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Abortion: is it murder?

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Topic: Abortion: is it murder?
Posted By: akıncı
Subject: Abortion: is it murder?
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 13:41
I really wondered were AE members stood on the issue

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 13:47
Yes because each human has a purpose endowed by the creator, whoever that is???????

The big heartless computer in the sky-

I am not opposed to a woman making that choice but, at least in the U.S., they should be required to go through counseling before they make that decision so they can learn about the risks and options. There are still a certain % of women who become sterile after one or more abortion. I know someone who became sterile in that manner, but it is not as bad as it use to be.

Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 13:55

since you are amking abortion,being sterile doesn't matter

that is a very low possibility

but it is true that it gives a little,tiny damage

my vote:

NO,it is not murder

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: Kalevipoeg
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 14:26

It is murder, because organic life is organic life, but it is certainly a beneficial factor for the control of world population.

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 14:36

Every embrio to be aborted is a living human, just like you and me, doesnt mater two days old or two months old. Some adults make mistakes, but their ex children pays the price of their guilt. This is disgusting, and inhumane.

But in some conditions, such as rape and defective baby, abortion can be considered, but in a limited time after the forming of the embrio, like two months...


Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 14:42

Originally posted by eaglecap

Yes because each human has a purpose endowed by the creator, whoever that is???????

To be blown up by a bomb for instance.

I've never really understood the mentality of US conservative abortionists. Abortion's a crime but a bomb from a US plane landing on a school or hospital is justified.

They're terribly ill and misguided people.

Light blue touch paper and stand well back - -

Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 14:48

Abortion is a democratical right for women.But when a nation or country faces the problem of low birthrate,in red degree,then it shoud be under special conditons or prohibited.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Komnenos
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 15:16
Originally posted by Spartakus

Abortion is a democratical right for women.


But when a nation or country faces the problem of low birthrate,in red degree,then it shoud be under special conditons or prohibited.

Not agreed! Are you saying that in the case of a low or negative birthrate, women should be forced to breed. What happened to their democratic rights then? Temporary disbanded?
And what about men? Should Condoms and any other form of birthcontrol that men could practise, also be prohibited?


Posted By: Ionian
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 15:47
  NO its not murder.

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 16:53

it's prevention of life, if you want to call that murder is open to anyones interpretation...


personally if a couple is too dumb to use condoms or the pill or whatever they deserve having a baby, but on the other hand some couples shouldn't have children at all, there are too many occations were women get ridd of their unwanted babies or even kill them. but then, how dumb are some couples..."hey, let's have sex for fun", and later complain "I had no idea sex could lead to children!" maye the EU should issue warning shields like they have with cigarettes, saying "caution! Sex could lead to children and responsibility!"....


Posted By: JanusRook
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 16:59

Abortion is murder because it is a human being genetically.

I do not feel it is right to force values on others though so I feel that the people themselves should decide if abortion is right or wrong.

I've never really understood the mentality of US conservative abortionists. Abortion's a crime but a bomb from a US plane landing on a school or hospital is justified.

I dislike statements such as these because both cases ARE wrong, but whether we choose to justify one or the other doesn't mean that either is wrong or right.

This question is too broad for instance do we accept only 1st trimester or 2nd trimester abortions, or are 3rd trimester abortions to be included as well, if that's the case then is the child that can survive outside the womb denied their basic human rights at the whim of the mother.

Also if that is the case then can a mother decide to commit infanticide because she cannot take care of the child.

I mean abortion is a slippery slope and morals are a major part of it, basically the question comes down to when you consider someone human and alive. Culture dictates when this is, but I feel that biologically something should be given rights when it is a unique and separate from another organism. Whether it be an internal parasite or not.

Economic Communist, Political Progressive, Social Conservative.

Unless otherwise noted source is wiki.

Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 17:21
It is tricky because it has to do with the definition of when birth starts. It especially gets murky when one has to deal with the health of the mother and the realities of horrible illnesses.

Theoretically, the conceptus is a human being. However, no rational person can claim that an almost microscopic cell is a human. I know that religious people will argue with this point, but it really comes to an ethical test:
If a fertility clinic is on fire and we absolutely have to choose between a living adult and the cells, should we rescue the living breathing human beings, or the cells on plastic dishes?

I cringe thinking about those who would save the plastic dishes.

But let us argue from the other extreme. Is a nine-month-old fetus a human? I would say it is. Is an eight, seventh, a human. Yes. Most healthy baby can be born at these points and survive.

Are six, five, and four-month-old fetuses human? Maybe. I don't know. I would say that this is probably where we actually begin to have a human being.

From this I would say that abortion becomes more objectionable as the pregnancy goes on. As a matter of fact, most abortions are done early in the pregnancy, back at the point where they are mostly a bundle of cells.

Most people who carry a child for three or more months want to have it. If they abort, it has to do with medical complications to the mother or horrible illnesses that the child has. I don't have a problem with this. It is at the discretion of the mother.

If it were the life of a third trimester fetus or the mother, I would leave the decision to the mother. Some people are willing to die for a child. Some people have other children to take care of, so they cannot give their lives for the sake of another child. It depends, and we should respect the parents’ decision.

If it the life of a second trimester fetus or the mother, and the fetus has a small probability to survive, I believe that the mother has priority. The chances of survival for the fetus are small, and there is already an alive human who is at risk.

If the child is going to have a horrible genetic disease and this is known in the second semester, the fetus should be aborted. The resulting child will suffer greatly, and the energy and resources that the mother, the family and society has to pour into keeping these people alive are not worth it. But again, I would respect the decision of the parents.

If a horrible disease is found in the third trimester, I find it justifiable to abort, if that is what the parents want.

As a final note, I want to state that many, although not all, people who are anti-abortion are dodging their responsibilities. Science fiction has been warning humans for the last 200 years that we shouldn’t play god. We did, and now we have to make life-and-death decisions. It is a horrible responsibility, but we must take it because our decision affects other people in our family.

Having abortion illegal takes away this decision from people. In fact, many anti-abortionist activists are people who decided to end the life of a conceptus or fetus and regretted later. They blame society for allowing them to make the decision.

The cruel reality is that illegal or not, we are still have to make this decision. We have to grow up; being an adult is making difficult decisions and living with the consequences. It is not a pretty situation, but it is reality.


Posted By: Idanthyrus
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 18:46

Originally posted by JanusRook

I've never really understood the mentality of US conservative abortionists. Abortion's a crime but a bomb from a US plane landing on a school or hospital is justified.

I dislike statements such as these because both cases ARE wrong, but whether we choose to justify one or the other doesn't mean that either is wrong or right.

I think the point he was trying to make was that we often do try to justify one over the other.

I personally think that using abortions as birth control is horrible, but I do not think that they should be banned. There are many different conditions where a fetus may be endangering it's mother's life that are undiagnosible untill well after the pregnancy is underway. The same goes for terminal conditions that affect the fetus itself.

Another thing that should be considered is that if abortions were banned we would simply be returing to the days of backyard abortions when mortality was high and the practice was still common. Making it a crime doesn't mean that they will magically stop happening.

I think education is still the most powerfull tool to prevent unneccisary abortions.

Posted By: Thegeneral
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 19:09
Of course it is muder.  Murder is taking away someones right to live.  Is that not what people do with abortions?  They are taking away the right of that child to live.  Sad that anyone would even think of it as not murder.


Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 19:43

Another point of is how many anti-abortionists are pro comprehensive sex education in school and the free availability of contraception to children of all ages?


Light blue touch paper and stand well back - -

Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 19:57
I have mixed feelings so i dont vote in this poll.

Posted By: Illuminati
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 20:24
The government should not have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body.


Posted By: TheOrcRemix
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 20:53

Its not murder.

if a girl gets raped, then she would have to live with this, her job could be a disaster, and after the child is born, she will have to care for it. doesn't seem fair. and if abortion is legal, than all girls will say they got raped. its a hard suject :/

True peace is not the absence of tension, but the presence of justice.
Sir Francis Drake is the REAL Pirate of the Caribbean

Posted By: Dawn
Date Posted: 31-May-2005 at 22:55

Originally posted by Illuminati

The government should not have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body.

I could not agree more !!!!


Posted By: JanusRook
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 00:04

The government should not have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body.

