocodiles are numerous, and those in the Chambal are of large size. There are no natural lakes, but numerous small artificial tanks, for irrigation purposes, have been made by throwing masonry embankments across water-courses.

The wild animals of the State include the 'golden ' lion, the tiger, panther, four species of leopards, two of cheetahs (hunting leopard), hyaena, wolf, bear, jackal, wild dog, etc.; the bison, the sdmbhar, the nflgau, the chital (spotted deer), and antelope. Kotah is celebrated for its parrots; birds of every variety abound.

Lions And Tigers Killed By The Officers Of The 2nd CenTral India Horse—A party out with Col. Gibbard from the 9th April to the 1st of June bagged twenty-four tigers, three panthers, and one bear. AVe arc given to understand that the officers of the 2nd regiment of Central India Horse for the past two years have bagged from thirty to forty tigers ; last year they killed thirty six, and during the time the regiment has been stationed at Augur and Goona they have shot from 300 to 350 lions


The Chinese pilgrim Fa Hian tells us that in his time (A.D. 4.00) the hills were thickly wooded and were full of lions, tigers, and wolves, so that travellers had to be cautious.

Like an army with an infantry fully armed, Galloping horses, huge elephants and chariots, Or lordly lions killing tigers,


On Monday, the 25th, we crossed over the River Mohan into Naipfllese territory, having spent the Sabbath at the villag ._of Lfilttpore, where, as usual, we preached Jesus to crowds of interested people.Passing throughforests, jungles, and tall tiger-grass, and not far from the place where elephants, lions and tigers abound, on the 26th we reached Gola Mundy, an important trading post. 80 miles northeast of Sitapur


(panther), the Cheeta and the Babbra — 'which is white, has long hair about the head' — a description indicating the existence of lions. r%29%2C+the+Cheeta+and+the+Babbr a+%E2%80%94+%27which+is+white%2C +has+long+hair+about+the+head%27 +%E2%80%94+a+description+indicat ing+the+existence+of+lions.#hl=e n&tbm=bks&q=+basti+%22Babbra+%E2 %80%94+%27which+is+white%2C+has+ long+hair+about+the+head%27+%E2% 80%94+a+description+indicating+t he+existence+of+lions.%2


late as the beginning of the 19th century Hamilton referred to lions existing in vast numbers in the Saharanpur districts, ...


Heres the follow up:

Queen of france

an exploit of this description, attended with more than ordinary peril, marked the commencement of Crichton's amour with Marguerite de Valois. A combat of animals had been commanded. Scaffoldings, reared around the court, were graced with the flower and loveliness of the land.A fiercely-contestedfight between the ruler of the forest and the sole disputant of his sway, the striped tiger, had terminated in the defeat of the latter. With mane erect and paw heavily imposed upon the lacerated breast of his antagonist, the kingly brute, still growling with rage, glared defiance at the assemblage; when, and amid the bush of silent admiration that succeeded his victory, was heard the light musical laugh of the Queen of Navarre, and the next moment her embroidered kerchief fell at the feet of the slaughtered tiger.

You an any nut job from wildfacts whole principles is only upon size:

So it is accepted that the larger tigers still only average in all around at 420 lbs, not including the sundarban tigers which would drop the sub-species of the bengal to around 350 lbs. But as illustrated a 500 lb bengal tiger is rare, a 600 lb pounder is extreme and a 700 lb bengal tiger is once in a life gives a shit, we know there weights, continuingly bringing up weights, over and over again, does what? Which would prove would beat the other, a hundred documents of boxer A froms of showing he out weighs boxer B...or...a 100 documents of boxer B, whooping, and defeating boxer A...Hmm? You guys dont have anything that proves that tigers have beaten lions other than alleged accounts, lionesses, or young ones. 1 or two times would prove nothing neither, you would need a consistency. You have none in any aspect, not even weights, since I can show more lions out weighing tigers.

  1. Artifact from french men of india 1840:

    Epic scene in calcutta 1884

    Alfred Bunn, manager of Drury Lane, attested to the scene. "The boldest in the Royal suite speedily retreated"after a lion sprang at a tiger, which had secured the largest piece of meat, and the animals crashed against the side of the cage with such force that it seemed they would break through. "But the youthful Queen", Bunn continued, "never moved either face or foot. With look undiverted and still more deeply riveted she continued to gaze on the novel and moving spectacle" (Bunn 1840: 154).!etd.send_file?accession=bgsu129 1994738&disposition=inline

    steel engraving - in 1844 scene India

    Eugène verboeckhoven

    The ferocity of the tiger's disposition has been exaggerated; but although capable of being made quite gentle, they are unreliable in their habits, and apt at any instant to attempt the gratification of a blood-thirsty disposition. Keepers of menageries, however much confidence they may feel in the friendship of the "king of beasts," are always nervous about the tiger, and cautious in their movements. We think it was Van Amberg who was unexpectedly set upon by a tiger, when the lion came to his rescue, and actually threw the tiger down, and held him fast until the man escaped. 