So the gov't shouldn't get involved when a woman [or any person for that matter] wants to kill herself, or slit her wrists, or cut off an arm. It's not the actions that someone does, its the reasons why they do it that I believe the gov't should get involved with though.

 Murder is taking away someones right to live. 

Actually Murder is ending someone's life voluntarily. Taking away someone's right to live [their life] is what extremist anti-abortionists do.

There are many different conditions where a fetus may be endangering it's mother's life that are undiagnosible untill well after the pregnancy is underway. The same goes for terminal conditions that affect the fetus itself.

Abortion is acceptable in cases where a natural abortion (miscarriage) would occur and the mother would almost certainly die, i.e. Tube pregnancies.

However, no rational person can claim that an almost microscopic cell is a human.

What do you define as human? I define it as an organism that shares the genetic structure of human beings. I believe that means that a zygote, embryo, fetus are human. Or do you believe that a child who isn't fully grown not human? They are just different stages of humanity.

the child is going to have a horrible genetic disease and this is known in the second semester, the fetus should be aborted. The resulting child will suffer greatly, and the energy and resources that the mother, the family and society has to pour into keeping these people alive are not worth it. But again, I would respect the decision of the parents.

The parents should only be allowed to make this decision after a doctor has "prescribed" this as an option. Else what qualifies as a genetic disease? Cystic Fibrosis is a good choice for genetic disease where the child wont likely live to be old. But then again what about down's syndrome, many afflicted live relatively long fulfilling lives is this a genetic disease that requires abortion. If we keep going down this ledge then being a girl or having blue eyes could be considered genetic "disorders" liable for abortion. Should we allow parents who only want boys to be able to kill a child on a whim?


Also I feel that women who get raped should have free counseling available paid by the state, via the offending party paying damages. Which should aid in their choice.

I also feel that the adoption policy in the US should be less strict and regulated as this only causes more children to end up in fostor homes.

(  Those fostor "parents" should not be paid for taking care of children, that is just ridiculous.)

Economic Communist, Political Progressive, Social Conservative.

Unless otherwise noted source is wiki.

Posted By: Tobodai
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 00:34

Scientifically yes its a living human and thus legally killing it is murder.  But who cares? Murder is a significant part of the human existence, and sometimes it is better to kill than not to kill.  Studies have shown abrotion legalization directly coorelates with dropping US crime rates.

And most people who get abortions would not make good parents and might be abusive, and adoption is not a viable answer like its made out to be, becaue orphanages and whatnot are overflowing.

I personally think there are too many dman people in the world anyway, we will destroy ourselves if dont pursue a zero population growth policy.

The irony about the US is that we have among the worst sex ed in the world yet are often agaisnt abortion.  If you want less abortions give better education!

Of course I could live in a state where abortion was outlawed, but only as long as it was still legal for rape victims and incest and whatnot.  No one should have to be humilated by rape any more than the rape itself.

Its always good to side with the side that gives people personal choice, always, then they have no one to blame but themselves.

And peopel speak abotu it like its a new phenomonon, and that makes me laugh at their ignorance.  Infanticide is what happens if theres no abortion, and its been very comon throughout all of history, and is more comon in th emore sustainable societies that do it for population control (New Ginea highlands) and reached its peak in the 18th century.  Not new at all.

"the people are nothing but a great beast...
I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value."
-Alexander Hamilton

Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 03:21

no,if you get an aabortion up to seven weeks it is not murder


P.S.tobodai your approach on the matter was very interesting

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 06:14
Originally posted by Komnenos

Originally posted by Spartakus

Abortion is a democratical right for women.


But when a nation or country faces the problem of low birthrate,in red degree,then it shoud be under special conditons or prohibited.

Not agreed! Are you saying that in the case of a low or negative birthrate, women should be forced to breed. What happened to their democratic rights then? Temporary disbanded?
And what about men? Should Condoms and any other form of birthcontrol that men could practise, also be prohibited?
Nobody is forcing anyone to breed.By prohibiting abortion it does not mean that you force them to breed.They will make as many children as they like.Condoms and other protective means should  not be prohibited.But abortion,if the birthrate is VERY low,yes should be prohibited.But ONLY abortion.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Perseas
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 06:30

What i know is that everyone must be responsible of his/her actions. Immaturity and irresponsibility are the main reasons for undesirable pregnacies. With the irresponsibility of some persons, mostly young, they are bringing to life a uncertain life. A life which is being hovered from the decision of his/her immature parents.

And they are coming afterwards not to can bear up the "weight" of a human life, which is their own creation and finally they are consenting to the murder of it.

But again it isnt that easy to accuse them so easily since i admit there are always missfortunes. A broken condomn, a pill who didnt worked and many more. But in the end we must all be responsible of our actions.

A mathematician is a person who thinks that if there are supposed to be three people in a room, but five come out, then two more must enter the room in order for it to be empty.

Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 07:24

Originally posted by Spartakus

means should  not be prohibited.But abortion,if the birthrate is VERY low,yes should be prohibited.But ONLY abortion.

yes it could be but my girlfriend's-friend got prgegnant(18),and she got an abortion.Now in turkey if we had a very low birthrate her life would have been ruined.

you should never ban choices of people.If they choose not to be rabbits,it's their choice.

I think you should only make abortion up to seven weeks time.

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 11:49
Hi, JanusRook,

Before I get into the argument, I want to tell you that what follows is only about the argument. I personally like and respect you.

Let me tackle first my definition of life. You disagree with it by saying that any cell that shares human genome code should be considered human.

According to your definition, we should consider chimps humans, since they share 98% of their genetic code with humans. If fact, most mammals share a high percentage of genetic material with us, so they should have the same humanity that we give to living human beings.

In fact, we share genetic material with fungi. Should they too be granted humanity?

Obviously your argument is weak. Let me strengthen it. Any cell that can be identified as human should be granted human status. This definition also runs into problems. After all, hair, skin, and nails have human genome, yet, by themselves, they are not human. They are just a cluster of human cells. Notice how the key word here is “cells.” No one will confuse my nail clippings with a human being.

Let me make it even stronger. I think that you are specifically talking about the conceptus cell. Only those cells that can eventually result in the creation of a full human are human.

Now that we have defined what you mean by your definition, it is time to examine it.

Part of the food that I eat will eventually become part of my body. In this manner, it is becoming human. However, I don’t grant humanity to the hotdog that I have on my hand. The hotdog cells will eventually become part of a human organism, but they are not by themselves human.

We can all identify humans on the street. We can all identify human babies. We can even identify human fetuses after a certain point. But most of us cannot identify a human embryo. If we can identify it is because we either studied enough biology to tell or because someone told us so.

We cannot interact with a cell the same way that we interact with a human. We can interact with children, we can interact with babies, we can interact with fetuses, but we cannot interact with a lump of cells.

Also, what defines us as humans is our ability to think and communicate our thinking to other beings. If we do not have a brain, we cannot think, thus we are not human. A cluster of cells lacks a brain, lacks thinking, so it lacks humanity too.

But once again, it is the ethical scenario that to me makes the whole difference.

Again, would you rescue a living human being or a petri dish if there were a fire in a fertility clinic and you could only rescue one?

I repeat again, the above argument is focusing just on the ideas.


Posted By: Imperator Invictus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 11:57
Scientifically yes its a living human and thus legally killing it is murder. But who cares? Murder is a significant part of the human existence, and sometimes it is better to kill than not to kill. Studies have shown abrotion legalization directly coorelates with dropping US crime rates.

So are sperm cells, of which thousands die every day, considered living?


Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 12:00
Originally posted by akıncı

yes it could be but my girlfriend's-friend got prgegnant(18),and she got an abortion.Now in turkey if we had a very low birthrate her life would have been ruined.

you should never ban choices of people.If they choose not to be rabbits,it's their choice.

I think you should only make abortion up to seven weeks time.

Some times,in order to avoid a harsh situation you have to take harsh measures.Still,as i've said in my previous response,when a state has a very big problem of low birthrate another option is to permit abortion but only under special conditions.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 12:30

I've never really understood the mentality of US conservative abortionists. Abortion's a crime but a bomb from a US plane landing on a school or hospital is justified.

I couldnt agree more...

Originally posted by Spartakus

Abortion is the natural life of women.

Com'on, so a woman does something wrong and becomes regretful about it, and she agrees her baby to pay this gult's price for her. Dont you realize how selfish it is? Of course, not in cases of rape and irregular babies.

no,if you get an aabortion up to seven weeks it is not murder

How do you identify a murder? Is it just killing a person with regular mental and physical abilities? So we just kill defected people according to this mentality. Murder is murder, no matter it is only an embrio or a new born baby.




Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 12:38
Originally posted by Oguzoglu

Originally posted by Spartakus

Abortion is the natural life of women.

Com'on, so a woman does something wrong and becomes regretful about it, and she agrees her baby to pay this gult's price for her. Dont you realize how selfish it is? Of course, not in cases of rape and irregular babies.



I've never said that.Look again my answers carefully. 

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 12:40
I said that abortion is a "democratical right" for women.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 12:42

Yeah, sorry, but it is the same thing, you claim it is a democratical right for women.

So what about the democratic rights of babies?


Posted By: Spartakus
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 13:01
No,it is not the same.Moreover,the mother is the one who will judge whether she can grow up a baby,if she can give him a proper and descent life,a good future or not.She will decide not the state.

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. "
--- Joseph Alexandrovitch Brodsky, 1991, Russian-American poet, b. St. Petersburg and exiled 1972 (1940-1996)

Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 14:39

Originally posted by Imperator Invictus

So are sperm cells, of which thousands die every day, considered living?

no, because sperms do not become babies, they only do when they come into contact with the female equivalent of it. equally, you will not kill a chicken by eating hens eggs, because the eggs were not in contact with sperms.


Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 15:15
Originally posted by Oguzoglu

I've never really understood the mentality of US conservative abortionists. Abortion's a crime but a bomb from a US plane landing on a school or hospital is justified.

I couldnt agree more...

Originally posted by Spartakus

Abortion is the natural life of women.

Com'on, so a woman does something wrong and becomes regretful about it, and she agrees her baby to pay this gult's price for her. Dont you realize how selfish it is? Of course, not in cases of rape and irregular babies.

no,if you get an aabortion up to seven weeks it is not murder

How do you identify a murder? Is it just killing a person with regular mental and physical abilities? So we just kill defected people according to this mentality. Murder is murder, no matter it is only an embrio or a new born baby.



on your logic we should not be eating meat

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2005 at 15:19
Originally posted by Oguzoglu

Yeah, sorry, but it is the same thing, you claim it is a democratical right for women.

So what about the democratic rights of babies?

Oguzoglu,the best way you can stop abortion is by shrinking the time to like 6 weeks(can't be exact)

İn seven weeks the baby has heartbeat,so that is as good as you will achieve

It is unthinkable to ban abortion

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: JanusRook
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 16:38

Let me tackle first my definition of life. You disagree with it by saying that any cell that shares human genome code should be considered human.

I never said that Hugo, in fact because of that very arguement I was very leery about saying that. What I did say was....

I define it as an organism that shares the genetic structure of human beings. I believe that means that a zygote, embryo, fetus are human.

Therefore sperm cells, egg cells, hair cells, skin cells are not human, but when a sperm cell and an egg cell combines into a zygote then it is human, its been a while since microbiology, but I believe humanity would occur somewhere around (meiosis?).

I think that you are specifically talking about the conceptus cell. Only those cells that can eventually result in the creation of a full human are human.

Yes exactly.

Part of the food that I eat will eventually become part of my body. In this manner, it is becoming human. However, I don’t grant humanity to the hotdog that I have on my hand. The hotdog cells will eventually become part of a human organism, but they are not by themselves human.

Technically the food you eat will become part of your body, but it will not become a living cell, at least not directly, it will be reprocessed and repackaged until its most basic compounds are refitted into your human body.

However hot dogs do not become human the same way zygotes become human, if you put a hot dog into a womb it will not grow into a human nor a hog nor another hot dog. However if you put a zygote in a womb it will grow into a human.

We can all identify humans on the street. We can all identify human babies. We can even identify human fetuses after a certain point. But most of us cannot identify a human embryo. If we can identify it is because we either studied enough biology to tell or because someone told us so.

Looks are not only what defines humans, are people with horrific deformities not human, it is our genetic framework that determines humanity, in the sense that a cell on its own, given the proper environment, can grow into a human being. 

We cannot interact with a cell the same way that we interact with a human. We can interact with children, we can interact with babies, we can interact with fetuses, but we cannot interact with a lump of cells.

So you prescribe to a belief in "You must be this tall to be human"?

We can most definetally interact with a lump of cells, if we could not than abortion could not be possible. Do you define it as being able to hold a human, well you most definetally can hold cells, even though you can't see or feel them, or does their small stature make them not human?

Also, what defines us as humans is our ability to think and communicate our thinking to other beings. If we do not have a brain, we cannot think, thus we are not human. A cluster of cells lacks a brain, lacks thinking, so it lacks humanity too.

So people who are braindead are not human, people with severe autism are not human. Or do you mean just without a brain. Many different organisms at the single-cell level show learning and conditioned responses to stimuli. Is this not thinking, do you not believe that chemicals released by the zygote do not interact with the mother that it is dwelling inside. Now of course it cannot read poetry or ride a bike or express love just yet, but neither can a newborn, the zygote is just limited in its physical nature, in a short period of time it will develop its first specialized nerve cells. That's all our brains are, stem cells that have become specialized to store information and process stimuli.

Again, would you rescue a living human being or a petri dish if there were a fire in a fertility clinic and you could only rescue one?

Of course I would rescue the living human, but that does not make the embryo any less human. To illustrate this I'll give you a scenario:

If a building was on fire and there was a newborn baby and an 16 year old girl and you could only save one, which would you save? Is the other one any less human?

Also, Hugo I too respect and like you, even though we have a difference of opinion. I do not believe I can, nor do I wish to change your mind, only clarify my own beliefs on the issue. Which you as always are helping me do.

Economic Communist, Political Progressive, Social Conservative.

Unless otherwise noted source is wiki.

Posted By: Thegeneral
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 17:10
How is killing a person, taking away their right to live, NOT murder?  I think it is absolute insanity to think it is not murder!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 17:11
Originally posted by Thegeneral

How is killing a person, taking away their right to live, NOT murder?

True. But the discussion is whether a fetus is a person or not.


Posted By: Mosquito
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 18:48

In the roman law even phoetus had some civil rights and could have even had protector who in latin was called "curator ventris"(protector of stomach). Unborn child - nasciturus - had conditionary legal personality. The condition was to be born alive.

"nasciturus pro iam nato habetur, quotiens de commodis eius agitur"

It is hard for me to translate it into english but it moreless mean:

"unborn child is considered being born, as far as it concerns his profits"

Most of the systems of civil law in continental Europe, which are in majority based on the old institutions of roman law still have the institution of nasciturus.

And in the same time women have "democratic" right to abortion.

So, consider such example:

Woman gets pregnat but her husband is being killed in car crash. Unborn child - nasciturus - will get half of the monay after his father - under condition that will be born. So the mother makes abortion and gets whole inheritance after her husband. Whats the difference between this abortion and murder for monay.

Most of people think about us lawyers rather bad things. But consider the fact that for 2000 years we stay on the guard of life and we try to protect even the interests of unborn whom you dont even consider "human".


Posted By: Thegeneral
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 18:54
A fetus is a living person.  At 6 weeks it has a beating heart.  How is that not alive?!


Posted By: Murtaza
Date Posted: 07-Jun-2005 at 19:40

Murder. Noone have right to take a life.(Not even rape)

I dont agree It is sometimes necessary for goodness.

who kill one man is not much different than kill all humanity.

Noone have to be killed for humanity.I dont see any different for killing someone for humanity(human) goodness or sacrificing a man/woman for gods favour.


Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 10-Jun-2005 at 15:51
Originally posted by JanusRook

Let me tackle first my definition of life. You disagree with it by saying that any cell that shares human genome code should be considered human.

I never said that Hugo, in fact because of that very arguement I was very leery about saying that. What I did say was....

I define it as an organism that shares the genetic structure of human beings. I believe that means that a zygote, embryo, fetus are human.

Therefore sperm cells, egg cells, hair cells, skin cells are not human, but when a sperm cell and an egg cell combines into a zygote then it is human, its been a while since microbiology, but I believe humanity would occur somewhere around (meiosis?).

I think that you are specifically talking about the conceptus cell. Only those cells that can eventually result in the creation of a full human are human.