    Think this is the incident the lion saved the trainer in birmingham:

    Some accounts of lions and tigers from another source:

    The lion of Bombay
    So stop with the charade...either quote the quotes, or weigh eaches credence with supplying proper refutes and facts.

Edited by Prime - 13-Apr-2016 at 02:01
Be honset to thy self!
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Richard Parker View Drop Down
Immortal Guard
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 10:02
Actually Majingilane, I care about your opinion on this subject.  And thanks for that info Majin on the Kanha seson tiger sightings. 

I would like to tell the lion fans here neither Majin or I are experts but just as they voice their fan-based expert opinions here, and since this is a lion versus tiger thread, then we should be able to give our opinions as well. And now are they going to say you and I Majin are the same person? That would just be utter stupidity .

Sadly the lion fans here are not able to debate in a civil and friendly manner. they lash out . Even using female tigers as examples and documented records.

We are not experts but  someone who posts  a dead tigress as an account of a valid one on fight between lion and tiger is not an expert in my opinion. and neither is catlion who thinks bigger tigers are clumsier. The fight in everland park between a big lion and a bigger tiger, well that tiger striked fast enough to get the lion on the ground.  that's not clumsy .

Now neither you Prime or catlion are authorities  in this , and neither have you handled lions and tigers on a daily basis to be able to give expert opinions.  Your post about Surya and the German Shepherds , you made it look like the dogs were biting her when in fact they  were play fighting . Why didn't you post the whole set of pictures and link to Surya? You made it look like that was an accounted fight when it was not. Did you disclose that that was a tigress?

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Richard Parker View Drop Down
Immortal Guard
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 10:04
For you Prime to accuse tiger fans' work  as poor and credible , you should start with your own work. You keep posting the dead tigress...If it wasn't for Tigris here who revealed that that was a tigress not a tiger , you would have been happy to let readers believe that the tiger was male. Same goes for Surya....Another tigress you show for your say.

So my point is Prime, someone who chooses to only post what you want people to see is corrupting information to suit your obsession with lions. Your lion is not invincible. Tigers beat lions in ancient Rome , and have done so . You try to make every account look fake and that is where the problem is. According to you and your repetitive posts there is no 50-50 . For you the lion is invincible.

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Richard Parker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 10:08
Catlion, with all due respect , it is you who has your information mixed up , or shall i say fabrricated. You said this ;

In reality , it was the younger and bigger tiger that emerged victorious. So how is a bigger tiger more clumsy and weak......
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Richard Parker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 10:12
If it is expert opinions that have the say then  Prime you should go on Yahoo forum where this safari park tiger/lion handler voiced his or her expert opinion based on their work experience.....

Well here is an expert observation based on work experience. And according to this person lions just have sex and sleep , though this person says also that lions fight one another. Well tigers do that too, as Majin showed and from the Tiger Canyon fight.

Edited by Richard Parker - 13-Apr-2016 at 11:27
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Richard Parker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 10:16
Prime , I urge you to show some respect to tiger fans. Stop insulting us and saying our work is a charade. 
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Majingilane View Drop Down

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 13:07
My stance here is pretty clear.

I have no intention of getting into silly posturing or name calling with any of the posters, Red clay is correct.

Most of the informatin presented here is from captive sources, the few that refer to wild ones are personal opinions.

That's why I post about the wild animals, because in seeing how they behave in everyday life, how they react to trouble, how they deal with their rivals, you can know them as they really are.

I've often said that I know way much more about lions than I do about tigers. And funnily enough, it takes just a bit of research, like the one I posted, to correct some of the misunderstandings that the tiger is usually subject to.

The same happens with lions.
‘Like night-watchmen they patrol the dark nights; marching with intent and chasing all those unwanted into the shadows...those that do not run are removed’
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red clay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13-Apr-2016 at 13:55
Originally posted by Richard Parker

Prime , I urge you to show some respect to tiger fans.<span ="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre">     </span>Stop insulting us and saying our work is a charade. 

Your presence here is a charade. Your here only to troll and disrupt. This thread has become more trouble than it's worth.

I have to close this thread as a result of this garbage.

Prime, your as guilty as anyone. I've tried to work with you, but it seems you can't control your immature responses to criticism. Which is what the idiot trolls rely on. They wanted to shut this thread down and you gave them your complete co-operation.

This is not where it ends. I'm placing formal complaints with your providers. I'm also going to do everything I can to get that ridiculous wordpress site shut down permanently.

Take your meaningless childish bickering someplace else. This thread is closed and shall remain so.

I am also closing any related threads. Any new threads will be treated the same way, and the originators will be banned.

Edited by red clay - 13-Apr-2016 at 13:58
"Arguing with someone who hates you or your ideas, is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter what move you make, your opponent will walk all over the board and scramble the pieces".
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