Yes exactly.

Part of the food that I eat will eventually become part of my body. In this manner, it is becoming human. However, I don’t grant humanity to the hotdog that I have on my hand. The hotdog cells will eventually become part of a human organism, but they are not by themselves human.

Technically the food you eat will become part of your body, but it will not become a living cell, at least not directly, it will be reprocessed and repackaged until its most basic compounds are refitted into your human body.

However hot dogs do not become human the same way zygotes become human, if you put a hot dog into a womb it will not grow into a human nor a hog nor another hot dog. However if you put a zygote in a womb it will grow into a human.

We can all identify humans on the street. We can all identify human babies. We can even identify human fetuses after a certain point. But most of us cannot identify a human embryo. If we can identify it is because we either studied enough biology to tell or because someone told us so.

Looks are not only what defines humans, are people with horrific deformities not human, it is our genetic framework that determines humanity, in the sense that a cell on its own, given the proper environment, can grow into a human being.

As long as we can identify a deformed person as a human, they are human. Let me give you an example. Let's say that you are born with no legs and arms. I can still see you and know immediately that you are a human. Let's say that your mouth is fused, you noly have one eye, and you eat through a hole in your throat. You are still human. Anyone on the street can tell the difference between a deformed human being and a dog.

Most people will not be able to tell the difference between a human and a dog cell.

By stating that our genetic material defines humanity is you are going back to the incoherent claim that a lump of hair is human. By making the exception that only cells that can grow into humans are human, you are implying that we, adult humans, are not human beings; we are not a cell that will become a human.

In fact, your definition is self-referential. Play with it and you will find a paradox.

If a woman gives birth to a lump of flesh, let's say, a hand, the hand is not a human being.

We cannot interact with a cell the same way that we interact with a human. We can interact with children, we can interact with babies, we can interact with fetuses, but we cannot interact with a lump of cells.

So you prescribe to a belief in "You must be this tall to be human"?

We can most definetally interact with a lump of cells, if we could not than abortion could not be possible. Do you define it as being able to hold a human, well you most definetally can hold cells, even though you can't see or feel them, or does their small stature make them not human?

You know what I am talking about. We can play with babies. We can play with fetuses. When we talk, they begin to kick. You can play music and they react.

A lump of cells do not react this way.

And the fact that we can extract the lump of cells doesn't qualify for interaction. They routinely take out cancer cells, and none of those lumps of cells react. They are multiplying, yet they will not react to us playing Bach.

Also, what defines us as humans is our ability to think and communicate our thinking to other beings. If we do not have a brain, we cannot think, thus we are not human. A cluster of cells lacks a brain, lacks thinking, so it lacks humanity too.

So people who are braindead are not human, people with severe autism are not human. Or do you mean just without a brain. Many different organisms at the single-cell level show learning and conditioned responses to stimuli. Is this not thinking, do you not believe that chemicals released by the zygote do not interact with the mother that it is dwelling inside. Now of course it cannot read poetry or ride a bike or express love just yet, but neither can a newborn, the zygote is just limited in its physical nature, in a short period of time it will develop its first specialized nerve cells. That's all our brains are, stem cells that have become specialized to store information and process stimuli.


Yes, people without a brain are not human. People who are brain dead are also not human anymore. The essential characteristic of a human being is lost, and that is the end of your life.

When a person becomes brain dead, he becomes a self-sustaining lump of cells.

And conditioned-response is not thinking. We built machines that react in conditioned-response manners. In fact, we are communicating via one kind of them.

A cell may go away from the light. But this is not thinking. This is just a bio-chemical reaction, more complex but similar to pouring vinegar in bicarbonate sodium.

Also, you are contradicting yourself when you say that a just born baby doesn't think. They can think, althoug in very primitive ways.

Autistic people can think; they can't communicate with other people.

Retarded people can think, only at a very low level.

A lump of cells that lacks a brain-like structure cannot think. And you will have a hard time explaining how a lump with four non-specialized cells is thinking.

Besides, by your definition, we should grant human intelligence to many other beings, like chimp, dogs, rats, flies, fungi, and even plants. They all react to stimuli.

Again, would you rescue a living human being or a petri dish if there were a fire in a fertility clinic and you could only rescue one?

Of course I would rescue the living human, but that does not make the embryo any less human. [/quote]

Why did you chose the human being? What made you decide to go for her instead of the petri dish?

But let me change the scenario a bit. If it is between a petri dish and a baby, which one would you go for?

To illustrate this I'll give you a scenario/P]

If a building was on fire and there was a newborn baby and an 16 year old girl and you could only save one, which would you save? Is the other one any less human?

I would go for the newborn, because the 16-year-old already had a chance to live, and the baby hasn't. But I could easily go for the 16-year-old, because the chances that she will survive longer are better than the baby. But this is chosing between two identifiable human beings. I actually have to think about which life I would go for.

I doubt that any rational person would even begin to compare the petri dish and the human being.

But let me change the scenario a bit. If it is between a petri dish and a newborn baby, which one would you go for?

Also, Hugo I too respect and like you, even though we have a difference of opinion. I do not believe I can, nor do I wish to change your mind, only clarify my own beliefs on the issue. Which you as always are helping me do.


I do want to change your mind No, not really

I like discussing with you because you bring up good argument, and you understand that ideas are not the same than the person telling them. Even though we disagree with issue, we agree on the premise that there is no intellectual growth without testing our ideas with worthy opponents.


Posted By: akıncı
Date Posted: 11-Jun-2005 at 04:05

Originally posted by Thegeneral

A fetus is a living person.  At 6 weeks it has a beating heart.  How is that not alive?!

OK then we have to make a 5 week ime limit

"I am the scourage of god appointed to chastise you,since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity exept me.You are wicked,but I am more wicked than you,so be silent!"

Posted By: JanusRook
Date Posted: 14-Jun-2005 at 16:30

By making the exception that only cells that can grow into humans are human, you are implying that we, adult humans, are not human beings; we are not a cell that will become a human.

Man I hate nitpicking.

Ok how about this definition, a human being is a living organism, with the genetic code of a human being that has the ability to grow given the proper conditions into a thinking individual, that has the potential to create more human beings. -Don't know how to squeeze braindead babies and sterile people into the mix, although it does get rid of hair and fingernails being people.

Also, you are contradicting yourself when you say that a just born baby doesn't think.

Hugo I never said that, I said about a human baby:  " cannot read poetry or ride a bike or express love just yet..."

.....Hugo your always doing this, treating me like one of those psycho internet nuts that just spouts off the whole I told you so arguement.

But let me change the scenario a bit. If it is between a petri dish and a newborn baby, which one would you go for?

Newborn, no petri dish, no wait newborn......

Seriously the petri dish loses every time, not because its not human, but because it's less likely to survive.

But wait, I too must end with this repetitive scruples question.

What if you and your wife have tried unsuccessfully to have a child, and finally doctors were able to get one of your embryos fertilized.

In doing this it renders you sterile, so this is your only shot to have a child.

And then the fertility clinic is going up in flames and you can either save the petri dish or the 78 year old receptionist lying unconcious on the floor.

Who do you save?

Economic Communist, Political Progressive, Social Conservative.

Unless otherwise noted source is wiki.

Posted By: Genghis Khan II
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 18:23

OF CORSE IT IS MURDER. How can you justify killing a baby? Im sick of all of you. So realy the argument is whether it is a baby or not before it is born? thats like saying you are asleep if you sit on your bed. or you arent alive if you walk into a cemitary. Or arguing that its the parents choice whether to kill their son. why dont we allow parents to kill their kids any other age while were at it. This is discusting

So it would have been OK if your moms had decided they didnt want to have birth so they kill you while you were not born yet? Or are you saying that its ok if everyone else does it to their babys?

Morals went down the drain didnt they?

Evolution is dead they just forgot to bury the body.

Logic is the best kind of evedence, science is only second best.

Posted By: Genghis Khan II
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 18:27
And if you cant interact with someone because you are deaf, blind, and mute does that mean nobody is human?

Evolution is dead they just forgot to bury the body.

Logic is the best kind of evedence, science is only second best.

Posted By: eaglecap
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 20:19
Originally posted by Thegeneral

A fetus is a living person. At 6 weeks it has a beating heart. How is that not alive?!

I agree with you general but for many people on this forum is a only a thing or a choice. I think it is murder and I oppose it but I won't interfere with this wrong choice. I believe they should be required to go through counseling and presented the options before they can proceed with the abortion though. They should also be aware of the risks no matter how minor they are. Minors should have to have their parent or legal guardians permission also.
If there is a God then I think we will be held accountable for our choices, both good and bad.

Λοιπόν, αδελφοί και οι συμπολίτες και οι στÏατιÏτες, να θυμάστε αυτό Ïστε μνημόσυνο σας, φήμη και ελευθεÏία σας θα ε

Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 20:44

I only can see it as acceptible if it is the result of incest or rape I consider that as euthenasia. Otherwise it is murder, plain and simple afterall, it is illegal to kill unwanted children. 

If you are going to be stupid about having sex then you must face the consequences.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 20:59

For me abortion is a murder... regardless wht was the cause of the pregnancy... but i kinda agree with zagros

Originally posted by Zagros

I only can see it as acceptible if it is the result of incest or rape I consider that as euthenasia. Otherwise it is murder, plain and simple afterall, it is illegal to kill unwanted children. 

If you are going to be stupid about having sex then you must face the consequences.

if it is due to incest of rape... doesnt mean u hv the right to kill.. but... wht can a girl do in tht particular situation...  

if due to having sex with bth partners agreement... tht's definitely a murder..

abortion is not always a solution... sometimes the choice was limited due to the society expectation... which made the girl need to do beyond her willingness... any comment on this?


Posted By: azimuth
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 21:09

i am not sure but i think its ok to do it in the first or the second week of the pregnancy.

more than do it is considered a murder.

iam not very sure but i heared something like that on TV.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 21:26
Originally posted by azimuth

i am not sure but i think its ok to do it in the first or the second week of the pregnancy.

more than do it is considered a murder.

iam not very sure but i heared something like that on TV.

azimuth... u mean it is ok to do abortion in tht particular period in wht term?

moral.. religion or biological?

if biologically.. in the first 2 weeks ... it is safe for the mother to do abortion.. but after tht it wil be high risk to proceed the procedure.. can kill bth mother and of course... the foetus..


Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 21:39

 I'll never change my mind on this topic, abortion is never right, the fact this has become so common even accepted by many is sickening at best. Purely on moral grounds for me, nothing religious.

 Ive spoken to people who are for abortion if the mother wants it for whatever reason but fiercely oppose euthanasia, so its okay to destroy a life for possibly the most trivial reasons, but not to end the life of somebody who is in agony and begging for death to come. Thats always confused me.

 You can be sent to prison for years for assisting your partner or whoever to commit suicide, but its nice and legal for a woman to get an abortion and end a life just like that.

 I feel like exploding when I hear people who got an abortion because it'd of got in the way of their career or they just didnt want one at the moment and I think to myself if they didnt want a baby then why the hell did they have sex without using a condom or the pill?  

 Then you get the ridiculous excuse of "I was drunk" have people no obligation to be responsible anymore? Is it the unborn childs fault that somebody has been irresponsible sexually?

 Babies are being treated like objects or possessions that can be discarded at will, these are lives being legally destroyed, I really dont care what the scientific definition of life is, X number of weeks or whatever. I'm so disgusted by abortion and how it has become accepted by so many people, I feel like these people have lost their minds.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: Thegeneral
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 21:46
Originally posted by Heraclius

 I'll never change my mind on this topic, abortion is never right, the fact this has become so common even accepted by many is sickening at best. Purely on moral grounds for me, nothing religious.

 Ive spoken to people who are for abortion if the mother wants it for whatever reason but fiercely oppose euthanasia, so its okay to destroy a life for possibly the most trivial reasons, but not to end the life of somebody who is in agony and begging for death to come. Thats always confused me.

 You can be sent to prison for years for assisting your partner or whoever to commit suicide, but its nice and legal for a woman to get an abortion and end a life just like that.

 I feel like exploding when I hear people who got an abortion because it'd of got in the way of their career or they just didnt want one at the moment and I think to myself if they didnt want a baby then why the hell did they have sex without using a condom or the pill?  

 Then you get the ridiculous excuse of "I was drunk" have people no obligation to be responsible anymore? Is it the unborn childs fault that somebody has been irresponsible sexually?

 Babies are being treated like objects or possessions that can be discarded at will, these are lives being legally destroyed, I really dont care what the scientific definition of life is, X number of weeks or whatever. I'm so disgusted by abortion and how it has become accepted by so many people, I feel like these people have lost their minds.


Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 22:36
The status of person is defined by social standards. In some societies slaves or women or children under certain age are/were not considered fully persons with all the rights. In others outsiders or mebers of some castes are treated the same way. It is above anything a social belief.

Our society only gives the status of person to the born baby, in some cases one day after the birth only. The status of the proto-person or foetus is determined by diferent laws and under these laws it is not considered a murder in any case. The most it would be an unlawful abortion but never a murder, as a foetus is not a person.

Also when you kill in the battlefield or equivalent circumstances it is not considered murder either, even if, in most cases the victim is legally considered to be a person with full rights. When you admit that killing in the battlefield or that killing via economic deprivation is a murder, I will be willing to discuss this marginal case.

Anyhow, my personal ethic approach is that, while life is holy and abortion is never the best solution (but it can be the lesser evil) the rights of other people, specially women have to be considered prioritarily to those of a criature that is not even a fully formed person, just an undeveloped animal with a human genetic code (human potential).

So killing a human potential is not the same as killing a wholly developed human, that is a person with at least 10 months of age, where the baby developes the cognitive attributes that will make him/her human.

If we would live in a pink world where women would be entitled to full social protection only for being mothers, I am sure that much less abortions would happen. Yet it is an unalienable right of women and it must be protected, in order to protect women and their full power of decission on their own lifes.



Posted By: PrznKonectoid
Date Posted: 13-Nov-2005 at 23:14

Everybody has an opinion on abortion but few no someone who has gone through with an abortion.

First of all women that get abortion are NOT savage blood-lusting, killers who want to kill their babies it is often a very tough choice for them. And I mean if a 14 year old girl gets raped by a 50 year old guy how is that girl a killer. I know I would never want to have a child and give it up for adoption, knowing I have a cild out their. Basically, I believe abortion is a woman's right.

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Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 02:36

The topic of abortion is a very deep topic with a lot of ethical views.

Where there can be certain circumstances as to why a female would get an abortion, it seems to be that we are on the subject of "Is it murder" and "Is it considered human".

In my personal opinion it is murder and it would seem to me that we are asking ourselves the wrong question in "Is it really a human?" whereas we should rather be asking "Is it going to retain life?". the simple answer to this question is yes.

No matter what stage the "human", "embryo", "seed", or whatever you would like to call it is in, the simple fact of the matter is it will develop into a human life. Now we cant be certain of this because we can not forsee the future in that it may have birth problems but the question then becomes "In the action of abortion is that halting the human or would-be human from living?" and the answer is yes. that is by definition murder.

We are emphasizing to much on "Is it a human" rather than focusing on the fact that no matter what stage its in it will be a human life and thus by aborting it you are stoping it from living, thus "killing" or "murdering" it.


Posted By: Ahmed The Fighter
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 05:05

It is a murder it is a kill like you kill any other.

fetus is human or will be then how you could kill him or her.

"May the eyes of cowards never sleep"
Khalid Bin Walid

Posted By: Infidel
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 07:28

Though it is a private matter of the couple, I think abortion is murder. It should not be considered like a contraceptive method. I believe the life of those unborn babies should be taken more into account.

In cases where the mother's life is at stake or when there is serious malfunction and deficiency in the embryo (medical), abortion should be allowed.


An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

Posted By: Infidel
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 07:30
That being said, I'm totally in favour of condoms and pills and all other contraceptive methods. Family planning is very important in my view of things.

An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 07:48
Originally posted by arch.buff

... we are asking ourselves the wrong question in "Is it really a human?" whereas we should rather be asking "Is it going to retain life?". the simple answer to this question is yes.

What do you eat? I'm sure you don't eat minerals and unless you are Jainist saint that lives only on fruit you surely eat living criatures whose life you kill in order to survive. The question is not about life but about humanity, most people accept killing non-human criatures in order to survive as normal, not even subject to any type of ethical questioning.



Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 07:57
Originally posted by Infidel

In cases where the mother's life is at stake or when there is serious malfunction and deficiency in the embryo (medical), abortion should be allowed.

By "life" you mean mere physical survival or you actually mean life in the wide sense of the term? The mother's life could well be at stake without being a question of mere survival: if she doesn't abort she will became a slave of that criature for about two decades. Havig babies is no caprice but it must be a totally willing decission: 20-30 years of your life await you at the end of the tunnel. It's not like cats or dogs that in few months have done all their parenting, humans need to dedicate most of their lifes to such a task. It is a major issue on how are you going to live your life, too much often for young or not-so-young accidental mothers.

Of course the other side must be considered as well: aborting is not free of emotional consequences. But it must be considered by the would-be mother not by anyone else.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 09:38

a topic that is very subjective to discuss... for the people who are not to be in the position.. it is very easy to talk about principe and moral of humanity....

I am totally against abortion (exc. for rape cases)... it is inhuman... selfish... so unjustice... but for those women who are considering to do it or already done it... there must be some explaination for their action

Certain cases... the mother herself unable to make her own decision due to pressure from some reasons.. maybe the father reluctant to take the responsible or her family refuse to give her support... which cause her to decide to proceed with abortion even she might consider to keep the baby by herself... still this shouldnt be an excuse for her to kill her own baby.. but what can she do without support from others?
So therefore.. not only the woman should be blamed on this matter but also the father.. whatever it is.. consequently.. the mother will have to carry the guilt forever in her life... tht's for sure...



Posted By: Infidel
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 10:05

Originally posted by Maju

By "life" you mean mere physical survival or you actually mean life in the wide sense of the term?

Of course, I mean physical survival. That's the generic sense. 

The mother's life could well be at stake without being a question of mere survival: if she doesn't abort she will became a slave of that criature for about two decades.

Hmmm, and did your mother think of you like that? That you were just a burden? If she does, I'm sincerely sorry for you my friend because most mothers do cherish their children above all things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that a woman should be something like a mere birth machine. I defend family planning. The woman's right to not have children. But I honestly believe that abortion shouldn't be a resort in terms of unplanned pregnancies.

Of course, having a baby is not the same as having a cat or a dog. The responsibility is much greater. But the emotional envolvement, the attachment and the gratification are uncomparably greater as well.



An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 11:46

 I'm sorry but I find it hard to have any sympathy for the woman who decides an abortion is the best option, if for example she got pregnant during a one night stand or whatever she then has a responsibility whether she likes it or not to that child.

 I still fail to see what wrong that child has done, what has the unborn child done to deserve death before its even experienced life outside the womb?

 Not every woman who gets an abortion got pregnant through rape, i'd bet the vast vast majority got pregnant during one night stands when they were sexually irresponsible by not using contraceptives. Whos fault is that? its certainly not the unborn childs yet its the one that pays for it with its life.

 I'm sure abortion is traumatic for the woman, I dont doubt that, but then you have to think whos fault is it that your in this position in the first place? the vast majority of the time it wont be because of rape.

 There is so much emphasis on the well-being of the woman and almost nothing on the fact she is carrying a child, doesnt this seem abit one-sided to anybody? I think its about time the other person in this equation was considered.

 These women need to start taking responsibility for what they have done, if you get pregnant then you should have to deal with it you have from that moment on a responsibility, the destruction of a life like this is never justified IMO.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 12:44
The vast majority of women getting abortions in the U.S. are married and already have children. They get pregnant because of anticonceptie failure. They do it for economic reasons.

In most cases, abortion is done for economic reasons.

What anti-abortionists should do is to build a giant fund which will support these children. I am sure that many would keep their conceptus if they knew that they could support the child.

And adoption is not really an option, since it is asking women to do the very unatural thing of giving up their children to strangers. This is one of the most anti-family "solutions" that I have run into.

And the way that I see it, it is not incumbent upon the lower classes to provide babies for the upper classes to adopt. And while there are a huge amount of orphan children in the world, it is obscene to force women to come to term because one doesn't like the race or the health conditions of living orphan children.

If anti-abortionists are not willing to pay for these children, they should stop screaming, because all what they are doing is is feeling superior over women who have to take a terrible choice.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 12:44

heraclius wrote:

I'm sorry but I find it hard to have any sympathy for the woman who decides an abortion is the best option, if for example she got pregnant during a one night stand or whatever she then has a responsibility whether she likes it or not to that child.

but to get pregnant.. is it only one party involved? i dont think so...

And why must be only the woman is to be blamed and being critisized on this issue? Man should be responsibled on wht he had done too... not by running away when he knows the girl he slept or had sex or whtever happened getting pregnant his own child... why the society must be that bias?


Posted By: Zagros
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 12:52
Originally posted by cahaya

heraclius wrote:

I'm sorry but I find it hard to have any sympathy for the woman who decides an abortion is the best option, if for example she got pregnant during a one night stand or whatever she then has a responsibility whether she likes it or not to that child.

but to get pregnant.. is it only one party involved? i dont think so...

And why must be only the woman is to be blamed and being critisized on this issue? Man should be responsibled on wht he had done too... not by running away when he knows the girl he slept or had sex or whtever happened getting pregnant his own child... why the society must be that bias?

totally agree.


Posted By: Infidel
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 12:57

Originally posted by hugoestr

And adoption is not really an option, since it is asking women to do the very unatural thing of giving up their children to strangers. This is one of the most anti-family "solutions" that I have run into.

And to kill her child is a natural thing for a mother to do? I doesn't seem too a pro-family solution to me.

An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

Posted By: Infidel
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 12:59

Originally posted by cahaya

but to get pregnant.. is it only one party involved? i dont think so...

I totally agree. Many men just run from their responsibilities.

An nescite quantilla sapientia mundus regatur?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 13:22

hugoestr wrote:

The vast majority of women getting abortions in the U.S. are married and already have children. They get pregnant because of anticonceptie failure. They do it for economic reasons.

In most cases, abortion is done for economic reasons.

Well in this case... abortion is not the efficient way and probably not so cost-effective solution... use prevention method then... use pills.. condoms or wht not to avoid from getting pregnant... if abortion is for economic reason.. how much the cost to get rid a baby compare to buy pregnancy preventive pills or whtever thing which can avoid a woman to get unwanted child?


Posted By: morticia
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 13:49
In my opinion, abortion is an issue which should be private and should be legally available to all women, if the need should arise. It is the woman's decision (no matter what her reasons are)... it is her body, her mental stability and her future which are at stake. No one should take a "holier than thou" attitude. There are many reasons for having an abortion. I would prefer to terminate a pregnancy than to have a child and be unable to sustain it properly, or have it suffer from poverty or starvation because of the mother's inability to provide for it effectively. I believe that if a woman cannot adequately take care of herself, she definitely could not and should not place more pressure on herself by having to raise a child whose future is uncertain. I think a woman should make her own decision on the matter and be able to have a medically safe and legal procedure performed, if she so chooses. I don't consider it murder by any mean! Murder is having an unwanted child that will eventually starve to death from malnutrition and/or abuse and neglect.



Trust in God: She will provide." -- Emmeline Pankhurst

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 13:54
for me... abortion is a murder... whtever the reasons... but not only for the woman to be blamed but also the man... tht is my stand.... and the society should not be bias in making any judgement


Posted By: morticia
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:03
Hi Cahaya...
And you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I difer with you on this. A responsible couple should be in a position to adequately and efficiently decide their future together, that includes having or not having children. I'm not saying abortion is a good woman wants to have an abortion. To begin with, its a painful procedure and not good for a woman's body to undergo continuously. However, I believe there should be medically safe and legal options available for a woman should she (or a couple) decide that it is what is best for them. No one else should decide that and no one else should condemn or condone's simply their decision to make.


Trust in God: She will provide." -- Emmeline Pankhurst

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:10

hi to you back morty...

wel.. i respect ur opinion then...



Posted By: morticia
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:20

I don't think there is any right or wrong about abortion. But a woman should know that there are safe and legal options available to her which will accommodate whatever decision she may decide on.   It is simply an individual decision in my opinion. I also respect your opinion.


Trust in God: She will provide." -- Emmeline Pankhurst

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:25

hey morty...

I heard once people said... for a woman to have an abortion or miscarriage.. it is better for her to have normal delivery... due to health reason... why is that?

by the way... are u a woman?


Posted By: SearchAndDestroy
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:26

I agree with morticia.  They still do illegal abortion now, and one method is using a clothing hanger. People die from the illegal abortions, and before it was made legal alot of women did die because of it. Abortion is going to happen whether it legal or illegal, and because of that I believe it should be legal so that it is safe.

Also I think rape victims should be allowed to have an abortion and those who have a STD or know that the child will be in suffering after it is born for the rest of it's life.

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." E.Abbey

Posted By: morticia
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:32
Yes, Cahaya, I am a woman. You probably heard that because there used to be a time when women did not have access to medically safe abortions and went with doctors that were called "butchers" where they used hangers and other unsterilized utensils to perform illegal abortions. Many women died from infections developed due to the unsanitary conditions and some were left if such terrible conditions that they were unable to bear any more children for the rest of their lives. That is one of the reasons why it is so important that women never have to resort to such brutality and illegal practices. No matter what the reason for her decision, she should know that there is a medically safe option available where she can go and not be judged on her decision making privileges.


Trust in God: She will provide." -- Emmeline Pankhurst

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:39
therefore... prevention is the best solution.. i guess.. for those who wnt to do whtever can cause pregnancy... use prevention method please... rather thn u need to be a murderer or get urself butchered by some inhygenic doctors...


Posted By: morticia
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 14:47

By jove, I think you've got it! Prevention is the solution in the long run. Use of contraceptives should aid greatly in not placing one in such an undesirable situation. But, it's good to know that if pregnancy does occur, there are safe options to choose from in determining your future and your child's future as well.


Trust in God: She will provide." -- Emmeline Pankhurst

Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 15:02
Originally posted by cahaya

heraclius wrote:

I'm sorry but I find it hard to have any sympathy for the woman who decides an abortion is the best option, if for example she got pregnant during a one night stand or whatever she then has a responsibility whether she likes it or not to that child.

but to get pregnant.. is it only one party involved? i dont think so...

And why must be only the woman is to be blamed and being critisized on this issue? Man should be responsibled on wht he had done too... not by running away when he knows the girl he slept or had sex or whtever happened getting pregnant his own child... why the society must be that bias?

 There isnt only 1 party involved in the beginning of pregnancy, but there can only be 1 party involved in the ending of that pregnancy.

 The decision to abort can be purely the womans, the man can rant and rave to her about keeping the child but if the woman wants to abort she can regardless of what the father thinks. AFAIK that is the situation certainly in the UK, its gotten to the point here where teenage girls below 16 who get pregnant can get an abortion without even informing her parents nevermind the father.

 It may well be that the father is just another kid who is totally naive or ignorant of his own responsibilities, but there can be times when the father is fully aware of his responsibilities but is excluded anyway and the abortion takes place. Not even getting a chance to have a say on whether or not his child lives or dies.

 Say for example an adult woman accidently gets pregnant (for whatever reason) to her husband/boyfriend, he doesnt know she is pregnant she can then organise a date for an abortion and have it done without letting him know, the fact the child is as much his flesh and blood as hers doesnt seem to come into the equation. There are in this scenario 3 people directly involved.

 The 1st the unborn child is about to be aborted, the 2nd the woman doesnt even have to include the 3rd person the man and even if he was involved he would be pretty much powerless to stop his partner from aborting if it is what she wanted AFAIK.

 Accident or not a life has been created, it should not be discarded because it is an unexpected inconveniance or yet another financial burden.

 Does the unborn child not have the right to exist like anybody?

 Is it so difficult to use a condom or a pill these days? if you dont want a baby dont have sex without using a condom or the pill, there is no reason why an unborn child should have to pay for somebodys elses irresponsible behaviour IMO.

 I dont think I am being unreasonable there.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 15:14

SearchAndDestroy "Also I think rape victims should be allowed to have an abortion and those who have a STD or know that the child will be in suffering after it is born for the rest of it's life."

 I watched a program recently about abortions and people who can pass on genetic diseases and yet decided to get pregnant anyway.

 I think it is awful that some people are willing to have a child knowing the risk of passing on a potentially lethal or atleast debilitating condition/disease is high.

 Personally I dont think it is fair for people to do that, if 2 people know the chances of passing a disease onto their children is high then they should not I believe have a child, because that child is going to suffer for the rest of his/her life. I think adoption would be a much more suitible and sensible option here.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 15:31

A totally bias opinion.... from hera...

pregnancy is only happened to a woman (well not 100% accurate nowadays..  see - .. but tht's out of question)

still.... it is not woman fault alone if she get pregnant... in ur point hera.. u deny any circumstances of woman to have a right in order to proceed with abortions.... which is same with my opinion.. but only i am not agree to put all the blame on woman when the time the man refuse to take the responsibility.... which is differ with your point of view..


Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 15:38

 I believe a man has as much responsibility to a child as a woman, I dont want to get into the whole rights of woman and men when its comes to kids etc its veering off the topic somewhat.

 In the end it is a womans decision to have an abortion, she makes the decision regardless of what her husband/boyfriend whoever the father is says, if there is blame to be attributed for the actual abortion then it has to be the womans, for the pregnancy itself then it is equally the man and womans fault for being so irresponsible in the first place.

 However when it comes down to the abortion the choice, decision is all the womans unless I am very much mistaken the man has little to no legal role in the abortion process, I cant speak for all countries perhaps the father must be consulted first in some places etc I dont know.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 15:53
then a man should forget to have a sex with woman if they reluctant to carry the responsibility if there's possibility of pregnancy... so women wont be blamed by people if she had to do abortion.. cos accident does happen...


Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 16:00

 Accidents happen, but does that justify abortion? I dont think it can, that accident comes with added responsibility whether you like it or not life has been created, it cant be justifiable to discard it based on an accident.

 I could probably understand somebodys wish to abort if raped even then it still just doesnt sit right with me, but never because the child was an *accident* or is inconveniant for the parents that is just sickening.

 I think even many pro-choice supporters will be unhappy that some people abort simply because the child is an inconveniance, especially when the man and woman had been irresponsible when it came to contraceptives.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: Illuminati
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 16:44
The truth is that abortions are good for society. They keep the number of children in foster care from rising. You can bash the irresponsible parents all you want, but who really suffers in a situation like that? The child.

I don't think that a lump of cells is an intelligent life form. Therefore, I repect the woman's right to govern her own body. The government has no right tellinga  woman how to manage her body.

Abortion is sa,d but if a pregnancy is going to ruin the parent' s lives and leave the child in a bad home, then I don't think that aborting a fetus is a crime.

I don't approve of aborting an intelligent and well developed life....but i ahve no issue wtiha a woman doing it after conception or while teh baby is still a bunch of under-developed lump of cells.

I don't approve of late term abortions though. The baby is too well developed and it doesn't take 6 months to decide you want an abortion


Posted By: hugoestr
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 17:26
Originally posted by cahaya

hugoestr wrote/P]

The vast majority of women getting abortions in the U.S. are married and already have children. They get pregnant because of anticonceptie failure. They do it for economic reasons. In most cases, abortion is done for economic reasons.

Well in this case... abortion is not the efficient way and probably not so cost-effective solution... use prevention method then... use pills.. condoms or wht not to avoid from getting pregnant... if abortion is for economic reason.. how much the cost to get rid a baby compare to buy pregnancy preventive pills or whtever thing which can avoid a woman to get unwanted child?

These are cases where there is some kind of failure with the measures to prevent pregnancy. Believe me, I agree with you: prevention is much better than an abortion.


Posted By: Heraclius
Date Posted: 14-Nov-2005 at 17:30

 Illuminati I dont know about you, but i'd prefer to take my chances in and out of foster care rather than never exist at all. If I had had a choice in my own existance of course, of course I nor any other person had a choice they were made for us, but I think its better that you have the chance to live than not at all.

 A child suffers by being sent into foster care, you say that as if it is worse than not existing at all. You dont know how good or bad a life somebody is going to have until they live it, assuming the worst before the child has even been born is absurd. Its not ideal, but then neither is abortion I believe being put in foster care is preferable than being aborted.

 Theres always adoption, a woman can have a child and decide she cannot cope with that child (for whatever reason) so she can give he/she up for adoption and the child may or may not be adopted by somebody within a short time and the child will not know any different. Of course theres a million examples of kids spending years waiting to be chosen by a family and given a better life.

 However plenty of people are born into families stricken by poverty or other problems and have absolutely everything against them, yet they can still turn out to be good standing members of society who live good full happy lives.

 Are we going to stop people having children because they are certain to face adversity now? after all they will undoubtedly suffer something from the circumstances they are born into. Life is not easy, but people still deserve the right to exist and live their lives and make the best of whatever situation fate has them born into.

 Thankfully I was born into a warm and loving family, that wont happen for everybody, but does that mean every child who suffers adversity from the start turns out badly or depressed or wishes he/she was dead? I mean you get people who were abused as children by their parents yet as adults are happy and have families of their own and are living.

 So suffering problems early on in life doesnt mean it'd of just been better if you had been aborted.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough.

Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 01:31
Originally posted by Heraclius

 Illuminati I dont know about you, but i'd prefer to take my chances in and out of foster care rather than never exist at all. If I had had a choice in my own existance of course, of course I nor any other person had a choice they were made for us, but I think its better that you have the chance to live than not at all.

 A child suffers by being sent into foster care, you say that as if it is worse than not existing at all. You dont know how good or bad a life somebody is going to have until they live it, assuming the worst before the child has even been born is absurd. Its not ideal, but then neither is abortion I believe being put in foster care is preferable than being aborted.

 Theres always adoption, a woman can have a child and decide she cannot cope with that child (for whatever reason) so she can give he/she up for adoption and the child may or may not be adopted by somebody within a short time and the child will not know any different. Of course theres a million examples of kids spending years waiting to be chosen by a family and given a better life.

 However plenty of people are born into families stricken by poverty or other problems and have absolutely everything against them, yet they can still turn out to be good standing members of society who live good full happy lives.

 Are we going to stop people having children because they are certain to face adversity now? after all they will undoubtedly suffer something from the circumstances they are born into. Life is not easy, but people still deserve the right to exist and live their lives and make the best of whatever situation fate has them born into.

 Thankfully I was born into a warm and loving family, that wont happen for everybody, but does that mean every child who suffers adversity from the start turns out badly or depressed or wishes he/she was dead? I mean you get people who were abused as children by their parents yet as adults are happy and have families of their own and are living.

 So suffering problems early on in life doesnt mean it'd of just been better if you had been aborted.


-I totally agree with this entire post.

Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 01:43

Originally posted by Maju

Originally posted by arch.buff

... we are asking ourselves the wrong question in "Is it really a human?" whereas we should rather be asking "Is it going to retain life?". the simple answer to this question is yes.

What do you eat? I'm sure you don't eat minerals and unless you are Jainist saint that lives only on fruit you surely eat living criatures whose life you kill in order to survive. The question is not about life but about humanity, most people accept killing non-human criatures in order to survive as normal, not even subject to any type of ethical questioning.


-So what you are saying is that a cows life value is the same as a humans? So what would you have us eat? The difference is that we as humans have souls and animals do not. I doubt anyone here on this forum would say that they would let their child starve to death before killing and feeding a chicken to them. Why? because a human life is rightfully held in higher regard then an animals. Now Im not saying an animals life isnt important. For instance, your family pet is probably pretty important  to you, and in some homes is regared as just another one of the family but if the chose had to be made between killing rover and one of the other family members, there is a very definant reason why a human life would never be please dont put human life and animal life on the same level.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 01:49
Originally posted by arch.buff

Originally posted by Maju

Originally posted by arch.buff

... we are asking ourselves the wrong question in "Is it really a human?" whereas we should rather be asking "Is it going to retain life?". the simple answer to this question is yes.

What do you eat? I'm sure you don't eat minerals and unless you are Jainist saint that lives only on fruit you surely eat living criatures whose life you kill in order to survive. The question is not about life but about humanity, most people accept killing non-human criatures in order to survive as normal, not even subject to any type of ethical questioning.


-So what you are saying is that a cows life value is the same as a humans?

No that's what YOU said when saying that the problem isn't humanity but just life. I say that that's not true: the question is "is the foetus human?", not just merely if it is alive. Lettuces are alive but killing them is no ethical problem for almost anyone.



Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 01:54

It seems youve misinterpreted my post. The point I was trying to make is that its not so much "Is it at the stage where its considered human", rather the point should be "It is eventually going to be human no matter what stage its in". You just misinterpreted my post

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 01:57
Originally posted by cahaya

A totally bias opinion.... from hera...

pregnancy is only happened to a woman (well not 100% accurate nowadays..  see - .. but tht's out of question)

still.... it is not woman fault alone if she get pregnant... in ur point hera.. u deny any circumstances of woman to have a right in order to proceed with abortions.... which is same with my opinion.. but only i am not agree to put all the blame on woman when the time the man refuse to take the responsibility.... which is differ with your point of view..

What blame? I would not put any blame on a woman for deciding to have child or not. It's her decission and her responsability: she is the one that will have to bear the consequences of any decission in this delicate issue, not the man. The man only can support 100% his companion's choice in this matter, whichever it is.



Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 02:01

Doesnt it seem unfair that the man has no say for a life he has created. Is the child any more the womans than the mans? I totally agree that the man should take responsibility for the child after it is born, even if only by child support.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 02:04
Originally posted by Heraclius

 Accidents happen, but does that justify abortion? I dont think it can, that accident comes with added responsibility whether you like it or not life has been created, it cant be justifiable to discard it based on an accident.

Yes, there is an added responsability: to abort or to have it. The day-after pill actually simplifies the matter a lot, because it is an intermdiate step that you can take without having to go through the surgical procedure. Sadly it's not freely avalaible in all countries as it is considered an abortive.

Look Heraclius: people have to take many decissions and to assume many responsabilities through life but if there's a choice let's keep it open so people is not trapped in some moralistic black-hole for 20 or 30 years. If you break your leg, you have to pass though it but if you can get it cured, you will do, won't you? Same with sex accidents.



Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 02:09
Originally posted by arch.buff

It seems youve misinterpreted my post. The point I was trying to make is that its not so much "Is it at the stage where its considered human", rather the point should be "It is eventually going to be human no matter what stage its in". You just misinterpreted my post

Not necessarily: natural miscarriages happen, infant mortality happens. Also, with that logic of you, you should not use contraceptives nor even allow menstruation to happen as every reproductive cell has the potential of becoming a whole human being if the process is fullfilled according to its purpose. That's nonsense: a bunch of cells is not any human being,no matter how much human potential they may have.

I think abortion in the first three months should be 100% free and payed by the state as any other health care, including the psychological advisor. Furthermore in order to save in costs and traumas, the day-after pill should be easily available.



Posted By: arch.buff
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 02:17
Ok, in my post i was trying to get a grasp of the question "Is abortion murder?" well, sure seems like it to me. Let me ask you...In killing those cells are you not stopping human life? you skirt around the issue but the simple answer is yes.

Posted By: Maju
Date Posted: 15-Nov-2005 at 02:34
Originally posted by arch.buff

Doesnt it seem unfair that the man has no say for a life he has created. Is the child any more the womans than the mans? I totally agree that the man should take responsibility for the child after it is born, even if only by child support.

I don't know why you have a love relationship, maybe to have kids and reproduce your genetic code and your mentality, but I do for mere love towards my partner. Kids are not any priority in my life and I don't plan to use my partner to whom I owe total alliance to fulfill my own egoistic desires (at least I will try not to do it).

I know that bringing a kid to life, breastfeeding it and caring for him in the early years, no matter how compromised I am, is mostly a mother's responsability. Therefore and out of respect for such a sacred resonsability I can't discuss her decissions in this matter. If there's an abortion the emotional trauma is going to be for her, if there is a full pregnancy,birth and child bearing is also going to be largely her problem. We just put the sperm and can perfectly be totally out of the rest of the process, as happens in many animal species and quite often among humans as well. So it is something that is at least 90% the mother's responsability, I would say that 100%.

In this issue men can be evil and think only in our own desires and ideas or be good and think only in our companion's needs and the difficult responsability that she is carrying whatever her decission. This is not like what film are we seeing tonight or who is taking care of the laundry, matters that can be wholly shared. In this case the role of the male is small and that of the woman is huge. We are no birds that can alternate the incubation of the eggs: we are mammals and that puts most of the parental responsability in the female side.



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